Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew?

Which is why I said above to use gypsum

With correct cation balance, pests are not a problem because now the plant can make appropriate secondary metabolites.

So, PM is just another sign that the soil is not balanced.

By any chance, are you Matt Riot?

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Another old wives tale. Yo, I’m hash matty like the cartoon says.

Ok where is this thread about the sulfur? I want to check it out asap. I hate PM and I would sleep easier at night with more knowledge!
Edit. I found it! I will definitely do this. Can you apply during the first week or two after the 12/12 change, before you see onset of flowers? I just switched to 12/12 last night.

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you cant apply sulfur if there is ANY resin.
The sulfur binds to the resin and makes the shit toxic, cant even clean it up in extracts.
I’ve seen ton poundage of weed in Humboldt get ruined by sulfur. Just one of the reasons I dont spray pure sulfur. But, sulfates are a-ok

You could get in a single dose, so make it a good one. The problem is, the sulfur will be on the plant material after that, so if you smoke that material that touched sulfur, it’ll taste like gun powder. Nasty.

lol! Are you using aluminum sulfate or something? that shit is nasty.

be honest and let people know that once it binds to resin its now toxic to consume.

Never spray in bud, what’s so difficult to understand? If you are super paranoid about some elemental sulfur, then feel free to clone the plant once it’s cleaned up. There won’t be any sulfur left.


phew ok in case anyone missed it… I can deliver a version of the report to the legal producers. Here’s how it works…
Powdery mildew is a parasite that lives on plant material. When you are getting the clones from the licensed nursery, put them under ultra violet and/or scan them microscopically. When mildew is detected, use the sulfur protocol to eradicate it before planting the clones. This will limit the outbreak to nothing, and you won’t ever have to worry about mildew. Never spray sulfur in bloom. Sulfur protocol mix 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of 90%+ sulfur with 1 liter of water and soak the plant, then do it again two weeks later. Never spray on after an oil based application.

Now, you see how this whole scheme works? The objective is to never introduce powdery mildew by nipping it in the bud. Why do you think I’m reading Govn’t regulations on growing weed? So I can give shitty advice that will get them busted? OR I’m making sure the advice I give them doesn’t result in their license being pulled? Then if there IS a problem, I can also advise how to get rid of it, and then make sure it doesn’t come back. It’s literally what I do.


Thanks man. I will probably pass this round and do this in veg next time. This is fantastic info. If fact I’ll ask one more question if you’ll abide.
When I use OGBiowar foliar and root mix and drench my plants with it, the next day they look like they are plugged into electricity lol. Like, they almost have a glow they look so healthy. I know this stuff is debated here and there. What exactly is happening?

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Microbes are responsible for the plants overall health. I’m not talking in a clean room grow, but say over there in the living soil right? They give the plant resources and in the case of symbiotic organisms, they trade carbon with the plant, and the plant gets everything it needs to live. Some plants only rely on symbiosis to live, like the coral root orchids. It’s a rich tapestry out there and it’s alive. Some organisms are parasitic to plant parasites, or even toxic to parasites. I like Elaine Ingham soil food web.
Ironically if your plants have mildew and you wipe the colony out with sulfur they start to look good again. The fucking mildew parasite really hits the plant in the knackers by penetrating the cells inside the stomata and feasting on the plant to survive.


Oh shit that reminds me. Research on giving a plant ethanol shows it keeps the plant stomata closed, and I was wondering to myself… could that actually prevent infection?? ha hhah stupid brain, always thinking crazy thoughts.

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I’m going to put this out there since a lot of people keep asking about the PM in flower.Right now the PM I had isn’t getting any worse in fact it’s stopped spreading.Hasn’t gotten rid of all the PM spots per say but something happened to the PM.The combination of Cease mixed with 15 ml of fresh LABS and plant probiotics powder have knocked the pm on its ass and the PM is melting and falling apart.No damage or funky smell imparted on the buds they smell wonderful and sticky as glue .Now they say use every 3 days I have been using it every two days.Here’s one of the worse leaves I could find and the PM faded into a pile of nothing.I know it probably won’t fully kill it but I believe this is an option to try and save your flower.I will report back till harvest to see if this gets me to harvest with minimal cut and dump…


I have been using a combination of spraying with my Cocktails and defoliation.I spray the whole plant top to bottom then I defoliate to soak the spores down and keep them from spreading when they are dry.Been spending 20 min a day and I’m not seeing any fresh spots.The PM has stabilized to a point it isn’t event powdery it’s a yellow stain really you can’t even wipe it off.The plants must like that Bacteria Subtillus because they are healthy nuclear green and perked up at 45s all day.


have you considered it might be water scale?

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Not water scale looked under my microscope definitely spores but they are all melted just like the Cease animation for showing how it works.It attacks the shit on contact and causes the walls of the spore to collapse and turn to mush.Probably the dull spots I’m seeing the guts of the spores are smashed and leaking everywhere.I had tears of joy when I seen it it was beautiful

It’s supposed to destroy those little tendrils the spores use so they can’t get into the plant leaf wall.Eats up the spores like candy

hmm my question is how did it even get to that point?

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Don’t know do t have time to waste chasing my tail there is no pm around everthing that got his was either cut down or being treated so I’m where I’m at and I’m dealing with the issue and I’m not losing any sleep over this as a matter of fact I’m going to be ok.Next year I will have started a clean seed stock in a slick sterilized environment no cuts in or out and everything withing a 50 Ft radius of my plants will be treated with JADAM sulpher treatments i will make 5 gallons this year and I’m even going to use the red clay powder in it and I will do JADAM sulpher IPM sprays to the Area and the plants till flower then I will use cease at a moderately paced IPM treatment use JADAM sulpher treat the area but not the plant with Sulpher.I’d like to see the little fucker get past that.