Hazeman cheese Bx1

Cheese Please! Yes I think I shall watch. I myself have never grown cheese but have some blue cheese fem seeds from a trade. I won’t waste my time with those traded blue cheese seeds, but would love to grow a stinky cheese that comes with good references.
I have a Thai plant that I’ve cross bred a few times and the last breed Thai x Caramel Cream(reversed) is a bit stinky. Funny thing is the Thai brings out the smell but only smells sweet itself. Anyways I ran a test plant stuffed in the corner of this Thai x Caramel Cream and the smell was different and strong early in flower. I was trying to figure the smell in week 3 of flower and could not define. Then I asked myself why I never tried Cheese? I like smelly weed the most. BTW the smell of my Thai x CC was defined as Taco Bell. I think I need to watch this one. Only wish you had a scratch and sniff button on your Diary.

Sending blessings from (close to) Wisconsin, the land of the Cheeseheads. Looking forward to watching this one, and any future Cheesey stuff you get in to :slightly_smiling_face:

Take a seat. Got a bunch of cheesy dankness on the way.


Delicious candy is the best cheese ive had so far It’s UK cheese x Carmelo. Super sweet and cheesy smell and taste. I tried growing some fems out last year but they turned to shit, so ive got some regs on the way to try out. Also got some Blue stilton from hazeman on the way.


Contacted him yesterday then again this morning he got back with a tracking. Looks like I should be getting a gift in by tomorrow, Saturday, or Monday.

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Just checked tracking on mine. Looks like it’s held up in customs in Chicago. I’ve got another order that’s been held up since the 7th. Hopefully this one arrives quicker


I’ll have to take your word for it since there is not a digital bong hit app.


The Hazeman cheeses are really starting to take off. I popped 5 originally and culled two that were looking like shit. Decided to pop the rest of these.


Oh fudge, held up in Chicago you say? Typically when its held up in chicago, you’ll get a package with some green tape on the outside and a letter inside.


You read my mind. :cold_sweat:


Hopefully just part of the customs process. Ive placed multiple orders from overseas and never have had an issue even though it always takes forever to get my gear. Guess we’ll see. Always a gamble


Prayers to you @douggyfresh420 i emailed them 2 days ago with a picture of the green tape and still no response back from them. They usually got back within a day when giving me tracking and stuff but now it’s crickets. I’ll give them another day before I email them again. Good luck

I’m already counting my losses. I’ve got two orders held up. Ones been over a month. Never ordering from outside the states again


Same exact reason and customs location that caused me to switch to stateside banks. So many options here and not dealing with customs is certainly a big win!

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Yea this has been a bad experience so far. Still no word from UGORG. Sent another message today. So see what happens. I hope they have customer service and can send another pack. 150 bones is alot but I really wanted to try his gear. I bought from attitude seeds a bunch of times and this has never happened.

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Yea I used to buy from attitude all the time and always got my gear. I think since Rona they’ve really cracked down on what’s coming in from other countries. Guess I should of took that into account :roll_eyes:

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Well hope you get your package with beans if not I’d try and see if they can send you another spending that much im not going down without a fight.

Yea i been looking at them suicide blondes… think im gonna pick some up.

We’ll update UGORG came through and sent out a second order!!! They are good in my book got my seeds and 2 freebies. Would definitely work with them again for standing by there word.

Also what up with anyones grow any updates on any cheese?