Have you ever received an empty letter?

He’ll yes serves em right.


Not me was someone one here that got jacked and some little bastard swiped his beans and sliced the envelope Guy got his Letter empty with a slash and a bloody smear


That’s nutty

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Could of been a paper cut lol

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That’d be one hell of a paper cut, lol.


Hahahaha, made me laugh.

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that was me a few weeks back.
After posting that I got verbally attacked and accused of falsifying the claims I made and was called a greedy fuckface for participating in (and winning) the contests and seed giveaways on this site. Mind you the person from here who was attacking me on that other site hides behind a different user name and didn’t have the balls to confront me here in this thread where I told about and posted pics of the opened envelope and bloody smears.
The member who sent me the seeds did a resend and they arrived the second time.
Unfotunately the whole situation left such a bad taste in my mouth that I am very hesitant to enter anymore giveaways or contests on this site and makes me question continuing to be a donor in the giveaways and contests.
maybe I’ll get over it in time but we have greasy little dirtbags hanging out here who like to cause drama and make personal attacks… and I’m the last guy that deserves that kind of bullshit over a pack of free seeds LOL


I’m sorry to here this bud. That sounds extremely uncalled for. I would not let it get to you to much though. We know you’re a stand-up dude!
If someone is gonna act like that, it’s more than likely something within themselves that’s the problem. And if they’re gonna act like that around here, they surely won’t last long.


All forums have their " malcontents " . The behavior of some especially in regards to giveaways is shameful . All in all I find this place more tolerable & less drama filled than say RIU or IC Mag . I’ve decided to avoid all that by only entering for something I want ( SATIVA ) which is seldom & giving only to those who are contributing members of this forum . Some here are less fortunate , older , infirm etc . I’m old & have more than I could possibly grow if I lived another 20yrs . My code demands that one has a moral & ethical obligation to those weaker / less fortunate . KARMA


I got into a tiff on here with a certain Fuckface (Unrelated to your incident totally different dude that was a small regular in here)one time and it was like my first two months on here over a comment he misread and took it as a call to arms I don’t even know how it could have been misconstrued as what he was thinking but it happened and we got into a message match and turned south quick after the smoke cleared and everyone limped off I just redirected fire and carried on.I know your struggle to an extent with douchers on here.Just don’t let it get your goat and you’re going to be just fine.Don’t let it define you your doing awesome as it is.Might as well enjoy the ride Homie I’ve seen your hard work it’s Spectacular


A tiff yesterday on another thread & someone stated " the ignore button renders stupidity impotent " . Thought that rather apt , so he’s now ignored .


One time someone sent me a small Mylar envelope inside a paper envelope. The Mylar envelope “zip lock” wasn’t sealed and there was a small tear in the paper envelope just big enough for some beans to fall out, and no beans.

I was tripping for a minute but all is good, other than never getting the beans.

You should be good and they will understand I’m sure.


Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel the same way you do.

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Well said, my friend.


I’ve had packages go missing entirely. My most recent card had a two inch slit in the center on both sides, most likely to steal the contents. The seeds were well packaged and attached to the card. I’m surprised it arrived intact.

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Well In my case many lost packets… But those who arrived, was almost intact, only the rollers damage .

At least, for now.




USPS took the money :rofl:



that is crazy :exploding_head: .

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She wasnt stealing beans, she was stealing pounds of flower.

18 packages and 125K in cash… and got 5 months. Not exactly a deterrant…


When I hear stuff likes this I often think “I’d go to minimum security jail for 5 months for 125k” or whatever the math works out too. Does amazon prime deliver to jail? If so I’m in.

But agreed hardly a deterrent.

There was a high brass cop up here charged with sexual assault. He was suspended, with pay, for 5 years, at a total salary cost of 500k.

I think he got 6 months.

And don’t get me started on the risk/reward ratio of telephone scam calls. They’ve flat out said we don’t have the resources and we don’t care.