Hash Making Revisited

wow! the flavor of the mixed hash rosin is radically different. It has the after taste of pine like the meat breath, but the major flower taste of the big bud. Probably 30% meat breath. When I smell the fresh big bud rosin it’s like it hits you bam! I think it’s actually got a more potent smell than the meat breath. lol I’m a giant kid in candyland.


Wow impressive nice work


That is one of those things that a normal user wouldn’t get to experience. Only us hashishans get to rip fresh pressed. By the time it gets broken up in grams, packaged, shipped, and sold it is far from fresh.

Thats why we cure it, it becomes more stable and easier to break up, package, ship, and sell.


This is true but it’s also true that only we get to enjoy the sublime mellow flavour of rolled black hash after a year long cure.


I’m going to have to ask them what they are doing with it as LPs. Most of the rosin I saw was turned into diamonds.


Black? WTF is in that? Don’t tell me it’s hand oils!


Thanks! I’m going to keep manufacturing, pressing and sampling until I think I can whip up a batch to win the contest. I’m not fucking around, this year.


Never touched by human hands. Hot water bottle pressed 45u bubble.


ohhh yah that’s like the old stuff I used to make.


It changes quite a bit with age. Let me find a pic of when it was fresh…

It collapses under its own weight and goes from ball to puddle.

Very different product than rosin but nice.


yah I’d still be making it like that, except I got my ass handed to me by high tech motherfuckers at the unicorn cup. Now, people don’t even want to smoke the hash I used to make lol!


To each their own.

I wouldn’t give it away at any price.


Are you here to reach the next level? You can be a freeze dried live rosin expert in no time as well!


I think this qualifies as all cured up now. Took a couple of days or something, it’s all a rosin-y blur.
Next stage, I have to start measuring my returns. It does look like I’m getting pretty good returns from the hash smash, but I need some real data for when I meet with the group here soon. The stuff I cured in the fridge is smooth feeling, which is different from this batch. I’ll toss out that trash-hash I got at the contest last year and put some more rosin in there to cure. Man, that hash was bitter, no wonder he got seventh place.


If I didn’t know better, I’d rip this, or press it. hrrmmmm press it eh? Probably shouldn’t. If you look at the photo I took, you can see a fiber of red. Trust me, this shit is loaded with red and black fibers I think they were cotton. ehh I forgot. Garbage anyways, so bitter. I wonder how long it took someone to produce this substandard hash? I’m tossing this crap in with the 25 micron hash.
Edit: so gross!!! open the image in a new tab then zoom in on it. Nasty ass fibers everywhere.


I think we’re getting really close to being dry. You can see the color is not as dark.
It’s been in there for over 4 days now.


It’s getting crumbly! It’s best when it turns to powder once you press on a chunk. Some of the chunks powder, but not all. Should be ready real real soon! Can’t wait.


heh heh anyone who thinks this is a nutty process, you should try it! The flavors are phenomenal! Even if I stopped with plain freeze dried hash it’s amazing, but then pressing it into goo takes it to the next level. It’s like the stink alone makes you high lol!
Once my rosin blobs dried out they get all sparkly on the side resting on the parchment paper. I love it! Can’t wait to fridge cure some more and see what happens.


Today I have 2 missions… make a raspberry chocolate cheesecake… and smash the shit out of the auto plant I harvested. I didn’t tell anyone, but the settings for the machine to smash buds is 74C/180S and power level 6. Or was it power level 7? hah hah whatever. I can’t wait to rip that!
Also, the freeze dried hash should be powder-ready. Probably won’t have time to smash that until tomorrow! Also, I’m ready to make another batch of hash by tomorrow… can’t wait!


ok! I got one review back from the rosin chip that was made out of meat breath. They said everyone told them they hadn’t seen white rosin before. I gave out another chip this time it was big bud. I definitely have to complete my cycle here and get the measurements. The sponsor group is hungry for the data, believe me. I just have to trash 5 grams of freeze dried hash into rosin and see what the result is then report it and put a price beside the extraction results. That’s some good wholesome homework right there! I’ll test the hash for dryness…