Help with yellowing and drooping

Good point, they are not on a cold floor though. I’m sure its not as warm as the air either way. Kinda wanna see if I can figure out my floor temp now haha.

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So if I got nutrient lock from the wrong PH why is PHing my water useless? Seems contradictory, not to seem rude.

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Also to anyone out there, thoughts on this being a Cal/Mag issue? IRL friend thinks that is what I’m dealing with.

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Because it has thrown the natural pH of the soil out of whack. Test the pH of the water runoff. I bet dollars to donuts it’s completely out of whack. Also your humidity needs to be dropped down as your plants are transpiring hence the drooping that you keep trying to fix with more water. Effectively suffocating your plants. They are trying to tell you by drooping. More than likely they will die soon if not transplanted as nutrients are being locked out and they are also drowning. Long time successful soil grower here, but just my 2 cents.


As stated my run off is at 6.4.

hey bro how are you?

Look, I don’t have much experience but from what I’ve read so far, it seems that you have 2 problems:

first: overwater I think 400ml every 2 days considering its humidity and temperature I think it’s a lot. It is worth noting how long your pots take to dry, around here I usually weigh them when they are dry, and then I weigh them full of water and when in doubt I weigh them to see if they are dry enough. I believe that because of the overwater the leaves are getting wilted.

second: magnesium deficiency. This yellowing between the leaf veins is characteristic of this deficiency. I would water it calmag and wait for the vase to dry well before going back and watering it again and would pay attention to the amount of watering

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Or you could try a Epsom salt foliar instead of watering in cal/mag so you don’t have to give more water. That is magnesium.


Any brand you prefer?

The only time I ever had plants that looked like that in soil was when I was a newb and used an ro machine (or bottled water) and messed with the pH. Messing with pH is only necessary when using a soilless mix like Coco, Promix or other hydroponics or in the case when you are using manmade nutes (chemical) nutrients that throw off the natural pH of soil usually turns too acidic over time. Best to leave regular ole tap water overnight for chlorine evap and use that instead. Any bottled water or ro machines remove ALL nutrients from water even the good ones and you must compensate. Make your life easier and your grow more successful next time by leaving the pH alone.


The regular stuff they sell for bathing. Plain ole Epsom salts.


So would you say its the RO water lacking in minerals being more of a problem than PH in water? I really don’t understand how using ph 6-6.5 water would damage the plant.

Are you using an ro machine? You must add cal/mag back in every watering with the machine. Your pH is pretty low on runoff for mj and soil plants with the fussing in soil. Try an Epsom foliar. Let soil dry switch to the method of water I suggested and see if it helps. If not, then you have ruined the soil and need to transplant.


I’m using distilled water until I buy a filter system. What PH do you aim for with run off?

Distilled water bad. Tap water sitting overnight good


Just curious why you think you need to pH water in organic soil? Or use distilled? Why do you need a filtered system? Do you plan to grow hydroponically?


You would be on the right track if organic soil was not your medium. pH only needs to be adjusted when using the above growing methods I mentioned above. Soil growing is much different than hydro even indoors.


I went to college for Horticulture. In soils class we were taught in the input ph of water will affect over all ph of soil.

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The other problem I am having is these plants are supposed to be in a 4x4 raised bed right now in their schedule. Unfortunately I have not been able to get my power cables from Fluence to power that tent.

Why are you asking us if you seem to know the answer to your problem? If you were on the right track, buddy your plants wouldn’t be dying. You will have the same problem in your raised bed if you use your current method.


Honestly you seem to have a problem with me for no reason. Thanks for the help though.