Anyone seen this on buds?

Checking out the ladies tonight and noticed these, not sure that I remember seeing anything quite like these on the buds. Super sticky when I pulled one off with a toothpick.didnt break open or anything.

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I haveā€¦you have to select against it. (That would seem counter intuitive, but itā€™s so :grin::wink:).

If you donā€™t select against it but for it, the plants down the line will eventually suffocate themselves :hot_face:. The line will be ruined if you have spent much time selecting for itā€¦youā€™ll need to restart at the beginning. You are going in the right direction, but you must select against itā€¦

I would definitely keep working the line!!



Canā€™t wait to find out what those are. Look just like eggs though.


Arenā€™t these like sap busting out of stems, water pressure blah blah ?

Too much sugar? Canā€™t remember off the topā€¦


Smoke em! Haha jk you might be smoking egg sacs, Iā€™m not sure


These are on one of 8 Master Kush clones @ 5 1/2 weeks, I am growing out something different after these finish. Found a single leafhopper about 4 weeks back and quickly dispatched, nothing since. Obsessively clean room, doesnā€™t mean I missed something though.

Tomorrow Iā€™ll pop em off rip em in a bong, lol.

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I seem to remember seeing something like this in one of Meesh or MOTRs threads. IIRC itā€™s high brix content.


Guttation process

"With these chambers closed (stomata) at night, the process of guttation takes over. If the soil the cannabis plant resides in is high in moisture content over night, this water will enter through the plant roots which then cause pressure in the roots. This pressure then forces some of the water to exude through the leaf axil, leaf tips, edge structures and hydathodes (modified pores) in the form of sticky drops. So, rather than water evaporation, a sap will form.

Sap bubbles caused by guttation process. Photo Credit: Reddit

This sap can vary in colour from clear, to tan to a dark red. It contains organic and inorganic compounds such as sugars, potassium and mineral nutrients. It is completely harmless and has a sweet aroma and taste to it.

If sap is accumulating on outdoor cannabis plants, be mindful that this sweet sap is a tasty treat to unwanted visitors such as insects and pests."



Excellent info, and makes perfect sense. It wasnā€™t apparent until today. Saturday they were given a light maintenance, and sat the fabric pots in 2 inches of distilled water for a few seconds before rearranging in the 4x4. They were ā€œspeaking to meā€. Didnt feel like the bottoms of the fabric pots were getting the necessary moisture. Watering tends to run out the sides a bit even though i go slow. Would explian excess moisture.


Their location on the bud thoughā€¦it looks like it got ā€˜dropped onā€™ not like it ā€˜oozed outā€™

That one appears to be dangling off a crinkly orange hair?

More pics?

Also, taste it before you smoke it lol if youre gonna ingest it, smoked saps gonna taste like burnt sugar


Will have to get more tomorrow, theyā€™re sleeping.

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When you say master kush do you mean the original SoCal master kush or master kush from Southern California , I know itā€™s available in seed form from a few places or used to be but I have not seen the original clone only version in a long time and have been looking hard.

In my experience it has been resinsā€¦I say select against it because A. It will cause the plant to suffocate when there is a lot of it B. You should be able to (eventually) to be able to get the same resin production but with much better trichome structure :wink:.



Itā€™s almost always excess sugars as mentioned above but I am curious how the plants would suffocate when most of the breathing is done threw the stomata on the leaf. I could possibly see it causing problems with air flow around the nugs but the strains Iā€™ve grown that did this did not have any issues with mold or rot , and they were all very smooth smoke.


I had that shit happen to my blackberry fire late bloom, outdoor west row from two months of sugar dumps in flower.

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Iā€™m going off memory here it has been awhile. If I am remembering correctly I initially selected for it but the plant (I assumed) ending up suffocating due to all the resin. I had to trash most of the work and start again selecting against it. Eventually I was able to find a desirable trichome structureā€¦I believe I talked on this back in the day (canā€™t give specifics) ā€¦not sure though, again going off memory. :sweat_smile:

(Big big things, right :wink::wink:) @Heritagefarms


I always figured it was undesirable because it was just sugars and nutrients and looked like it would wreck scissors in a hurry :rofl:

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I would like to hear a smoke report if @Cannabinoid is so daring!


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