Have you seen this happen before? (K.O. Black Tuna)


I was curing this K.O by Black Tuna and noticed some tripe of bubble crystallization on several buds after a week of curing. A friend of mine told me it was called guttation.



That doesn’t look like any guttation I’ve ever seen. It is usually dark in color and appears mostly on leaves and stems. I’d like to see that under a scope.


The guttation I’ve seen before is usually amber colored but it’s hard to say from the pic if that’s what it is. Mine has also normally in a sphere shape like a globe. How was the humidity/moisture in the buds when you started curing?


I freeze dried them right after harvest

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Grown outdoor?

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I’ve never had the chance to freeze dry mine so I don’t know if that’s possibly a result of the fast freeze or not. Hopefully someone with experience using them can chime in.


This can’t be guttation in my honest opinion. Guttation only occurs from osmotic pressure. Once a stem is severed the pressure is released, whether stomata are closed or not. I’d be cautious and send in a sample for testing, or look under a scope for fungal patterns or insect secretions.


Could have been on there before it was chopped and then expanded out like freeze dried candy? I have no clue, just spit balling


Could be I suppose, though usually a reddish color. Interesting if that is the case. Looks like my dog slobbered on it :laughing:


Yea, I’m just thinking of freeze dried candies and that kind of looks like what they do.

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It’s definitely a possibility. But one can never know unless they look closer (or get an expert to). I’d treat it as toxic until then.


Always better to stay on the side of caution even when it hurts, some things in life don’t give us mulligan.


That’s what I thought

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I’ve never seen guttation like that but I do have some pics of my own plants showing it


If it were me I’d be getting that under a microscope. Let’s be honest I would taste it first lmfao. The guttation I showed I the pictures above was very sweet and weedy like a weed maple syrup and full of terps and sweeteness. What you showed looks like a piece of sugar that fell off a frosted flake lol

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Little update of something similar in another plant