HeadyBear's Den: Season II (Laissez les bons temps rouler!)

Awesome!!! Looks like she’s only getting started!
Thanks for the update!!!
The mother was clawing too, I assume that’s when they’re at max power. :smile:


I’m conflicted. Some of them I think 3 more weeks, others half cooked.


Yay updates! Sorry about the thrips. I’ve read somewhere that 2" of sand on top of your soil will smoother larva and stop bugs from laying eggs. I know for sure fungus gnats do you think would work for your thrips or at least knock em down a bit?

Oh ya samsquanch og x cdlc is amazing smoke. Mine structurely looked more like sog than cdlc and was :fire:

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SFV’s the only OG I’ve ever blazed that actually tasted lemon-y, despite what every description of every OG ever says haha, so maybe there’s a little SFV influence, too. Never grown it, only smoked it, so I dunno what it smells like on the live plant.

Having said that, the Pinball Wizard I grew smelled craaaaaaazzyyyy-lemony once it was dried and I was trimming it. Too lemony, really haha, like I bit right into a fresh lemon, couldn’t get that taste out of my mouth for two days after trimming it.

So maybe a lil’ bit of both? Haha.

Those pics are all run through “photo software” or whatever anyway… haha.


A heads up if you do decide to buy mephisto genetics here is a tip. If you order a single seed you get 2 if 3 ok you get 5 if 5 you get 7. Plus whatever freebies you qualify for as well. That helped me save $ Knowing those extra come plus gives me more to give to friends.lol


Looking good from here, love the shitty photography of some beautiful plants :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m sure the smoke will be top notch and jars full soon enough (but is it ever soon enough??). :green_heart:

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I guess the smoke will tell the story! We’ll see how aromas develop for the next few weeks still, too

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A little update to showcase Nice Rogue, bred by @Rogue
She’s a beauty!


They grow up so fast… Thank you very much for growing this one out, great job and I’m glad she doesn’t care about the thrips! :muscle: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:

How long has she been in flower now?


Actually, the thrips don’t care about her! She and the purple bagseed have shown excellent pest resistance.
They aren’t unaffected, but certainly less than the SunRa.
Flowering time estimate 5-6 weeks in


Wow, and she’s already packed it on that much, awesome!


She honestly looks to be at the same developmental stage as the SunRa that are 2 weeks ahead of her.
She might be a 9 weeker!

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Looking up the flowering time of the mother (Mr. Nice NL5 x Afghan):

Flowering period:

Indoor flowering usually takes between 7-9 weeks depending upon how the plant is grown.

Outdoors we expect it to be completed in October(mid) Northern Hemisphere or March/April(southern Hemisphere).

Hey, what is the smell like?!

I was getting either roast chicken or complex velvety perfume.

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I shall give her a rub and a sniff, and report back.



That’s a dangerous quote out of context :rofl::rofl:. Plants looking good.


curiosity intensifies

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Nice Rogue (@Rogue ) buds getting close!


Very Nice @HeadyBearAdventures :facepunch:t2:

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Oh wow, that’s very decent!!! :star_struck: :open_mouth: :grin:

I’m so happy she’s doing so well for you!
And all organic!!! And assaulted by thrips!
Doing so well anyway!


Thank you very much for the update my friend!