That’s easy to do… we’re all a bunch of stoners
There is a product called Plant Therapy that will get rid of it and keep it away. You can make something similar at home. Its just soybean oil, ISO, soap, and peppermint. I spray it on my plants every time I think about it.
Found this stuff on the NPK RAW site…have never used, seen or heard of this stuff before (but have ordered their RAW K (0-0-50)).
for PM
I’ve used mighty wash. It works ok, but is crazy expensive and do not dilute. Now the PM wash… lmFao!
@PlantShepherd Lol…no doubt, eh.
But that .0001% is “Dynamically Enhanced”!!! says so right there in the label pic…lol.
Lol…might as well have called it PM fuel.
Good catch.
DO NOT DILUTE!!! Lol…bahahahahaha
+1 on Plant Therapy ^^^^^
No problem spraying hydrogen peroxide at the lower 1 cup per gallon level. I am not sure about the double dose. Ag soap is special in that it does not break down the plant waxes. Most all so-called dish soap is detergent, and that is designed to break down oils and it also breaks down plant wax. So do not use it, even though just about everyone says to use Dawn. Dawn is detergent. It breaks down plant wax. Other soaps are heavy on the laurel sulfate and other ingredients to break down oil and lanolin, and they also break down plant waxes and oils. You do not want that on Cannabis. Why people always want to use other soaps and detergents is beyond me. Any farm store and even Home Depot/Lowes will have Safers and other specific agricultrual soap concentrates and sprays in bottles. Home Depot and Lowes also carry refined 70% Neem. At least in the US. Canada banned it, even though they know it works. It was not banned there for being bad. It was banned there because no one will spend money to prove that a generic product like Neem will work on the diseases and bugs listed in the label, which Canada requires.
On the subject of burning, oil sprays can burn your plants. I have never had any problems with refined Neem, but you want to spray your plants with oil sprays when it is below 70 deg.F. I tested some other oils like Cottonseed and even Canola for mites, and the leaves burned when it got up to 85 deg the following day. It only affected the looks, not he taste or quality of the bud though. On that subject again, Lilly Miller used to sell a mineral based agricultural oil made in Canada, but Canada banned that as well. Same reasons as the Neem. They also recommended to spray below 70 degrees on the bottle. I have one bottle of that left. Frikkin’ Canada.
‘Frikkin Canada’
My sentiments exactly lol.
So since my second spraying with potassium bicarbonate I haven’t seen any hints of PM for over a week now. It showed up again like 5 days after the first spraying, so maybe this a good sign that it’s beginning to work.
I can handle spraying this every couple weeks if I need to for now. One note it does burn the pistils and turn them a dark brown, but it really hasn’t seemed to slow down growth or vigor that I can tell and new white pistils show up a few days after treatment. Trichomes and leaves look just fine, only the pistils showed any sign of being affected.
I’m going to brew some LABS and spray with that regardless of whether or not I see more PM and will continue with the potassium bicarbonate if I do see it again.
This is a great thread, thanks all for so much info hopefully others will be find this useful in their future battles. It’s nice to have so much real info concentrated in one place…years of experience and thousands of plants worth!
A quick update: the potassium bicarbonate does keep the PM at bay, but needs to be sprayed every 7-10 days at which point small outbreaks will show up again. It’s a workable solution for the time being, but definitely not permanent.
I’m really adjusting the way I prune and train plants. I’m starting to really aggressively defoliate to allow for tons of light and airflow and spacing plants much more sparsely. I think this will also help to keep it in check.
Lastly I brewed some LABs (lactobacillus serum). I think it’s more or less ready so I’ll spray with this next instead of potassium bicarb. I’m intrigued by this stuff it’s really strange lol
I think I did everything right as it looks just like all the pics I’ve seen, but I didn’t expect it to smell so terrible…like assy blue cheese. I don’t think I’ll be eating the curds
Do you have a link to that LAB recipe? I’m gonna bookmark. Definitely trying it this year on all my crops.
@seven_trees posted some good information higher up in the thread here:
Has anyone here defeated powdery mildew? - #55 by seven_trees
Here’s another similar recipe that I used:
The problem with mine is it really smells bad and nothing I’ve read indicates it’s supposed to. I’m worried my batch got contaminated by something. I’m blasting a houseplant with it today and drenching its soil too, if it doesn’t do anything strange I’ll give it to my plants in a couple days.
the potcast with BobHemphill of Coastal Seeds has a bit in the 2nd 1/2 where he describes his IPM routine…
I tasted my LABS chunk last night. Not offensive. Stomach was rumbling hardcore but not sure of correlation. This morning I wet a spoon with filtered mid water (LABS) and stirred it into my smoothie…
Wait, was this for the plants?
Sweet lol. So it didn’t smell like rotting, sulfur infused blue cheese? Because my first batch did lol… I’m attempting a second batch now.
No. Super mild. I hear worms don’t want “cheese.” Is that because of pests or is it actually the worms preference. The white stuff is cheese right?
WPM - SM -90 Nutrilife
works great for whiteflies too
Man I used sm90 so much back on the day. It’s real great for any hydro applications, and plants just seem to love it. I tried to find some a while ago and it looked like they had stopped making it?
Brother Beacher , i think they were having some issues with labeling, some shops have it in stock so its still around, i still have some fro back in the day lol it should knock the wpm right out.
Nice. Alot of the more well reviewed premade sprays share many of those ingredients. I wanted to try mixing something similar, but acquiring all those oils would be pricey. What ratios did you mix them all at?
@ITokealot good to know that stuff is gold. Love the smell too haha