Help me calm down please!

I hear you. I’m same. Same age, similar training in martial arts (Kempo, BJJ). I have to work real hard to not jump into fights with assholes like that, because I really do like beating the shit out of idiots that deserve it.

But, the truth is… if his measure of a “man” is a simpleton-ish as “youre not a cattle farmer, so you’re a pussy” then he is a worthless 5 year old in an adult body. And his personal life is probably a full on barrel of pure pathetic. His relationships are probably terrible, and I doubt anyone respects him.

His opinion means less than cattle shit. Hes a moron.

You were good to not get into it with him. In the future, just stay away.


Adults = Kids + Time

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I have one cow and am therefore a man.


I babysat cows for about a year. They are surprisingly stupid critters.


I’d snap show. Then again, I’m quick to throw down… usually it takes once. A few of my now closest friends became my friends after duking it out. Dad always taught me, don’t start it but finish it


Next time you are in Cali I’ve got something for you, Pal.
Your banter with @Grease_Monkey suggest you might be fisticuffs homies🤣


Walking away is wonderful.


Those are the people that are on low vibration and negative energy. They are trying to bring that vibration and energy on you. One way or the other. So best way it is to take a big breath on and let ot go away. Dont let them suck your energy. In yours case if you will take a fight you will automaticaly take all the negative energy on you.

Be positive :pray:


Sounds to me like the guy that was trying to start shit with you just got dumped by HIS girl.

She probably told him on the way out the door

“I want a real man, not a farmer”.

*editors note, in no way am I saying farmers aren’t real men


LOL, farmers and ranchers are an interesting and diverse group like any other. I spent years doing security at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. It was quite the look into human behavior. They would come from everywhere for this big event, it was like a yearly party for them. Stalls set up as bars, night clubs all opened up inside when the public was kicked out. Then there were the snobby events where they didn’t just keep listening to Cotton Eyed Joe all night, lol. Funny part was if you looked at the crowds most of the tuxedos were rented and the guy in overalls covered in cow shit was the real rich one. Was defiantly an interesting time.


I think at the end of the day we can assume that the guy in the bad mood was having a tough time attracting women because he smelled like hay and cowshit.


LOL, could be, the woman at the Royal were used to it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What if you had said you were a dairy farmer?

Could you imagine the beef?


You did the right thing Brother
Dude is an asshole
Most likely the only women he can get are his cows LOL


If youre referring to jinglepot… naw he’s afraid of me. Brings me drinks at the snap of a finger like a good waitress.

He won’t admit it though, he will probably respond super defensive like and try to call bullshit… but thats OK I give him a fair sized leash


Here, this oughta help


Lay it on @Jinglepot We know he does you wrong. Haaaaaa!


Say, “There, there deary, you will grow up one day.”


Man… I’d say be the better man… walk away… but… a second instance… just will turn into a third… and 4th… I would save the dough… show him who and what you are with minimal but convincing for a lifetime damage… I know alot of the same kind of… not so refined I suppose… multibackround… let’s just say that… and it’s rough knowing u can but know better because of laws… reputation… whatever… but sometimes… every great great once in a while… the son of a bitch deserves it… and you should give em what they need to be humbled again so they just shut the hell up and live and let live…

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Your not calm yet brother?

To quote The Great, Ari Gold.

Ari Gold:
Smoke more weed, Turtle. Seriously, smoke more weed.