Has anyone found 'Blueberry' from seed?

They may have taken some seeds and found one they liked, but HSC definitely bred it initially. If you’d like to compare it to the known and latest HSC breeder cut let me know, I’m happy to trade it your way.

Did I send you the BBM x (BBM x VB) Beans? I have very few, and only one or two people got them.


I grew humbolts version and its def not the same not even close but i appreciate the offer. I think I only got ur autos. I m running AkaBB Bbm x Vintage BB too. I ve grown so many Bbm strains and BB strains looking for tht old school BB I fell in love with… Thats kind ve why Im doing the bb run and breeding projects . I m trying to find tht insane euphoric and blissful effect like the Original BB had .


just finished scoping the 20 Coastal Blueberry plants I have going for the greenhouse and 11 of 20 are female. I will be culling all the males and flowering out the females only. There are a few in the mix that have delicious stem rubs and removing a few lower fans to encourage branching under the LED… sap is sticky and oh so blueberry smelling… like a sweet ripe blueberry fruit.
So hopefully my season is kind and these grow well out under the sun. I’ll do pics once everything is transplanted and moved outside.


Thats awesome… I have 2 Coastal BB going in my 2nd spot with my BBM and BB fem … I d love to get a male BB or even a Coastal BB to hit my BBM with… I can t wait to see how these come out.


I agree 100% …The older versions are and were my favs and its not even close to most of the stuff around today . I am hopeful though. I ve hear good things about all the BB strains Im currently growing and Im also doing a Dj s 90s seed run to and a couple other versions of his BB . I always wanted to grow Dutch Passions BB as I ve heard mix things about it ,but I would like to judge for myself.


@Originalweedman I have old Dutch Passion Blueberry. Still have some F1’s from early 2000’s. I’m really happy with them. They throw nice blueberry terps. You’re welcome to some if you want brother. We’re all working together here :+1:


when hunting a potential coastal blueberry male… stem rubs will tell you.
You want the males with tacky or sticky stem rubs and the sweet ripe blueberry smell to the sap when you pluck a fan leaf. Toss all others keep only the ones I describe for best breeding results.


DM incoming…Very cool of u man.


Awesome. I kind ve do that same thing . I can see the difference in some of the BB plants one has the berry smell starting which is awesome for being early still. I m excited about your strain.Thank for the advice.


The 5 seeds I posted above are from @Chara … Soaked 24 hours in a 1% Hydrogen Peroxide solution and planted in Roots Organics to start… Looked like they were on their way to opening, not to shabby for 21 year old beans… Still time to grow em out this season if you get a few,


I was wondering if those were the ones I sent. So happy the see them opened up after all these years!


Was trying to be a surprise grow and show for you, not now I guess…


I have an old college book that’s filled with blue cheese & mac1 leaves. i’m too afraid to open it… it’ll make a huge mess. so dry n crispy. and we make such a mess trimming. ugh. i’m so tired of leaves right now. I wish I kept a lot more. I try to atleast take a good “strain true” leaf picture of each grow. Each shape tells a story.

Thanks, about the pix. I actually used the Canon for those BC shots. usually my cell phone gets wavy lines from the UV lights.


sweet… Thats awesome. Im excited to get these going .


Thats awesome. I love keeping a journal of evrything from the grow a from germination to smoke report. It s awesome looking back at old creations and strains.

You’re comparing seeds to seeds, there’s going to variability (even at f8 plus), mishaps, whatever. But to say your version and HSC’s version are totally different is going to get really confusing. I was confused when you’ve talked about it in the past, until I looked at the site. So yeah, the genetics they list are the HSC genetics. It could be from seed, but it’s likely the cut, which iirc was found in a huge outdoor hunt and has won cups.

Anyway, not trying to change your mind or argue, just make you aware of what you most likely have and avoid some confusion, as well as give HSC the credit they deserve for creating one of the most alluring smelling and aptly named strains ever. :v:

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No worrys man. I can respect your opinion. I d also would give them credit the deseeve if it was there strain but know 110% its not . I m growing HSC Purple Panty Dropper now and I did grow there BBM and Blue Dream . Anyway . I appreciate the autos the smaller is catching up to the big one . The bigger one still hasn t showed its sex.I ll lyk know how they turn out.


@Chara – First 3 of 5 are up



:tada: :tada::tada: :tada: This is going to be fun!


#4 - had to dig it out to help it reach some sunshine just like a few others… #5 looks to be a dud so 2 more seeds going in…