HeirloomWizard's landrace adventures: 20 years of search for the lost gems

Welcome! Your wealth of information and experience is impressive! I look forward to reading your work, and learning more! To me reading what you just wrote and things like it, is better than most great novels.
Landrace varieties are the best smoke you can get in my opinion. Or some of the direct crosses from them. The modern stuff just doesn’t do it for me personally. There might be a few good ones here and there, but my heart mind and body prefers the landraces. I find that the thc levels are only one part of the equation, and not everything. There are over 100 different cannabinoids, and other components that are not yet fully understood. The same goes for terpenes which I feel are overrated and over focused on in the Cannabis world, at least in the west.
We have many great threads here about landraces as you are aware. One of them trades landrace only seeds or their immediate crosses up to a four way as the maximum allowable cross. I started it, because finding these gems is not easy. Please feel free to participate as soon as you reach level two here on Overgrow! Here is the link.