Help me calm down please!

Smoking weeds only good to calm down now… you know? It’s not like he could smoke out and go out again have that happen and just let it go… again… sometimes there’s patterns… he asked what to do if it happens again… now that’s a different thing than just a bad day… that’s a series of direct attacks… how long should a guy tolerate it? I say as soon as a pattern is recognized is the time to do something like kick some ass… something more physical… words just do NOT work sometimes… if just 1 time something happens… ezpz… walk away I don’t know ya screw it… but we know each other… see each other around… have interaction on a continual basis… then something has to be done unless you’re a fan of just eating shit lol

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Love you sweetie! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


K. I. S. S. I. N. G “body seems unclear” edit lol

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Not sure what the problem is with just making it clear that you aren’t hurt by his insults - if the OP is with his girlfriend, surely she can join him in showing their contempt for the guy. He’ll either stop bothering and find other people to pick on, or escalate and eventually try to get violent. That’s when you get violent back… not an unprovoked attack just because he’s got a big mouth.


Lol… yeah… try that… because talking always works with mouthy people right? No… as I stated and I’ll continue to stand by my statement… sometimes there’s PATTERNS…when recognized… on the NEXT time… it’s time to show them what’s up… it’s cool to walk away etc… but a continuous attempt… which is what the OP was talking about … is deserving of more than words… you do you though… I’m not quick to fight… that’s childish in my eyes… but again… when it repeats… it usually continues into more not less… so at that point it’s clear what to do…

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Except according to the OP it’s the first time it happened. He used to drive the guy when he did Uber but no mention of him talking shit till the night in question. One comment on one night is way to quick to be thinking about escalating IMO. Could be the couple decades I did security and dealt with drunks but it should take much more than one comment on one night to get a negative reaction from a person.


He hasn’t been on in a day. Make sure we give him good vibes. One Love!


No one is reading my statement… the op talked about NEXT time… that’s time number 2!!! Lol… I agree 1 time isn’t enough… I went on to say once a PATTERN is recognized is the time…

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Ok, fair enough, I did miss that. I would also say that twice is not much of a pattern but I do get what you are saying, there is a point where escalation is needed.


For the record… I hate fighting… it never really accomplished anything … I deffo wouldn’t have my woman do the talking though… that’s just asking for very fast escalation… and also … I’d be checking with her before any violent actions near her. . Most classy women do NOT like that shit… buuuuuuuut… I still say… if it keeps repeating… even a second time… gloves come off and heads get lumps lol… it’s unfortunate that people feel the need to try to upstage anyone else… as human beings we’ve missed the point of life in this manner… violence is violence… but sometimes lessons need to be learned unfortunately… im no young punk… I’m older so believe me… I know what you all mean… it’s better to walk away… buy I say that’s only sometimes…


Clearly it’s out of jealousy that it started… definitely about the woman… lol… I’d bet my grow setup if he was alone the guy wouldn’t have said anything at all

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I get into it with people all the time. I feel like they go out of their way to get in it with me. Sometimes it is best to walk away. But even this morning something happened with me and my son. I took him to the park. This older woman was asking him a bunch of questions. Like where you like. I can’t say I didn’t say anything. I nutted up


Kids are different… as parents we immediately jump for them…

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If complete stranger yes totally easy to walk away… but someone u see periodically… not the same gane

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I hear you there, my kids are in their middle 30’s so I am no youngster myself and have a fair amount of experience dealing with stupid people both with my old job and with my life. As someone who dealt with a temper problem and still does to an extent to this day I guess I am always trying to find another way. Took a ton of self reflection to get to that point as there was a time when one wrong word would likely lead to throwing hands. I just don’t want to be that person any more. I suppose that’s more about me not wanting to give others power over me.


Definitely agree @DougDawson!!! In fact I came to the same conclusion in life and quit fighting all the time when younger… I realized allowing other people to piss me off get a reaction out of me etc… is just like tying puppet stings to myself and giving them control over my life… it has helped me very much… I too struggled with a seriously bad bad temper when growing up… we could be brothers man!! Lol identical reasoning and solution


It just couldn’t be more true


All in all in the end… weed was the thing that helped me the most… but I still find the times where I haven’t smoked or didn’t have time… and those old feelings well up in you … its definitely harder on those times haha… it took me years to level myself out… sounds like your struggle was similar


Still a struggle bud, I am just more aware of it as when I was younger I didn’t give it much though. When I was a homeless kid you didn’t take any shit. If someone so much as looked at you funny it was go time. Much like it was in school and in lock up. Was not till I got older and pulled my head out of my ass that I realized I was the biggest part of the problem. Like an alcoholic says, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. Same sort if thing here, let ones guard down and it’s instinct rather than thought process making me no better than some animal in the forest. My wife and kids deserve better as do I so I do my best to keep things in check.


I agree. When it repeats, it usually escalates. All I said is that I don’t think being the one to escalate it is the best move to make. I’d rather let someone else start the fight, and be the one to finish it.