Has something like this happened to you,?

The best advice… is what you did originally… CLEAR YOUR MIND… allow a space for communication… you’ll be surprised… it may not always come through as a voice… sometimes it’s other tangible things or implications @Pawsfodocaws

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Keep inviting the connection, in their wisdom and higher frequency of existence they respect free will above all. It’s universal law. Clear benevolent intent is very important, when you speak it is more powerful.

Thank you for the advice friend. This has made me feel so much better I don’t know how to think and idk I’m still kind of shocked I couldn’t fathom this happening.


Clearly… she wants you to know she’s there still… it is a shocking thing… intimidating… you have a special thing right there… cling to it my friend

That’s an interesting experience @Pawsfodocaws. I am not a religious guy and don’t really speak about such things. I have gotten old enough to know there are many things I don’t understand. To me I guess I just figure people will believe what they wish and I can neither confirm nor deny if they are right or wrong. I feel we cary part of our loved ones with us through life no matter if they are still with us or not. The experience you describe certainly does sound comforting.


Not to start any talk about religion… but I believe religion itself is the death of what we think we know about christianity… it has caused separation… nothing more. So religion I disagree with… but… there’s no way all this came from atoms (where did they come from) or an explosion (how when nothing existed does this happen) or rocks smacking each other ( again where’d the planets or meteors or any of it come from) so it’s insane to me that we can fathom this happened by accident… it makes no sense … I am no pusher of religion though… just to be clear because I know it’s a very touchy subject


There’s a book called ‘now’ by eckhart tolle. I recommend reading it. To me it was an eye opener, stuff I experienced but couldn’t put 8n words become way more clear to me. It’s been some years I read it, think I need to read it again. Sometimes I get lost in this world and the daily problems and such but when I read up stuff that moved something in me it immediately gets better.

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It was a really pleasant experience. Thanks for the input on it my friend. I thought I would share as I am in no way religious or anything. At all.


Me either :laughing: but the only way to share my experience was to share its entirety

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No problem. I did too. No judgment here…


Same thing happened to me, my brothers also past in my arms…I talk to them on their birthdays and holidays to let them know that we will see each other again some day, I hope…I’ve lost 4 members of my family within 10 yrs. time…It gets very hard during their birthdays and holidays but the only thing I can do is stay strong and remember to great times I’ve had with them…holidays/birthdays are the worst part, I don’t even celebrate them anymore…

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I mean wills and estates and RRSPs and power of attorney and all that fun stuff.

Bud, wow. Thanks for sharing it means a lot. Someday I feel things will be different. Stay strong my friend.


Ahh I c. Didn’t understand at first.


Not fun but needs to be done.

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Yes, it does.


I’m pleased to report that of my 3 other siblings I get 25% I was always the favourite.

Nice man. That’s good


Makes for a rough day even though it’s only paperwork. It’s your parent’s death is really what it is.

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It sucks. It does make for a rough day. Many deaths in the family lately :confused:. It’s very hard to deal with. But every memory can be cherished still.

Wish you well…
