This is what I made last round. Was my 2nd time washing and enough time had elapsed, that I had forgotten what I learned the first time. I put too much ice in from the jump (3lbs to 240g fresh frozen) and that seemed to knock some plant material into the final product.
Also, I stumbled upon something that I think I’ll play with again. After the initial 12-16 hours in the freezer, I pulled the hash on a cooking sheet out and let it sit out for roughly 15-20 minutes on an angle and the water seemed to just drip down the tray and pool up where I could collect it with a paper towel. Then after another 12-16 hours in the freezer it looked like this and I’ve been dabbing it in a rig ever since. I was out of bud the week before harvest so I needed to make the process faster.
Changes I think I’ll make next time are putting the hash through the sifter/chopping it up before the initial freeze, less ice, and longer in the freezer.
Last round I took the tips and had my chunks after 25u pressing with paper towel in the prefrozen colander in the freezer for 5 min. I then used one of the pre-frozen spoons to make it wet sand on a plate. This plate lived in the freezer for a week until I took it out and re-sieved it again through the frozen colander onto parchment paper which is on a sheet of cardboard in a unused pizza box i then leave in my drying tent for around 2 days.
The wet sand after 5min made a world of difference in my process so thanks again for all those that suggested this!
@JoeCrowe , @THCeed ; when you press your bubblewashed trichs, what micron sized bag do you put it all in? I’ve not use a bag ONCE since pressing as all my pre-form blocked flower presses with no bulshit so I didn’t bother making more waste lol.
You’re going to be using the latest processing tech just like the legal producers over here. Once you are cranking out the live rosin… holy shit, look out!