HeadyBear's Den: Season II (Laissez les bons temps rouler!)

That’s be rad growmie!

Not so many folks I know went through puberty in a speedo…
…adds some weird XP that helps and hinders as you travel through time!



Dude my body consciousness issues are crippling due to the fat shaming in a speedo! I wasn’t even fat, but people love to make fun, and you are literally as vulnerable as you can be without having your dick out.


Hey @Pigeonman since we’re almost at the starting line for the Mango Lotus, I was wondering how long you typically veg plants for a seed run.
My gut says 12 plants in a 4x5 should only veg for 3 to 4 weeks before switching or risk a massively overgrown tent.


@HeadyBearAdventures ive done as little as 2 weeks and the longest is my current reversal of First Class Funk. Which have been vegging out for MONTHS in a 1gallon but kt had to happen for the clones to get fully established roots, topped, stripped of leaves, then allowed to bush out again befor up potting just before flower.

They look like bonsai moms :rofl:

For the yogi run i did 4-6 weeks if i memberberries corrextly. I needed the. To be hapier with added beat mats which is why i didnt flip right at 4. (Again i think from memory).

The Jaliscos i did in small pots 2 weeks from seed as i was worried they’d get too big. It was my 1sg sativa seed run so i learned a lot those 13 weeks. :grin:

If shit gets crowded, defoliatr and feed! :scissors: :fallen_leaf: :canned_food:


I’ve definitely been making my IPM and defol plans! Also going to germinate in EWC to give these babies the best possible chance to see daylight.
As far as feeding, I’m gonna be watching close. I won’t be reamending the soil following the current run (it just got a full load of neem seed meal, bone meal, langbeinite, humic acid, and kelp) as I’m concerned about the Mango Biche nute sensitivity, but I’m ready with my JADAM inputs should they turn into hungry plants!

Thank you for the input my friend,I shall add it to my consideration.


That was me when I foolishly tried a first sampler of @vernal ’s Frogspawn just before driving down to Long Island on Thanksgiving, that was an hour or two of Cruis’n USA (that’s for all my fellow millennials who spent childhoods in the arcade).


@HeadyBearAdventures I also use cheap led 3000K shop lights as under canopy lighting for when shit goes crahzy. Or like with the Yogi’s I make them “Plant Yoga” so hard there a budsites far from the main fixture so then the sidelights get turned on. :ok_hand:

BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! This is 100% exactly what I’m talking aboot!


Lol I had to go back twice to see who was speaking so similar lol!


Blue Dream x Azure Haze (seeds from a @boatbum325 trade) 4 week cure, initial impressions:
I really enjoy the hell outta this smoke. It takes me back to Chicago in 2013ish, and it definitely has a Blue Dream vibe to it.
Overdried initially, so terps aren’t what they should be, but ground up she smells like sour blueberries (compared to early flower which featured sugary ripe Blueberry).
The effects are like getting stoned in high school: laughing my ass off at stupid shit, perma grin, eyes at half mast. It isn’t a couch lock, but the couch sure is comfortable. Warmth in the body, and a nice sense of calm.
Definitely want to pop the rest of the pack in the near future!


Oh a little update to my report on @SkunkHunt101 95 Silver Haze x Sowahh
I smoked a couple back to back bowls before bed the other night to check the ceiling; I didn’t find one.
What I did find was some really lovely CEVs! Nice, gentle spinning circles of color that would shift hue from time to time. Also some morphing shapes and shadows in there. Fun weed, but not sleepy time weed!


Most assuredly hypno-toad vibes!


Flower tent at the moment-
Nice @Rogue

The babies bred by @BasementBeans (well, for sure the CDLC cross, maybe not the other) and gifted to me by @420noob
Samsquanch OG x CDLC and Widow Maker. Both auto fems I tried 2 Strawberry Nuggets x CDLC beans, but neither popped for me. Still have a few left, but I’m holding off for timing reasons.

And the tent featuring @Greasy SunRa f2s almost 5 weeks in flower…halfway!

Thanks for stopping in, my friends!


I’ve grown Samsquanch (F2) and CDLC (purchased from Mephisto) and they are among my favorites from that breeder. I bet a cross will be sweet!


Thanks for the update!
Good to see it doing well amongst the thrips. :+1:


I keep hearing such good things! I may have to break down and pay for some Mephisto gear.


If my fogger will ever arrive, I hope to eliminate that particular relationship.


Long time no see!
I thought to myself “Man, I bet people are really missing your shitty photography of beautiful plants!”
So here’s some stuff:

Nice @Rogue

Sun Ra except for the small bud close up, that’s the purple bagseed. Smells like Grape candy.
Sun Ra had a distinctive lemon pheno (Wookie leaning? Is that right?), a couple plants that aren’t particularly smelly, but maybe… wildflowers? And then there’s the cedar pheno: extra leafy, she would have had long colas like the tall one, but I supercropped her and now she’s a tight little bush. She’s also the only one that hasn’t needed support yet. The other four move like used car lot flappers if I look at 'em funny, and one literally lays down on the floor if left unstaked​:crazy_face::sunglasses:

Fuck thrips fuck thrips fuck thrips.
Also, some accountability, and a reminder for myself next time:
This amendment application was too hot. Plant symptoms range from burning in early veg, to ongoing tip burn, and downturned leaf tips on fans.
Watering method and timing are still not ideal. I bought deep saucers as suggested earlier, but learned, upon trying to put the pots in, that I need 14 inch saucers…not 12. :man_facepalming: Consequently, I’m watering worth a 2L, unrestricted spout watering can which makes evenly watering difficult.
I need to run out and grab an alternative soon.
I did not have an IPM system in place, and that is what initially allowed the thrips to get out of control. I’ve got my sprayer, a bottle of Dr. Zymes, and I won’t be making thus mistake again.
So, I think it’s fair to say that these plants have been pretty well stress- tested, and continue to be rock hard stable. Really excellent outcome here, @Greasy


They look great!

This one is gonna really yield for you! Hopefully she’s good smoke. I found the smoke to be more OG like from the ones with OG indicators, long internodal spacing and flopping, than the wookie ones which were very grapefruit/citrus smelling because I’m after OG type highs. The wookie stuff was more 50/50 hybrid good anytime weed vs. nighttime. I haven’t grown enough of them though to be able to make sweeping generalizations like that, so just my high level thoughts.
I didn’t get any cedar from any plants I grew, but syzygy reported that was his favorite of the Sun Ra’s he grew, so that’s exciting!

Wooohoooo! Still looks like you are going to be rewarded nicely with a couple problems through and through. Just because they aren’t as pretty as you would like, doesn’t mean they wont’ be good.

What day of flower are they in?


Music to my ears, buddy! :musical_note::ear:

This was my understanding, so that tracks. I’m actually stoked to have a variety of phenos (as expected in the f2 gen) as it’s like having different strains on hand!

Yeah, this is why I’m excited about it; it’s cool to have someone call out a phenotype, and then find it!

You’re totally right, of course: I think this is going to be my best grow yet, and I don’t need to compare my plants to some of the perfect looking ones I see in other threads, because this flower is going to be fire!

Honest to Christ…I don’t know. I have a post in your thread that puts them at 5 weeks, and a later post that puts them at 7. What do you think? Do they look more half- cooked, or more 3 weeks to chop?