Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Never heard of but sounds amazing! Instantly made me think of Apollo and long big colas but 3 big ones like a trident! The first image that came to mind but deep dark purple colas. Hopefully that pheno transfers through. Amazing stuff as always.

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I also haven’t heard of Trident, but my interest in popping some a landrace sativa seeds is growing. Thanks for including me in future giveaways!


I can’t even begin to imagine how much of the cost of these beans is tied up in wooden boxes…:laughing:


All of it :grin:


I voted for the Viet Black fems. I probably won’t be getting involved in many giveaways anyway, since I still have more seeds than I know what to do with, but in case you do any seed increases for particularly juicy heirlooms or landraces (like that VB!) I figured I’d mention it. :slight_smile:


Much respect and thanks Heady!

Maybe if you briefly re-open your poll you might be able to view the voters? …similar to a wiki needing to be open to view its history? Just a thought


And I’m glad you did! Added.

Indeed I did. The error is in the fact that there is a radio button when creating a poll that says “show voters”. I didn’t activate this feature, and polls aren’t editable once they start. I’ll know in the future…there’s always something to learn!


What a bummer! Well, now we know! :sweat_smile:


If you want I’ll throw in 5 more Himalayan seeds for your giveaway so the chance of someone finding a male and female are extra good, should the winner make seed.
That Purple Wailing is this seasons seed so there should have no issues with irradiation.
I’m a Patreon subscriber for Zomia Cannabis Collective and his recent seed hunt was in this very region. I have many selections of just a few seeds each.


I’ve looked at their membership options; really cool organization.
I’ve always wondered: when you sign up, and it says (for example) “this level receives 10 packs of seeds from our most recent accessions” or whatever, how frequently do you receive those seeds?

The Trident seeds won’t be for a giveaway, I did an ADHD subject change :grimacing: but I appreciate the offer. I do hope I can acquire a few more of these Wailing Valley Purple.

That’s good to hear. I guess my buddy just wasn’t prepared to get these to germinate.
Also that’s potentially bad news regarding my request to Trident Seeds to do a seed increase on the Rare Purple… unlikely to get their blessing if it’s a recent one.
Perhaps when we get there, I’ll take you up on your Himalayan offer, personally.:bear:


i grow indoors and most of that stuff says 1-4 meters haha. 8 a month isn’t bad for 3 packs. TOO many variations and not enough info.

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Landraces from the field are fair game. I think most of their clientel are breeders or collectors. They expect people to pheno hunt.
I can’t find the purple wailing photo. Here’s some wailing/nirang/ Malana area champions.

I might have gotten


Thanks man! Could you speak to my Zomia question? Do you get seeds every month from them?


Curious about the zomia membership also there is one for $7.50 for 3 packs even if you have to pay a full year you get 3 for the price of 1 pack.


Yeah and the info page isn’t very helpful for that.


Thanks man :call_me_hand: I’ll keep my third eye open :joy:


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No. Every hunt I get seeds. Twice a year maybe. Or even just once.
You also get first crack at rare seeds with low numbers( few seeds) before anyone else even sees them. A discount is Part of the deal as well.
I pay $30/ month


I’m always on OfferUp perusing the listing for stuff that I want/need. I’m very patient and I don’t impulse buy (often); what I’m looking for is at least 50 percent off retail for anything that I buy. Well I found another humdinger the day before yesterday.

10,000 BTU portable a/c for fifty bucks. Edit: the phrase “fifty bucks” sounded cool, buy in reality I paid 40.
My drying tent will be cold even in the middle of the summer.
The catch? It was stored in a trailer at a trailer park, and it was nasty. I spent a full 90 minutes disassembling the casing, cleaning the fins (I couldn’t initially locate the fins, due to them being buried under what seems to be an entire Golden retriever worth of hair!), and then bleaching the hell out of everything I could access.
Tested it out, et voila, ice cold air.


:rofl: :face_vomiting:


It was really bad. Dander dust, hair everywhere… getting the first layer off was like petting a dog, and then I was peeling off sheets of it like the lint trap in the dryer, but if that lint trap hasn’t been cleaned in 2 years.
She said it worked wheen she sold it to me, but I guarantee it was just a fan before I cleaned it…no way air was getting through to that compressor.