Hash Making Revisited

Post number 30 I chop up a chunk of hash and put it in the freezer.


Thanks Joe. I always just assumed that if you put it into the freezer with any moisture that it would just freeze solid, not dry out. But I gotta go back and take a look-see


I believe it’s the frost free type freezer that sucks out the moisture. Hell I could be wrong.


I was figuring that was an important designation, I gotta check my freezers to see if I have one that fits the bill.


If you’ve ever put an ice cube tray in the freezer, you’ll notice over time it evaporates into nothing. Extreme cold is the single requirement.


I’m for sure gonna give it a try this time with one of my batches. So I’m assuming the aim is to get as much water out with that spinning you mentioned and then chop it up to reduce the amount of time it takes to dry in there? I had heard somewhere that you can freeze a chunk solid to microplane it to get everything to a smaller grain for drying. I’ve heard dude argue that this affects the integrity of the trichome heads though, any thoughts on micro planing a frozen chunk of hash without the centrifugal water extraction at the end vs. just chopping it up The way you outlined?


It’ll dry faster when it’s microplaned, but it will damage some trichomes. Not sure that matters, though. In order to freeze dry something it has to be the largest surface area you can manage to create. So that means really thin, and//or tiny bits. As demonstrated by my chemistry teacher, the larger an object is, the less material is exposed to the freezer, so the slower the moisture sublimes. It’s basic sublimation of ice due to low pressure generated by ice cold temps. The water first freezes, then starts turning into water vapors from solid ice. Freeze dryers capitalize on standard temperature pressure, aka thermodynamics, to speed dry things, but they have to be specially prepared by making tiny bits. If you don’t extract the water ahead of time, it’ll triple the time required to dry out. Or quadruple. It would take 30 days instead of 7.


when i started pressing flower rosin i also noticed the left over residue. i found that lowering the micron count down to 90 or 75 really helped keep the contaminates out and the residue was greatly reduced…


I’ve been pressing through 37 micron or 25. There really isn’t much difference in yield and there is way less residue when dabbing and cleaning up with q tip. I do a little longer warmup time as you lower the micron more just to get the rosin flowing before cranking to avoid blowouts. - This is my inspiration for pressing with smaller micron join me! while I press Quality, Brothers grown Space Cookie into gold here at the AF rosin studio - YouTube he post on ig as well.


(no english) here we see @JoeCrowe with his special hash-making shoes :rofl:

This one though hash small English subtitles:

I feel better about my subpar flowers now. :laughing:



That shit will be visiting my nightmares. I assumed he was piling up dirt. I can translate:
“Here, we take contaminated weed, and contaminate it more.”
“Sell out and Bro down.”
“Fools will smoke this garbage, suckers!”
“Fire!!! Fire!!! We made Fire Bro!” and so on…
I wonder where their microscope is for checking contaminate levels?



We can’t learn much from this special technique, but I knew you had an ace up your sleeve & must’ve used the special trichome-stompers to impress the heads! :mans_shoe:

Do you prefer high-tops for Indicas? :thinking:

:sweat_smile: dayum. still tearing up from laughing at:

and all that local terroir :poop: on their shoes! Mmmm-mmmm GOOD!

:evergreen_tree: phyew!


First wash in the new machine today, not too shabby, certainly better than paddling. @JoeCrowe gonna try drying in the freezer for this one, got the four wash Pattie’s in there now, I’m figuring let em stay in there for like 2-3 days before chopping em up, does that sound right?


I chop em up right away, but in a few days works as well!


Righton, thanks for the info bud!


I threw mine into the frost free freezer and it removed all the water. I tap it now and it crumbles instead of breaking into pieces.


Nice, I’m hoping for a similar result. Moving away from drying in pizza boxes


The end results can be something straight out of the legends of hashish.


Awesome! I definitely pulled good color so it’d be cool to maintain it after the dry, although I’m not sure it ends up mattering if I’m gonna press it and roll temple balls


Yield started dropping off real quick so I only did 4 washes as opposed to 6 or so. It was about 28 degrees out today so I was pretty over it by the time I pulled the 4th