Have you ever pulled the plug on a grow?

some hard drugs arent really that “hard” but the ones that are… some of that shit will literally take you out of reality when you cant bring yourself to check out early if u know wht i mean. i dont do them myself but ive been around enough people to ask the same question.

regarding OP: dont pull the plug on any run unless youve got mites in flower. youll lose more with all the work and expenses than if you just let it finish. worst thing that can happen is youll turn all that to bubble hash.

I’ve pulled the plug on many grows unfortunately, just recently on three in a row. It is part of the package in my situation i am afraid. But this is perhaps due to the fact that i don’t have very green fingers. I rely a lot on meters.

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A deep bit of gratitude to all of you for the encouragement and some motivation. I decided to setup my homemade scrog deal and take down one tarp wall so I can still get around to water them. Broke a couple branches scrogging them and just bungeed up the tall girls in back but they’re looking much better and I think they’re safe to finish out.


That’d sad to hear and see! I’ve been there myself before too unfortunately. Buying cheap discord clones and got spidermites then I didn’t know I had it and spread it to my friend. I killed off 4 tents worth of plants and over 1k of genetics I just freaking bought a month to 2 previous. I shut down for 1 month and cleaned like crazy week 1 then got beneficial pests for the last 2 weeks while still spraying every nook and cranny in the tents with lysol or alcohol just to be 110% because I refused to get a fogger


It affects me to this day. Even legal, still paranoid.


I gave up the time I got spider mites. I got some Hot Shot foggers and fogged both my areas, tossed everything and started over with new seeds. I keep thinking I’m going to stop getting clones from people because it’s really too risky. But I persist in my folly. :sloth:


As long as your consistent with your IPM spray or methods you shouldn’t have any concern

lol 90°f in my tent in Florida. The planet isn’t getting any cooler. learn to adjust or you’ll have some real heartbreak ahead. Move the air as much as humanly possible, drop your humidity, and add lots of passive intake. This is the south my dude. Heat is part of it. A/C helps.

Yes, i scrapped an MMS run in week 4 because that clown breeds :poop: and it wasn’t worth wasting 5 weeks more to finish.


once for spider mites never for floppy dinks since i found plant Viagra


I think you made the right choice.
Just because a plant or a few of them go floppy, a cheap roll of garden wire is your best friend.
I would then clip some wire out for my hands to get through and pick dead leaves off of mine.
Garden wire makes for great screens also, after I use it, I hang it on the wall for next time.
JerBear, you should stop kicking your own butt, your plants are doing fine.
As you gather up some more experience, you will see, it will get easier, but man, some of us have been at this a very long time now, and my plants will still get the uglies once in a while.
But guess what, after they dry, after they cure, and after you exhale the those first puffs…you will forget all about supposedly imperfections.
You are doing a fine job, IMHO!!


Thought I’d share some pics of the harvest today. Have a great week, folks!


Hah! I did an mms run where I abandoned most plants. The plants would show stress from watering, and I was told by him that the pupil or whatever strain didn’t like being watered… :crazy_face::joy: