Where are the Mexican Sativas? I have no idea... Can you help me find them?

I was astoundingly verbose in my post. Unhelpfully so. So, I’m going to condense it. I’m driving from Mexico to South America starting this summer to look for seeds. I’m not sure where in Mexico to look.

Where would you look?


I have a good idea…your going to have a mess of answers to every question in no particular order before too long lol. Maybe go question by question here. Hopefully we get some Mexicsn members to shime in…I’m afraid I won’t be much help …
Question 1. Should you travel down the east or west coast of Mexico?
The Yucatan has a potent landrace, I’m told, but the West side has all the Powerhouse states…tough one.
The Yucatan has no rivers. Watering gardens would be a challenge unless near cenotes, those really cool water hole caves. You’d have to rely on rain, so cultivation could be anywhere in the yucatan or only near cenotes. But it is perhaps a different genepool altogether than west side landraces, with British Honduras(colonial name until 75?l) next door. Could be interesting…


IMHO I would not look for any seeds in Mexico until almost at the southern end just before you get into central america ya know el salvador Guatemala and further south reason being all the cartell shit and fighting that’s going on in that part of the world plus Gringo isn’t going to be welcome looking for pot seeds I know when I lived in puerto penasco it was a bitch for me to even get a doobie much less a bag and I lived there and had a local g/f of course I had blond hair and blue eyes now tho according to a friend of mine down there it’s even worse now a days and I lived there 30 years ago but that just my opinion and I think you would be way more productive waiting till you got down to those areas and thru panama then into places like columbia and farther south just my 2 cents

Peace and stay safe


I don’t think that’s going to be the case. I don’t think this forum is the right venue for these types of questions, unfortunately. My hope was to generate a kind of free form discussion, to generate leads and ideas, but the more I mull over it, the more I might just have to cowboy up and go out and do this the old fashioned way; I think my dream of a community driven search may be a bit of a pipe dream. Or, I might pivot to Instagram for engagement, to reach a wider audience. That I’m really dreading… I was hoping to stay insulated from that cesspool for as long as humanly possible.

The World Bank, the UN often have agricultural studies of rural areas, including irrigation practices.

I’m also interested in exploring the relationship between coffee, coca, and cocoa cultivation and cannabis. I’m willing to bet there is a quantifiable relationship in there somehow.

Kind of what I am leaning toward. For me, it’s going to depend on engagement and interest. If people want me to go, I will, otherwise, I have no problem waiting until I hit Mexico City to start the search.

Nice! How was it living there?

Ultimately, I agree about the productivity. Mexico probably doesn’t have much to offer north of Central America, anyway. I’d be willing to bet it’s all hybridized.


I was nice I had a small flat for 100 a month I didn’t speak much as panish enuf to get along but I did speak FlUENT BENJAMIN aka DOLLAR BILL. LOL. But yes it was nice I would have stayed but scram kinda out of money at the time had a beautiful local g/f man she could cook hot wicked spoiled on the left cal cuisine but back to weed seeds it was a bitch even getting anything to smoke let calls really didn’t lighten up on me until I had been there for a lil more than 6 months even then they were still suspicious of me. But good luck on your journey there I is an OGer on here named pansmafack I think he is actually in Panama get up with him I don’t think he is to far south of Costa rica

Dam I wish I could do a se asia your for seeds except for my dam dyalisis I have the money to do that now and I’m thinking there are a lot of europeans living there not to mention on Costa Rica

Peace and stay safe


I would hope members along the way would welcome a brother OG’r and help with the local relations, but our hobby to most is not something we advertise or let people beyond the door to our grows.


Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guerrero and Michoacan are production areas. Normally the production areas are areas outside the law, I do not advise you to go alone in certain places without locals. In some moments I have been very scared, keep in mind that both the police and the politicians and judges are bought, be very careful and do not get caught with anything. The best marijuana I have tried in Mexico was in the mountains of Veracruz.
Mexico City has distribution from all over the country, there you can find local strains from all over the country, of good quality, without the risk of disappearing.


all good questions and in my mind i can assume some answers, but do not Know the answers, I expect your trip to succeed,your preparation seems thorough. Even your questions, you have clearly given this much thought.

I hope you enjoy the trip, and look forward to trip reports

We must have some members from Mexico, and I know we do from Central America, heres hoping they chime in with some solid intel


I understand. It just may be that Latin America isn’t worth the energy at this juncture, given the obstacles and costs involved. I had a really good plan for Asia that didn’t require community engagement or involvement. There just isn’t enough time to plan the same for Latin America, unfortunately.


