Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

heh heh yah man It’s actually really simple. The fucking shit regenerates from plant material laying around that was infested. If you go and spray the area where you plant the plants before you plant them, and then plant clean clones, the mildew won’t need to be wrestled with. Unless there is special case where there is a mildew host for cannabis around but I haven’t seen that happen yet. The host has to be within 6 meters as well which is pretty close by.


Oh yeah silica foliar and drench’s too

The whole area will be treated as soon as the frost is over trust me

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ehhh I’d wish you good luck, but that’s not a factor! lol never trade skill for luck. It’s easy to understand why people think you have to burn down your house to get rid of it, the parasite can be tricky.

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We had what they call snow mold on the grass this spring . Disappearing once things dried up .


I’m only using it as a chance to salvage what I have.Either way PM showed up very later in flower so it was soak in Sulpher and ruin the weed or take a chance and Cut to cure with my cocktail mix of Cease LABS and plant probiotics and cutting away affected leaf material and put in trash.If if is a bust then it was going to be ruined with sulpher anyway,I don’t care what tincture or edible or what magic pixie dust confectionery delight you can whip out of it I’m not ingesting that shit at least my shit is a biological that dies off and can be washed off in a bud wash instead of sulpher that shit goes to the bone.We will see and like I said I’ll post results either way rain or shine so we will see if I’m full of shit or not.Stay tuned folks :+1:


lol never spray sulfur in bloom.


You’re the most knowledgeable person on the subject of “PM and Cannabis”. Your hands on experience and methodology being part of what makes you. But wholesale rejection of someone else’s ideas because they are not you isn’t always the best. Example; I mentioned Ozone and you freaked. I never suggested that anyone use Ozone as it’s dangerous. But the information I offered is valid and probably good in a person like your hands. Because actually what I do with Ozone is similar to what you do with Sulfur. Only you have the expertise and passion to fully understand what I seen in my application of Ozone. In essence if you were looking over my shoulder for my initial test applications of Ozone you would of said “Holy Shit Batman”. You gas your plants and see the results a few hours later. No clean up. I would bet that if actually ran some Ozone Tests you’d expand your vision. If only as a test tool. And it can be done in flower and I think the gas gets almost everywhere.

Optic foliar does great preventing pw

Please keep the conversation cordial.

There are multiple viewpoints, safety considerations, and environments to consider when dealing with powdery mildew. Likewise, there are multiple techniques, plant health, nutrient considerations, and products (organic, synthetic, homemade) that can help prevent and mitigate infection. There is not one answer that covers everything. There are advantages and disadvantages, as well.

Please keep the conversation on-topic and consider that an open dialog regarding different experiences, studies, and techniques contribute to a larger base of knowledge and long term improvements for each of us as we discover. Debate should lead to an outcome that moves us all forward. This is an important topic. Please respect individual contributions. Please keep any debate cordial.


I wish they would learn the rules though. So many logical fallacies, phew!

A conversation on the merits of different techniques or methods can occur between opposing theories without having to resort to insults. If we get to that point, we’ve all lost.

Sharing of studies or research can help to bolster one’s debate. Individual experience or trials can also lead to insights and further discussion/investigation.


I know, but the thing is people who don’t do studies just come on and call you a liar and say you made it all up. Then propose a solution that has been falsified. It’s a crazy loop. shakes his head
Not that people don’t know the solution now, though, so that’s cool.

You sure are a good moderator man!!


A very fair one like when I see a post reopened with a explanation. Instead of it being totally shut down.


After some meditation, I’ve concluded that I’ve been unfair to the believers. The rest of you know where to find me :wink:
Sorry to end the reality show early dudes and dudettes, I know it’s a letdown. Keep it real! Oh that’s not some kind of signoff message chortle I’m just gonna be in the lab.



Your fine man, just chill a touch. All is good, folk round here pretty accepting. Just gotta understand there is more than one way to skin a cat, and our’s may not always be the best or only way. Something i have recently learned, at almost 70 years of age…yeah im a mite slow.

Your PASSION is exactly what it is all about. Just take that, kick it down a notch or 11, lol, and hang round. There are no better sites. Been there done that. Trust me.

I would say if i ever get PM again(had it once) id read the novel above and see waht your talking bout Willis, lol. BUT, 1 pm run was nuff for my entire life. Ever see it again, ill burn the run in a heartbeat.

Are you the one making the hash ?? @JoeCrowe


ohh no I’m just over the making fun of the people who believe in their bias. lol! I am indomitable! I just definitely made my point about that shit.

Oh my that’s an arena I’m a champion in. I can’t wait 'till someone here on OG wins a trophy using diy freeze dried hash tech champion style. I know I say that a lot but I’d die happy.