Kaliman Exodus Cheese Grow - Summer 2024

Hi all!

Long time lurker, new poster here.
Ended up with some space in my grow tent due to finding out a plant I was mainlining was a male (it took a HELL of a long time to show preflowers).

After thinking what I could replace it with, I remembered that I got some seed packs from Kaliman last year, and apparently they are near identical to the old exodus cheese.
Never had that, mind you, but I do really enjoy cheesy weed, so I’m going to give these a shot and see how they turn out.

So looking at seedfinder, I didn’t see this “exodus cheese” strain, but I do wonder if it is their cheese #1 or Rockster’s cheese.

So far, popping a few, as I would love to make some more seeds of this, if they put out some nice cheesy smells.

Will be running this alongside a Lemon Sour Diesel (confirmed female), and a Heime Cheeba RKS (unconfirmed). Might be nice to see if some nice stank can come from doing a bit o’ the ol’ pollen chuckin’.


Please excuse the plant that is looking a bit janky, haha!

I was experimenting with making my own hydroponic nutrients from scratch, and one attempt was a bit off, which damaged the cbd cheese I had planted there.

It’s doing okay now that I stabilized my nutrients, but the leaf damage stayed.

Tent overview:


  • Bottom Left - clone of Black Goji Dawg (Jordan of the Islands) that turned out to be male,
  • Top Left - BaOx Wine that turned out to be an auto :upside_down_face:,
  • Bottom Middle - Lemon Sour Diesel (Green Stash Seeds),
  • Top Middle - Heime Cheeba RKS (Kropduster seeds),
  • Bottom Right - Clones in progress of Lemon Sour Diesel and Blueberry Dragon Fire (7 east Genetics) x Mystery strain and a San Pedro cactus seedling
  • Right - Auto Cbd Cheese (Crop King Seeds) in Kratky container

You can trim those yellow leaves, it will promote new growth, rest looking good … beer3|nullxnull


Good call! :grin:
I normally would, but with her now deep into flower (disappointingly small buds due to genetics, but eh whadayagonnado? :woman_shrugging:), I figured I’d let the experiment finish.

If I encounter this again, I shall for sure.

Much appreciate the feedback! Hope you enjoy the grow. :slightly_smiling_face:


First attempt of getting beans to crack yielded no successes.

Tried some hydrogen peroxide and water, followed by paper towel method (see below), but no tails visible after 2 days.

Seeds could have been older from the seller, or maybe damaged in transit over to here, so I’ve decided to implement some chems for help.

In a solution of filtered water and a little bit of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) that was dissolved in <1ml of distilled chinese rice wine (it’s what I had on hand lol), I dropped the original 3 seeds and another 3 for luck.

Also filed the shells down a bit with a sanding sponge, and this morning I see several opening! :grin:


if they turn out to be cheese #1 then ya got a winner my friend, she does smell like cheese. take cuts to insure you have her with you, if ya don’t once she flowers your going to wish you had.

i sure wish i had at that time …


Good to know! :grin:
I guess she really isn’t a fan of reversing OR reveging hey? :woman_shrugging:

I’ve been going through some threads you posted in to see about ant insight into the strain. Any pointers as to how she reacts to nutes? :thinking:


Never seen exodus by Kaliman, but I wouldn’t doubt if it’s not his cheese#1. Wishing u luck on these!!


Thanks much! :grin:

Yeah it’s weird, as when I bought it from strainly, all his others had those strain info cards on them, except for this. (Also got Rockster’s cheese, Suicide Blonde, and Nitro Express)

Guess we shall have to wait and see what happens!


After a good soak in the GA3 overnight and into the day today, we have at least 2 confirmed cracks! :grin: (and one more that looks cracked but no tail yet)

Put them to a paper towel with fresh water, a dab of peroxide, and a little bit of the original GA3 water mixed in for good measure.

Let’s hope whatever sprouts can at least give me a male and a female. :crossed_fingers:


ya the cheese #1 says pure exodus ibl .

i can say there is some nice cheese in those seeds, did not keep her around because she did not have the cheese heavy enough for me. but now several years later and having grown out a few cheese strain i must admit compare to a lot of other “CHEESE” strains she really did have good cheese smell. i still have two packs and if i need to i will drop more. looking to make my own cheese strain and she might be where i end up going back to.

peace …


Hey, I appreciate the insight there!

If this stuff turns out to be good shit; given you have experience with it, I will make sure to get that keeper on life support!

Just got some GMO fem seeds in the mail today, so popped one in a glass of water. If that one turns out to be good, maybe the two could turn out something nice as well?

Hope your hunt for the dank is going well, growmie! :v:


Welcome out of lurking! :raising_hand_woman:t3:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thanks! Great to be here :grin:



3 of the original seeds that looked to have sprouted have been transferred to jiffy pellets that have been infused with worm casting juice.

My hope is not massive for these, as I suspect that the original seller had not kept these in cold storage, but I’m going to do what I can.

In order to try and up my chances of success, I dug out my kaliman packs from the fridge to take a look at what I’ve got to work with.

Going with 4 of the Rockster’s Cheese (Skunk #1 x Exodus Cheese Bx 3) to see if anything can sprout. Got a 19 plant allowance, so I’m going to try and maximize my chances at this point.

The seeds did look very dry, with a grey, hard coating all over them. I suspect time and bad storage played a part, as I believe this strain was around originally in the early 2010’s (from what I have seen on forums).

Took a sanding sponge and nicked into that hard coating as best as I could, making sure to try to file down the ridge, in order to hopefully help any roots break through more easily.

Again, into a GA3 solution, this time with a small bit of sugar and peroxide.

Let’s see what happens! :crossed_fingers:


24 and a bit hours later and “Life… uh… finds a way.”.

A couple of the Rockster’s cheese appear to have cracked, so I got them all straight in to jiffy pellets. I really hope at least something takes. :crossed_fingers:

As for pellets we got:

  • Exodus Cheese - Kaliman Seeds
  • GMO (Feminized) - Papa Seeds (looks to be a reproduction of Barney’s GMO, which is fine with me as I can’t get Barney’s seeds in canada anymore :confused:)
  • Rockster’s Cheese - Kaliman Seeds

So far, GMO has popped soil, but no signs of sprouts on anything else yet.

For those who have popped old seeds with success, how long did you have to wait to see action above soil? :thinking:


You mean it still has his helmet? icon_e_confused|nullxnull A pic would help … beer3|nullxnull

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Oh yes, silly me!
A picture WOULD help! :joy:

Yeah, GMO is looking nice, but so far the jiffy’s are all silent.
I’m probably just impatient, but I’m just hella anxious about having dead seeds. I know these things can sometimes take a week or two, but any thoughts from personal experience? :thinking:

Maybe it’s time for a hit from my XQ2 vaporizer… :yum:


I also use Jiffy pellets, I stick the seed with enough long tap root but don’t bury it, I like to see if it reacts or not, I can always cover the stem while transplanting if it becomes leggy.

You should be patient with the GM, as long as it is still alive, many times runts finally become beautiful plants … beer3|nullxnull

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