I know this may not be the most helpful, but Merida is renown for its produce and markets. There is also more of the old native culture still alive in parts of the Yucatán from what I hear compared to other parts of Mexico.

I do not have first hand knowledge of this, but picked it up from talking to coworkers and reading Diana Kennedy books.

In Guatemala, Lago Atitlan is definitely a must hit destination. It is absolutely beautiful around there, and I think things could be fruitful for you, although there may be some genetic contamination from all the Dead Heads that have been down there. I also know Doc D has collected some there, so it may be worth reaching out.

Also in Guatemala, if you go to Antigua, I think if you hang around Cafe No Se you might be able to pick up some leads.

Sorry none of this may end up being helpful, but it is all I have to offer.


If you make it to Belize ive got some cannabis friendly folks i could hook you up with that run a jungle outpost. They’re only like 45 min from the Guatemalan border as well.


There is a massive grow going on in front of the capital in Mexico City. It might not be a traditional place to look, but it’s probably a great place to meet Mexican Cannabis advocates and enthusiasts.


Hola …Mexico is vast and will eat up many days of travel.(it’s highly recommended to not drive at night on the Pan American highway).

If you were to skip Mexico you can get a flight to the south of Mexico.

Jump on the Ticabus which goes from Mexico (Chiapas…a good state to look for seeds,and beautiful scenery and beaches) to Panama, you can stop over in El Salvador (nice weed there) stay in a cheap hostel.
Then move through all the banana republics, Guatemala, Nigaragua,costa rica and Panama.
stopping off the bus, then catching it again.

A great and cheap way of seeing Central America,
A bit of Spanish helps as well…let me know when your in Panama LOL

Happy travels


Everything is helpful. I’m starting from scratch. Looking at Merida, that is exactly the kind of place worth checking out. Looking at both the human and geographical terrain makes that area seem promising.

Nice. This is, in part, going to be a vacation, too. I like misery, but I like respite from it, too.

I really appreciate your help! Given that they’re production zones, I’d presume most of the genetics in the area are likely hybridized? My conclusion in Asia was that commercial production related to organized crime held little potential for success–relative to the risk–in finding unique genetics.

I plan to spend at least a couple weeks in Mexico City. It’s in a good location, too. It might actually be best to just base myself in Mexico city for an extended period, maybe a month or more, and use it as a launchpad for smaller excursions. It seems like it could be a better option.

Now that’s an interesting country! How long would you recommend staying in Belize? That’s one of the more esoteric South American countries for whatever reason.

Huh? As in there’s cannabis growing in front of the capital in Mexico City? I’m not sure I’m following.

I’m thinking a month for Mexico, though I need to find a way to still make it to the Mexican Grand Prix.

I’ve got the Spanish covered, thankfully. I’m incredibly rusty, but there’s enough time for me to become conversational again before I leave. The language barrier in Asia was going to be one of the biggest issues, and always one of the reasons I looked forward to this trip.

I’ll absolutely let you know. Hopefully it won’t be too long :slight_smile:


Yes, activists have planted 420 marijuana plants around the capital building in Mexico City. They were like 6 feet tall the last time I saw them. The police consider it a protest and haven’t messed with them. It would be a great place to meet activists who might have excellent connections.


Viva la Republica!


Unfortunately not in Mexican reggie anymore


Thats a beautiful act of defiance


I was chatting with a guy from Michoacan yesterday. He says that it’s actually pretty safe even on the West Coast. He said in general, the cartels protect white folks down there. If you were by yourself in a bar mouthing off or acting tough, you could expect trouble. But other than that, it doesn’t sound as bad as what I had imagined… He said definitely find the old people, and look up in the mountains. I’ll be chatting with him more over the next week. He has a couple other workers from Mexico that I haven’t met yet. I’ll try to get some more info. Incidentally, he said Chicago is the best place to look for Michoacan genetics LOL. Lots of people from Michoacan living there

It occurred to me this morning that I am about to have a bunch of oaxacan seeds. Maybe you would like to travel with some of them down there to make some trades? Reintroduce some genetics from the 70s. The Panama seeds will be a bit later, but I can mail them to you before you get to Panama, or mail them to Panamajock…
People will be suspicious of a gringo wandering around rural areas. A Pocketful of seeds could help ease that suspicion and make some friends.




Mexico city marijuana Prices: 6 to 10 USD for a 50 to 100Gram Pack. $100USD for a Kilo.

and also: “I got 10gs for 150 pesos in 10 minutes.”

Mexico city marijuana Brands: Taxco Guerrero, Chiapas, And Many other.