Hash Plant Grow Log


Nothing much to see yet, but I just started growing 3 Hash Plant from regular seeds and I have one separate indoor Cheese strain with Fox Farm and worm castings added. The Hash Plant strain is a favourite because of the strong hash aroma and narcotic high. They are growing in deep water culture buckets started in Jiffy pucks. I will be properly pruning the Hash Plants to grow a bit shorter with even bud distribution and little waste branches that grow under where the light can get.

Continue checking back as I will add pictures in time.

The Cheese is growing under a 150 watt induction light and the Hash Plants under two 1000w rated LED by Morsen and a vented 600 watt HPS.

two Mo


Looking really nice so far! I’m watching this hashplant!

I guess you don’t need a heater when you can just use the fireplace :slight_smile:


Thanks! Yes I might use the fireplace, but I trust my other 1500watt heater for constant use. The Dynaglo that you cant see in the picture. Winters are -20 C somtimes.


Progress on the 2 Hash Plants and I decided to grow a Frisian Duck in the third bucket. So far so good…



I added slightly too much nutrients, but the plants are growing into it.

The Frisian Duck is still a small seedling.

And something special I made (research purposes) It is called bromethiazole, which is the bromine substituted compound instead of the clomethiazole with chlorine on the alkyl chain. It smells exactly like clomethiazole, which is interesting.


I had to adjust the ppm lower as there was some slight nutrient burn on lower leaves, but other than that, they are growing quite quickly in the DWC buckets. The Dinafem Cheese strain is doing great in soil.


The Hash Plants are coming along well, recovering from a blast of nutrients early on. I notice it seems to force them female after you correct the nutrient issue because it is stress free after. I believe I have two females because of the pointy appearance of what is shown in the nodes. I will likely flower soon once the Frisian Duck catches up on the fifth node. Smaller plants this time around should still be a fun grow!


I wish the Frisian Duck was a bit larger or i’d flower already, but things are still going OK.


First day of flowering!

Here are some cactus I grew from seed since ~2004. (San Pedro)


The one on the left was definitely a male…it is hard to tell early on. I got rid of it and now have the Frisian Duck and one Hash Plant. Noticeable flowering is going to start any day now at 12/12.


Flowering is starting, not too vigorous yet though.


Nice man!!! Looks like it’s getting its stretch on compared to the pic 6 days ago!!! Looks like you have lots of light…should be super fun to watch flower out!!!
Great job!


Looking good. It’s always cool to see how crazy fast plants grow in DWC.

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Thanks, it’s a fun hobby! I like how quick the plants grow in deep water culture as well and will also grow some Shell Ginger for the apparent kavalactone containing roots. I am also growing a female Purple #1 next and the seedling is moving along well in another DWC bucket.

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Flowering nicely and they stretched quite a bit. Looking forward to those days where you watch the trichomes go amber with a magnifying glass!


Much more stretched now, flowering well and should fill in great. Looking forward to seeing some trichomes.


Flowering well, but seems to be a sativa Hash Plant pheno, which is odd…


That is very unusual to say the very least not quite compelling but quite queer for sure.

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Lots of pictures in this grow log…these buds are forming some nice crystals and hash aroma. Strange that it is a Cannabis sativa phenotype. The Frisian Duck is starting to produce a bit of crystals, expectedly a lower potency strain, but definitely getting purple.


Who’s Hashplant are you running?

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