Hash Making Revisited

Between @madouesse & @FreeCanadianHugs I’m gonna be set when i get my washer :smile: great info to have!


The thing to remember that these machines are a convenient tool .
I pretty much run the same as @ReikoX does , I do get pretty good results with what I’m working with .
Do I get @JoeCrowe results , no I don’t, but don’t have the same input materials .
I do know that I can better results with my rigid tub , the hand drill and paddle with the material that I have but the machines sure are convenient lol


Ahhh just think I’ll be replaced by a washing machine! heh heh just need the next nuts step of pheno selecting the ultimate hash producer.
I’ve seen people stir it with a stick, cake mixer, drill, mixing machine. I’m not sure the method makes too much of a difference as long as it’s not mulching up the weed. Fire in fire out! :fire: only rule!


Thanks ! great information – now I know whom to check-outif I have issues


Hooooooly monkeyfuckers! Now that was a way to ring in the new year. Ripped live extracts in the proxy until it died, then plugged it into a battery backup and waited a bit and ripped some more! Scared away the evil spirits with some good ol fashioned coughing hah hah! Bonfire, etc. I’ll cash this thread in and start a new one. Don’t want to many thousand posts per chapter! I’m excited about the next leg of the journey. I’ll be clawing and struggling my way to the top again! Pitting my skills against…basically anyone. mmm juicy. Crushing dreams, and competing for some custom wildfire glass! I’ll be running a few trials before game day, so stick around, it’ll be interesting!


This is the biggest complaint I have heard about the Proxy. The battery just isn’t big enough.

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If you can afford a proxy , buying a spare battery shouldn’t be an issue lol @Joker : )


I actually had a spare battery I never used and my friends have them as well. Since it’s USB, it can plug into any spare battery pack laying around.
Of course if you are at home, it charges really quick from the usb wall outlet.

Here’s the unboxing of my friend’s product.

Bam! Legal producer skin salve, made from organic weed that is made into live rosin. Nuts!


So is it a smokeable topical ?


Definitely not for smoking! hah hah I made a crack about not putting it in the terp slurper.


There we go, I’m starting the quest for unicorn gold. Can I pull it off? :eyes: :popcorn:


Yessir! You better stop open sourcing your tech though!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

9# hammer, 90 micron after 24 hrs in the freezer! Thanks for all your help!
Edit: just watched shadows and drills again and realized I reversed the mix and rest cycle…definitely over agitated with an hour of mixing lol


Thanks for your help too. This is my result after my wash from yesterday. It’s in the frost free freezer now per your instructions. About 21 grams for about 5 ounces of Larry OG fresh / frozen flower.


You’ll be a pro in no time! If you press that hash into rosin, the plant fibers will be left behind in the 25 micron sack. err or unless you are using something else?

Oh it’s looking really good! Did you spin some water out before chopping it up?


My finest bags are 37; 25 would be better?


I was taught to use the 25 as the prize winning formula. What I know about it, is that nothing solid that is 25 microns or larger can make it out of the bag, so it’s a really effective filter! The 37 should work pretty good though in terms of contamination it’ll probably filter most of it.


I’m going to say no as I don’t know what you mean. Only one bit was watery and I’ve kept that separate. Mostly I just flipped the frozen chunks to expose the water on the bottom to the air a few times over 24 plus hours before grating it.


@FreeCanadianHugs the wet bubble you put straight into 25 micron bag and do the helicopter but sideways
The centerfugal force pushes most of the water out , then chop up and put in freezer , for a quicker dry time


Thanks for the explanation. :grinning:


Is there a spot in here where the whole drying in a freezer tech is outlined? Been searching for it but coming up short, I’m still on pizza box tech over here