Has anyone found 'Blueberry' from seed?

Akbeanbrains has some nice blueberry and blueberry crosses. I’ve ran about 30 of the 907 bluegenes and found some nice keepers.


How was the consistency between plants? Were they all Blueberry?

Better than anything else I’ve tried. When I got back into growing I bought numerous packs of bb and bb crosses from other breeders. These are the best I’ve found. I say you’ll find a keeper in every pack. Ran a bunch of the phk x vbb and they were all nice plants. Some were like very sweet hashy smelling and some had more bb sweetness. One had a nice candy gas thing. Really pretty colors.


Very cool, I’ve run his Hawaiian Cat Piss v3, Old School Skunk, and ISS x Chocolate Thai. All were solid.


Im interested in that new limited mass medical blue lotus x star pupil he swears its strong and very blueberry

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That’s what you love to see… a plant just vibing through whatever, wherever, and without making a fuss.

I’m very curious about how you knew the breeders mix was an F8, and how one might find more information on the different releases. I have a pack of Blueberry Muffins from HSC that is labeled “12/21” and is 20 regular seeds. It doesn’t say “breeders mix” on it so I’m assuming it’s not the same but they seem to do more feminized releases (that I observed) and so I wanted to rule out the scenario of the pack being regular seeds as an implied breeders mix.

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Dude the 907 Blue Genes/NL is a beautiful plant structure is insane. Has that Christmas tree shape. How was the yield on the plants u grew? The one I m growing is out doors and its enjoying the full sun. Real impressed with this strain so far


There’s some that lean more sativa and they yield a bit less. If you can search through a couple of packs you should find something a little stockier with less stretch. I’ve run probably 30 or 40 and they were all good plants. I definitely recommend them… or anything else from akbeanbrains. I’ve loved everything I’ve grown from him.


He swears a lot of things, he’s insufferable, shady, and there are so many better breeders and humans to get beans from.


I believe it’s because I saw it listed in a description from Hend RX/HSC, but I can’t find it now. Their current beans are F9. It’s possible it’s a F6 or F7, but it’s their latest clone release, I believe replacing their previous breeder cut which was less potent. The latest one can test near 30% as I believe if you nitpicked the older cut was a little less yield and meh potency.

They, like many breeders, are producing less and less regulars.


Yeah , I won a pack of the akabb vintage BB x BBM and start a few as of now I have one female going and its a good looking plant. I d like to try the vintage BB alone . I hear its a strong strain and the plants good in colder climates in flower. I ll probly grab somemore of there gear after I finish the dj Short bb run.


Same with Matt Riot/Riot Seeds. Dude swears hes got the blue-est berry. But I ran some overpriced ass Blue Bonnet stuff, and they were no joke some of the worst seeds Ive ever ran lol. Plants grew okay, but the buds had 0 blueberry smell/taste. And 0 potency. I even smoked out a few buddies to make sure I wasnt tripping out lol

Seems like the vast majority of breeders these days just make whatever claim expecting most people growing the seeds to have no clue as to what they should be like. Or the classic “blame the grower” for stuff not coming out well.


A while back I felt bad for the guy, the community was going after him pretty hard. People took it too far when there was some drama with him and prof p. I chalked some of it up to RIU and the toxic place it can be.

I wanted some new Sativa to try, he was accommodating by answering my questions and was at least geeky and had a lot to say about the plants. I even sent the dude some beans because he wouldn’t stop taking shit about autos. I had some issues with a lot of his stuff after I started my run. I messaged him and he told me I was watering too much and that all of his X strain and crosses plants don’t like water… Later confirmed by other discord dwellers.

Uhhhh… yeah… cool… the seeds I sent you don’t like light… :crazy_face::man_shrugging::roll_eyes:

A little while later he was going off on Zkittles and how it’s cookies and anything with cookies his awful one night, and I snapped. We argued about there being cookies in Z. He went off on some diatribe about cookies, I point out his Peanut Butter Breath and Runtz related strains, and I get removed from his discord.

The fact that MMS, Matt Riot, Ethos and some others have loyal fans despite them being awful gives me hope that maybe I can make at least side hustle money :joy:

Anyway… Blueberry often doesn’t lend itself to more Blueberry… I’ve grown out a bunch of blueberry from various sources, you can find all kinds of earthy, savory, floral, berry stuff in it. If you’re in it for just the blueberry flavor, and scent, blueberry muffin is your most reliable option imo. The BBM x VB will have blueberry as well and a lot of them lack the vanilla muffin part.


Love BBM … I ve grown out 3 different versions all were decent but the Sinse BBM is my favorite by a mile . I found 1 insane plant that I ll try to keep as long as possible. I plan on doing so breeding projects with her. I must ve got rid of 50 clones this spring . This strain was so easy to clone and the clones grow big fast . Just an awesome plant


Sinse BBM? @Originalweedman


That sounds like the HSC cut. It’s one of those that will root in a cup of tap water easily

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Yeah long story.Sinse is a Colorado company . They bred the bbm strain I have .

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What is HSC?

Humboldt seed company, breeders of the more commonly known and used Blueberry Muffin.


If I get a female from the Coastal Blueberry, Im thinking of dusting a couple buds with @DougDawsons Blue Kush pollen. Just to see how it would be.