Hello Everyone

I am new to this forum, but am very active on Reddit BlackCustoms is my handle. Im the moderator on the Rocbud page there. I’m looking forward to making new friends getting help and helping new growers.I enjoy trading seeds, talking about experimenting with new nutrients, pushing plants PPM levels, debating bro science, I grow in coco loco using 5 and sometimes 3 gallon fabric containers, right now my favorite nutrients line is RAW NPK, but I’ve used many other good ones, megacrop 1 and 2, athena, Advanced, and others. I’m always looking for quality clones or seeds, autos or photos. My favorite pollen chucker is Rocbud, one of my favorite hybrids is Banana Daddy Auto from Ethos. I also use hydro pebbles with an air dome. Im a firm believer in growing roots, not plants. If you grow outstanding roots, the plants will take care of themselves. I just harvested an 8 plant grow from various breeders. The breeder I am most impressed with who is new on the scene is Gas Reaper Genetics, I grew two of his plants and they are phenomenal …Feel free to say hello. I do have lots of spare Meph seeds to trade, FastBuds, Mandalorian, Rocbud, and a few others.


Hi @RonnieB2nd

Welcome to OG. I always liked Harley Smith (guy behind RAW).

Let’s see some of those roots!


Sure, they’re on my phone well I can get my pics from Reddit…Hang tight


Until I get the site figured out, here’s my latest grow I just chopped…Its a mixed grow of Rocbud, Meph, Ethos, and Gas Reaper…Reddit - Dive into anything


Welcome to the site. It’s a pretty awesome place. I just found this place in December, and everyone has been very friendly and helpful. :green_heart:


Wow, nice lollipops!


Thank you, Barry thats great to hear. I am no pro and still learning something new daily, but if you ever have a question feel free to ask and I’ll do my best to get you an answer…Especially about autoflower myths


Thank you Loki, I ran these on the dry side letting them get basically dry before watering again and tried using less volume of water when watering on this grow. I didn’t start using one gallon per plant until around week 5 or 6. I mixed each plant a specific PPM too. The Ripley’s OG would eat 2400 plus PPM every feed during flower and never slowed down, but I had others that couldn’t handle 1200ppm …I wont do another grow like this again, it was just way too much work


Hi Ronnie, welcome to OG!


THank you!!

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Thanks for joining overgrow - it’s great to have you here!

For those who don’t want to click on that Reddit link of Ronnie’s grow, here you go:

Wow - nice work, @RonnieB2nd! Outstanding!! Those are some jumbo lollipops! :lollipop: :lollipop: :lollipop:


Very nice. I’d put it in my pipe lol

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I’m curious as to what your run-off EC looks like when running until almost dry.

I’ve been running until nearly dry and my run-off ECs get scary at time. Plants happy as can be though. Weird. Would like to compare notes on that if you’ve checked the run-off.

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It always varied because each plant got its own mix. I have my note book somewhere I’ll did it out, I didn’t feed every watering due to the strength of my nutrients and how many supplements I was using. Feed, Supplements, water. I do remember it being high, but dry plants get awesome run off when they’re that dry. I always shoot for 1 liter of run off per gallon of water/nutrients, 1/2 a liter for 3 gallon…My theory is this and I can’t prove a word of this. I think some stress is good for a plant, because I think the plant alarms and tries to protect itself, and it does that with trichomes. I also believe dryer medium encourages the roots to search for water. Which means rooth growth. 7 days before I chop them I restrict all water and nutrients and only use ice water for the last 2 or 3 weeks when I water them…This past grow of 8 plants yielded over 4 pounds of dry trimmed bud. I got something right to get that much weight, I just can’t prove what it was


Indeed, welcome to the OG!!! From the looks of things, you have MUCH info to impart regarding Autos. Excellent output, Bro. A lot of members are starting to dabble on the “Auto Side of the Street”, your experience will be appreciated. Stick around, stay safe, take special care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Some truth in this. I also believe along the same lines. Your harvests prove this thinking is clear.
Welcome to OG. I’m sure at some point we will make a trade or two amongst us.


1st off welcome aboard the OG! Wow very nice lollipops pics. I will definitely be watching for more posts from you. You are definitely on to something here, thanks for sharing @RonnieB2nd .:sunglasses:

Thank you Mr. Hairy. I’m not too good with tech. From left to right its Grape Mints on the tall stand, in front of it is Bessie Cake, Ripley’s OG front middle, Back middle Ethos 92 OG Kush front right Ethos Banana Daddy and behind it a mystery freebie seed from Gas Reaper

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Thanks M8, truly…I top every plant I grow, and lollipop them too. You will not get everything that needs removing because you are racing the clock and you need to give the plants recovery time, lots and lots and lots of silica to help with stress. During my race to defoliate lollipop and top, I think I end up getting 85-90% of the bad limbs that are skinny, or have 1 or 2 nodes, etc…If you aren’t accustomed to growing autos, every now and then you will get this one plant that is a prolific grower in veg. You can’t miss it, because it will be out growing all of you other plants. You can have a little more fun with these. I do as the article says on Grow Weed Easy, find that imaginary line on your plants where the light basically stops and cut everything below that line…Alll that extra energy will now go to the buds that are getting good light… That grow was a lot of work to say the least because each plant got its own mix of nutrients. One plant, the Ripley’s OG got over 2200ppm per feed during flower and I had another one that would have leaf clawing at 1300ppm, so I ran it at 1100.I use a mix of organic and synthetic nutrients and supplements. I would grow 100% organic but in my humble opinion these plants are stressed enough growing in such small containers, compared to the earthy. And a cannabis plant can’t tell the difference between an organic ion or synthetic one. In my opinion plants cramped up like this need all the help they can get…This is only my opinion, I can’t prove a single word of it.If anyone is wondering my nutrients are RAW NPK Grow and Bloom, Raw Nitrogen, Raw Phosphate, (everything I list is RAW unless noted) Potassium, silica, vitamin B with 9% magnesium, Calmag,59% Humic acid, Full up, enzymes, grow microbes bloom microbes, kelp, Omni A vegan nitrogen, Silica growers recharge and Neptuens Harvest 0-0-1…I use the gown and bloom together of course all supplements accept Growers recharge and Neptunes harvest. I use those two when I am just watering them, next water ing is base nutrients nitrogen potassium and phosphorus.I make boosters out of them. If the plant is in Veg I will use nitrogen and phosphorus next watering I’m back to the nutrients I water my plants lightly making point to leave a lot of the coco dry. By the 4th week I am using 1/2 gallon of water per plant, I pick up the container and feel how heavy it is, and remember the weight…3 days later I willl lift the container and if its light as a feather they get fed/watered again. I like to get a good healthy run off, Until I use the Neptues Harvest and recharge. I make a point to havve none of it run off. I’m still learning daily and would appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. I’m a firm believer in a water ph test kit and ppm/ec meter. I love growing Rocbudinc genetics, Ethos, Gas Reaper Genetics, Mandolorian and some Mephisto plants. I sprout my seeds in the final container, I personally think people over think seed sprouting and I am more of the have faith in nature type. I’ve tried all those seed sprouting techniques and my luck is just as good by placing seeds in napkins, cd cases, and smaller pots. In fact transplanting auto seeds is very risky…Things I would like to master are LST, better defoliation skills . I never let my containers sit in the run off water because your medium will suck it back around the roots.As far as Mephsto store openings. They announce what stores are gonna be open during the week on social media and reddit…My next venture is clones so if any of you are clone experts I would love to hear from you…I am going to order some Seed Junky seeds teen clones and see what happens.Thank you everyone for having me


Welcome to OG @RonnieB2nd

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