Hazeman cheese Bx1

Thats awesome man. I got thier ghetto blasters going right now. They reek to high hell

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Yea got ghetto blaster and disco biscuit as feebies can’t grow them quite yet, don’t have no room for them at the moment. Put some picks up would love to see what to expect from there ghetto blaster

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Im not sure were kaliman got the clone he used to make his crosses ect, but the plant he used is alot more sativa in looks to the original clone. I think it takes a bit longer to flower out aswell.

Update. The four in the back are the hazeman blue cheese. Only had to cull 1 male out of the 5 I popped. They are about 3 weeks into flower. The 3 in the front are the ugorg ghetto blasters. What they lack in size they are making up for in absolute funk. Just pulled 1 male so curious how these two girls turn out.


got some UK CHEESE BC1 going from hazeman, will be doing updates as things move forward.

peace …


is this thread DEAD ?.

any one …


Where the up dates I love haze

How did these pan out?


not really to my liking took them to 69 days and smelled really no cheese at all, HOW EVER this morning while trimming buds and deseeding her i was getting a cheese smell but the funny thing is it smelt a lot like the lost skunk which is exodus cheese and not uk cheese.

the lost skunk is legit awesome-ness to glad i kept a cut and great thing is i have 4 male ugorg plants going to next flower the lost skunk is going to get yet another blast of exodus cheese.

should be a fun run …


I cant remember why, but i scrapped the cheese bx1 and ended up growing some Hazeman Blue stilton. Had one plant that really stood out that was super frosty and had real funky blueberry/ cheese smell. Ive still got some more to pop eventually, but another project im working on right now. Hazeman gear is awesome though for the price.


heard that Hazeman is coming out with a new strain called "Night Terror’ sub-post to be very good, potent, ect --believe this years – few other strains will also be released

You know what the genetics are on that? Ive heard of night terror OG.

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let me re-vist site and will get back to you

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excuse me while i pull my foot out of my mouth, i have made a mistake in saying hazemans cheese what not what i though it was/ should be. now that its dried and in a bag it has insane cheese funk funk funk this is stinky cheesy stuff for-sure. i spent 69 days bitching because i was smelling no cheese or very very little and i guess i was very unaware that the cheese comes into play while/after drying. was also told again that what im growing IS NOT a cheese bc1 just uk cheese.

i would say any one can fill good about growing the cheese stuff from hazeman. i have several things from him with cheese in it so ya im very happy that im getting the cheese funk ive been after for so many years now.

now i need to find the EXODUS CHEESE to compare !!.

peace …


that one is from RAREDANKNESS – blue dream * raredankness #1

peace …

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A little Gypsum may help in that dept. I have some in the fridge to run yet. Thanks for the update.


Got a pack of the csi uk cheese s1 anyone ever grow that out yet? In to many projects right now so I gotta wait alittle bit.


did you ever end up running those ugorg and how did they turn out? I’m still pretty burned about getting ripped off on all those crushed ugorg seeds.


Nope did not Open it yet, they are still in the fridge I got to many things going right now I gotta wait till next couple runs. But I was thinking about them the other day. What happened to you pack?


dude. lets connect. im on the same mission as you. the skunk smell disapeared and my life goal is to find it and bring it back to society. but mostly just so i can finally enjoy weed again. anyone who is interested in forming a little skunk community and grow seeds together and or pheno hunt together. Email me