Hawaiian Sativas or Hawaiian heirloom cannabis

How’s the stone

I have some DNL x (DNL x super skunk) from JJ that he made in 05
I don’t have a lot but I should still be able to get some going

Been looking for a solid HI line to cross into it before I start other escapades with it.

I’m not convinced DNL is in sour but they do look similar


Yeah, its an interesting story that they released.
Hermie pollen or intentional breeding, who knows. Ive even heard there were two different plants in there - a Hawaiian NL and a skunk and it coulda been either one of them so they just listed both as the parents.

The hi of the 70’s HI is all euphoria. Most of the plants are great daytime smoke - a sativa with a lil tubocharge from the Mexi x Affy - and an occasional NL5 stone.
Id say 1/5 are electric white knuckle sativa, 1/5 are NL leaning, and 3/5 are euphoric sativa hybrid. And they have my favorite smells Ive ever encountered - they bring me back to my childhood


:drooling_face: man, killing me. Sounds incredible. Love those euphoric hawaiian hybrids!!


So many folks around here that I need to make friends with. Lol.

Reproducing g13 x HP? Very interesting. I will be following along.


Oooh, what hawaiian stuff V? Do tell please🙂. I lived on Oahu for a few years. Got to share some local heirloom with some great islanders. Trippiest smoke Ive ever experienced. No idea what they called it but was exceptional!


The Hawaiian i sent him is Hazemans Molokai Kush (Molokai frost×98bubbakush) backcrossed to more Molokai frost. Just cant get enough of the Molokai to come out in the Molokai kush but they are good too. The pure Molokai buzz is shroomy and blissful and helps my PTSD (more then anything I’ve ever smoked) while still feeling relaxed in a non narcotic type of way. A true mood changer like most of the Hawaiian stuff ive smoked.


Clearly we have similar tastes. I am doing a repro of Molokai Frost from 2 separate sources of the pure line. That is my next project.


I got Kona gold beans from the 70’s I’m gonna pop soon I’ll keep you guys updated

Anyone have any first hand experience with the line or ideas on what to expect?


Were they stored well? May get 0% germination if not. :cry:

Kona is 2 hours from me so maybe once I make more connections we can have the modern descendant beans…& it’s possible an old cut still survives out here too.

:evergreen_tree: :crossed_fingers:


you sir are my new best friend!!


They were collected by a botanist as well as 15-20 other South American lines most all in the country of origin

He then kept them in a deep freeze since 1980

so as far as my ever growing large collection of old seeds go…
Yeah I’d say they were stored in near prime conditions

luckily im also fluent in tissue culture and other invitro work so I’ll be able to give them the best shot they have


I’ll be growing some Kona from the same time period this fall, they have been reproduced a few times so the beans aren’t that old but the line has been kept pure sense it showed up in NorCal , I got the last of the ones made publicly available before the holder passed away and his family moved towards breeding cbd genetics.


There is always Patagonia. There are places there where you can catch trout and salmon from glacier-fed rivers that flow through citrus groves. Your plants could mature, even strains with ridiculously long flowering times. The cost of living is also pretty low, and there are massive cannabis legalization movements happening there.


It’s important to note that the brotherhood of eternal love and potentially others used to buy primo mexican, ship it to hawaii and then ship it back to the mainland as genuine Hawaiian grown herb for added profit. This is featured in several of the books on boel and in their court files. Makes you wonder how much herb was really grown on the islands and what was just a great marketing strategy. reading old high times, the hawaiin were sold for as much as 200 usd an ounce, when primo mexi or columbian, jamaican etc was selling for more like 20-50 an ounce.

most strains that can be authentically credited to the boel time in hawaii would have at least partial mexican genetics in my opinion.


I’d love to grow some Hawaiian weed, I’d never go there without invite from a local because of my opposition to colonialism and my support for indigenous independence but man I really really want to try their weed


Is there any strains from American Samoa. This is one of the Islands the Polynesian people traveled from to discover and populate hawaii. This is America’s best kept secret. There is an American National Park there.


I’d wager there was a lot of south Indian as well. Hawaii was a British protectorate for 80 years. It was probably Indian indentured servants who brought it with them and heirloom strains developed. No doubt, during the 60s and 70s a lot of Mexican, Thai and Colombian genetics found their way into the mix.



While they bred in Cali they used a lot of Colombian in their breeding.
But Lumbo did horribly in Hawaii. So, they used Mexican and Mexican x Afghan as the backbone of their breeding on the islands.


It’s worth noting that the Kamehameha Kingdom “unified” the islands in the same manner that the US did, just with less advanced weapons. :man_shrugging: They were outsiders to Hawaii & “invaded” too. I’m not justifying the situation & put a lot of consideration(months) into the history/etc. before moving here.

All my experience with locals suggests you are VERY welcome to visit but they do prefer that you’d not move here :blush: Visitors are the life-blood of the economy, after government-jobs & military bases. With the exception of a few islands, I should add. Molokai is said to be unfriendly to those not invited by locals, Lanai is privately owned by Larry Ellison, Niihau is also by invitation only & privately owned, & Kahoolawe, the former bombing target of the Navy, is also restricted. :world_map:




Not to get overly political, but I’m generally opposed to all settler-colonial nations/states despite living in one and being descended from its founders. Lol