Has anyone found 'Blueberry' from seed?

I m growing there PPD . I dropped 3 seeds and 2 popped. I ve heard great things about this strain . Also Humbolts best plant to my knowledge was there Blue Dream. I can t say I ve grown it but anyone I know who did said it was handsdown their favorite plant. When I thought about grabbing it the price went way up so I had too pass. I ended up growing seedsmans fast version of Blue Dream and had issues . The plant hated the rainy season and I lost a ton of bud from rot . The buds I did cure were great . I may try to grow it indoors one of these days.

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no way. HSC’s best strain is Blueberry Cupcake. It’s hardly blueberry… it’s more wedding cake. its the tastiest strain i’ve come across.

I just grew blim burn blue dream. it was really tasty. but it was more true to the blueberry than the BBC is. very tasty. very purple


Blue Dream


Maybe I’m old fashioned but I think DJ’s Blueberry has it. Not the newer versions but the older stuff definitely has nice blueberry smells and taste. Blue Dream is good but not even close to actual blueberries


I’ll say it again…you want real deal lip smacking blueberry terps… Coastal Blueberry…
80 bucks a pack even… maybe I should have priced them at 200 LOL

or keep hunting thru hype seeds from tired played out lines that lost thier genuine “blueberry terps” generations ago. LOL


They both look great! I really like the color of the Blue Dream.

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Yes but to those of us who still have the old seeds they are very much alive and well!


You have me excited to get a female out of the 2 I have going!

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well… like countless other growers who seek real deal blueberry and not watered down “berry” weed… I got tired of searching the old lines I grew in the late 90’s and early 2000’s that have been hashed and rehashed and the blueberry becoming harder to find and isolate… i took it upon myself to bring something to the community that delivers real strong blueberry… actual blueberry , in strong hardy plants that will thrive indoors or out and deliver on the potency front as well.

If the older lines were truly delivering the blueberry everyone here seeks… there would be no need for this thread

I offer an alternative, for those seeking a true Blueberry experience… not hype and false advertising :wink:


I’m running a couple of over the counter Acapulco Golds this Summer @Tomahawk, just to see how close they are.
Nice idea about finding what’s best


Fresh out of the fridge. It begins…


I just can’t see it to be honest not in mass medical yes i know about his hate for gsc and how he has bred with it, how else would he know he hates it?

I follow mass medical on Instagram he’s not a bad person to me but Matt riot is a troll for sure I had some exchange with the guy I ended up blocking him. I was arguing about something blueberry with him I think I was saying something like stop lying blueberry is not potent

Now that’s an endorsement :slight_smile:

I got a pack just waiting to get a spot in the dirt. Looking forward to it :beers:

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I looked at their site, that’s just the HSC Blueberry Muffin, likely the breeder cut.

I think you’re confusing HSO and HSC. HSO is white labeler that probably sold a lot of “blue dream”.


almost forgot about this. My 1st indoor grow, 2 years ago. Barney’s Farm blueberry cheese. stuff put me to sleep every time… that cheese nap effect. It was like, too strong, in the sleepy way.

HSC Blueberry Cupcake x MAC1. Super tasty strain. cake strain.
Blimburn Blue Dream. also very tasty but in a more fruity/berry way. not like a cake strain. nice high.

I also grew blimburn Apple & Banana with the Blue Dream. They were really similar, A+B had that huge gelato bud structure.


I m not sure , I m trying to go through my notebooks to find all the info I have on it. I always take a fan leaf and save it on one page and write all the growing and strain info on the next page so its side by side. I ve done this since I started . I think you could be right.


I always wanted to grow Blue cheese. I ve heard alot of great things about that strain. Great pictures man…


Blueberry x PPD, and if you look at most of their stuff it’s generally clone only and known breeders like Cap, Sin City, HSC, Bloom, etc. They’re definitely not breeders.

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Blueberry and Blueberry Muffin (the big one) clones in the great outdoors… There’s a solid chance this is the blueberry mom that was originally used if they used a clone. They both love it out there and they all have shown rebatable cold resistance. Some of these plants have seen freezing temps and snow. That tiny little plant was moved outside as a tiny clone in March at 43n… It’s trying to decide if it wants to flower or veg… It’s making some BX blueberry fast photos while she’s at it

I just smoked some of my scraggy 2023 outdoor of the BBM, it was in a shady greenhouse and then dried outdoors. It’s not pretty, but still smells of blueberry muffins and smokes great. My only complaint about her, the high isn’t as good as the best blueberry smoke, which can be said about a majority of cannabis Imo. She does have that almost really nice uplift and kick initially that blueberry has for me, it’s just not quite as joyous, it thar makes sense. Anyway, these two will be meeting for a fem BX of sorts. If there’s not blueberry galore in those seeds, I’ll be shocked.

That’s the sane BBM was not doing well indoors (my neglect). I tossed it outside when it was consistently 30’s and it looked like this…


Yeah , I actually have a friend who was breeding for them in Colorado and I bought the seeds that my plants came from 3 years back. IDK , Either way this is my 2nd favorite strain and smells like BB in veg and it only gets better as it grows.The genetics are an old BB X PPD and something else from what I was told. I messaged him to get more info . I m gonna use a clone for fems and breed one to a BB and then hunt for something good.