Help with switching to Jacks fertilizer

It’s said that for 5 years. They don’t give a fuck about direct canadian sales or anything. They barely bother to reply to emails. But I’ll have to check retailers that sell Jack’s/JR peters or whatever.

Thanks again.

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Your welcome. Good luck keep us posted on your search.
I can’t find it online anywhere but direct right now.


Will do. I’m guessing it might be in the same category as the Masterblend cannabis bloom formula; not even “out” yet for the public to purchase. We’ll see.

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$27 for a small bag, and $30 shipping to the Midwest. Ouch


Yeah their small bag of part A 5-12-26 is more expensive!

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:sweat_smile: starting to push these gals a bit here

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You contacted them for a price/shipping? Or you’re just able to add it to cart and get a shipping estimate - being in the US?

You know your set on EC there.

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I added to cart and was gonna buy it until the shipping cost was revealed …

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most plants were seeing way too much Mg by the time i got anywhere near the recommended dosage here, finding more success with the 20-20-20 outdoors in octos, think im going to experiment with 20-10-20 citrus next year. two strains didnt mind the outdoor mix though, 2.2g per gal is what it says on the back of the bag and thats what Black Dog is getting now.

i agree. i tend to go light on the Mg. Jacks treats me well. i really like that i can use the same mix indoors for my bud and outdoors for my peppers / tomatoes


im going to stick with dry amending the veggies, too much work to continuously feed them with no real improvement in results imo… but for the citrus maybe im not doing it right but they like to feed irregularly, so going to keep top feeding those.

Can I ask a simple question?
Jacks 321 is 3 grams of plant food, 2 grams of Calcinit, and 1 gram of Epsom.
(Or 3.6, 2.4, 1.2grams)
This is for veg.
When it moves to flower is the theory that you change the amounts of each to 2g, 2g,2g and thence to 1,2,3?
Or add bloom agents?
I like to keep things simple.

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you can use their other formulas for ripening, but its supposed to be run 3.6,2.4,1.2 the whole run veg and flower.


The whole way? I thought the idea was to lower N in flower,no?

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That’s why they just came out with their 0-12-26 formula. You can download their feeding instructions.


It says to use bloom boost and finish on the site…
Also it’s 3.8, 2.5, 0.99g not that it would really make a difference.


If you notice its only for 2 weeks total of the bloom period though. First week and last week or something… I did notice a nice difference with the finish. But you don’t need it.

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I’m starting to think the 3-2-1 might actually work great outside here, at least the ratio.

The happiest plants outside are just getting 2.5g 20-20-20 and 1g epsom per gal right now, the 18-8-23 I wouldn’t recommend if you have clean tap water, I’ve had to bust out the calmag and cut the epsom on some.


Is this new schedule that should be followed for both Tap water and RO?