Hazeman cheese Bx1

I picked up some of that ugorg as well! It was a bitch ordering for sure I hope it makes it to me. Happy growing my dude’s.


Yea dude I wish it was available in the states, but I couldn’t pass it up after all I’ve heard. Now we play the waiting game.


I picked it because i wanna try a good cheese skunk. Gonna do acouple different cheeses and skunks at one time. I classic skunk from awhile back and heard it was pretty close to RKS. Also got some others as well so I’ll prob pop a couple of each one and look for my keeper. I will be here to check out the show for sure.


I’ve had great luck with hazeman but this is one I was not fully impressed with.

Bummer, What did you not like about them? Hoping i get lucky, but if not, thats ok. Using this as a warmup run since ive been down for a minute.

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Honestly…most everything.i ended up with 5 females and all just weren’t that great. All had a short structure and a cheesy smell but were just a little raggedy and lacking. No disrespect to hazeman I love his gear but this one didn’t do it. I’m waiting on some beans-my buddy crossed the exodus clone to donny burger. Should be something good.

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Oooh love to see how these guys turn out! I’m a huge cheese fan! I got my first cheese seeds from big Buddha when they first released them years ago, then the bx etc it has such awonderfu lsmell and taste. I’ve never tried exodus cheese&just found out about the ugog#1 but it seems that gets sold out bloody quickly! So I’d love to hear about these hazeman genetics! Best of luck with the grow brother! I’ll be tuning in for sure :+1:

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My first cheese strain. Big Buddha Blue Chz

Thanks to @hashstash


@douggyfresh420 hope you find what your looking for. I love some cheese and some garlic strains also. I guess as a cook I just can’t get away from funky food buds.


It’s been just under 48 hours and 4 out of 5 cheese beans have popped. Gonna give em one more day, then into the happy frog they go.

Keeping this grow stupid simple. I will be growing in happy frog soil, amended with worm castings, extra perlite, organic dry amendments and the occasional veg/bloom tea.


How was the taste on that beautiful girl? I want to get a few blue cheese beans for the vault, but not sure who has the best representation. Lookin at some of Joti’s blue cheese crosses. Heard good stuff, but apparently it takes forever to get your gear.


It’s got about 10 days until harvest
I will definitely let you know

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I was actually just reading up that BB’s blue cheese is one of the best. Hopefully she turns out will for you.


As to my knowledge, they are famous for their cheese strains.

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Lol i have a fair few of original Exodus cheese derived strains/crosses.


Just picked up some blue stilton from hazeman. Anyone got any experience with this?


No experience with that one but just checking in to see if you got any update on the UGORG?

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it says its been shipped. i had to email him for a tracking number today. still waiting to hear back. Im starting to get nervous. I’ve had a herbies order sitting in nyc since the 7th that still showing it hasnt been processed yet.


Hmmmm I’m wondering if I should email them too I know it takes a good 2 weeks to get to the states when I order from over seas.

Yea, I really hate ordering from outside the US, but there was no way I could pass up the chance to try some ugorg gear. I’ve been waiting for a restock for like 5 years. Hopefully it’s worth the stress of waiting.

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