For the record: i absolutely hate using these spoons but am still refining my process for sure.
For the record: i absolutely hate using these spoons but am still refining my process for sure.
I’ll get on it soon. I tried the spoon once and immediately said f-that. Too much messing around and too much mess. In short, I swing the bag enough to get the hash looking like moist sand in the bag, then grab around the hash ball from the bottom of the bag, pull the sides down, hold my hand over parchment and let it roll out of the bag. Then I dip in the work water again to collect the remaining little hash pea in the bag. Repeat the same procedure. Should get 99% of the hash out of the bags that way, without touching the hash.
For those Nadians that the Mrs. wont let a fella touch the mixer …
Just made the hash. Give me a few to put the video together and hopefully I can clear up a few things.
Half assed hash making at its finest. Important takeaway is to just swing those bags until the hash will just roll out of the bag and chop up easily.
Dude. DUDE!! This is super appreciated thanks so much for all of us OG yo!
@ABushOfKush awesome video! I’m gonna have to figure out some adaptations as my process is very different enough. I’ll get a bucket for ice water as the “working water” so I can take a bag out of it’s bucket-ring, do the double fold, and submerge.
A big issue is the twirling, as I’m in a space I cannot do this but you have me now thinking of clamping my seed sorting shop-vac rig so I can hold the screen end into the open bottom 2L soda bottle and the vacuum would do similar work as the twirling.
You can use a clean pump sprayer with ice water to wash it all into a pile. Then set it on the 25 screen on top many paper towels.
I do this with a spray bottle.
Very informative video
Washing machine spin cycle??
I’ll watch the video tomorrow after I re-assemble my machine. This shitbox doesn’t even have my youpube login.
I use 220, and 90. I keep the 90 and toss the rest.
Unfortunately I know a lot of people have made alternative set-ups for collecting the hash. I followed Joe’s instructions a year or so ago and this was my final workflow. I believe he walks into his surround shower and spins the bags there.
A machine would be nice to give my arm a break from mixing, but unless I do this every day hand mixing will do just fine. Or I’ll just go back to the drill like Joe. I will say I have not had a green batch since I switched to hand mixing. It’s way too easy to go overboard with the drill.
I’m watching and listening to the washer to prevent this. It took some practice but so far so good.
Thanks for the run-down greatly appreciated ~~~~
This is a philosophy I live by. When I see someone who knows more than me, or at least I suspect they know something, I’ll go and retrieve that data. Straight from their mind. It’s called asking questions! Reading studies. Studying things myself! I’m just me, but when you chunk on a study about something, I’m me plus that study.
Pops is like hey how come you even care about what someone else says? Well, it’s like this: How can I be just as good as the best? Ahhh by learning everything they do, and then defeating them. That’s how a normal human transforms into a master.