Herbs Now Dryer

Disconnect the heat element. Thats what I was referring to earlier with the Excalibur dehydrators. But theres a lot cheaper options than Excaliburs. They are the shit though.


glad to be of help, I was actually reluctant to reply when Boogie tagged me because I got trashed pretty badly on another forum I had people picking through my plant photos trashing my plants and calling them mids and all kinds of crap. Some people don’t like to try other methods and get defensive if you offer an alternate way to do things. I will say though that OG is the best forum I’ve been on and while you will deal with idiots anywhere on the internet there seem to be more knowledgeable open minded growers on here than anywhere else


:100: OG

Did you get the carbon filter tray? Do you stand buds up xmas tree style or lay flat in machine?

no I didn’t get that carbon filter but I think I should have because the thing puts off quite a bit of smell you can definitely detect the smell easily. I do both it all depends on how much I am drying. If I have a small amount of larger branches I will cut them into foot long segments and stand them up but you can fit so much more in the thing if you lay them down I just make sure I flip them a few times the first couple days and that seems to help it also depends on how dense and heavy the buds are, because of the last two I just dried this past week the first batch was smaller more compact buds that did not flatten but the 2nd batch were larger heavier buds and I had to flip them twice the first 24 hours then once the next day to prevent flatness. If you do decide to buy one instead of spending the extra money on the filter I would recommend buying the cheaper green set of trays to extend the thing and hold more buds that’s what I did and I can fit between 6-8 oz in there if I get creative but comfortably it holds around 5oz


Totally… it’s a 80F heating element with a fan :+1:

I think it should be half the price or less but I feel that way about 99% of things.

Sounds like we all agree that longer is better for the drying process. This unit consistently finishes buds with a “snap” stem condition in 96 hours. Is that ideal? Not for enthusiasts and those craft cannabis lovers out there. Does it give a drying condition that, when cured properly, results in cannabis of a quality that I bought for years on the black market and was happy to smoke? Yep, it checks that box.

I like how the tray at the bottom catches all the cannabis seeds that fall out.

If someone invents a box that I can buy for $500 or less, that produces a perfect drying/curing experience, I would want that instead.

I don’t have any cooling capabilities where I live, so here are my drying room conditions for next week. Ain’t no craft cannabis drying here :joy:


I fogure if i can do like a plant at a time it might work. I dry in the bathroom. Moving when necessary. Not ideal. Ima try it with the extra trays and the carbon filter. Gonna go from the dryer to jars. Thpughts??

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Sounds pretty much how I run mine. I add in the tall shot glass with water to slow it down a touch cause I’m 50% or less ambient humidity most of the time.

Let us know what you end up thinking of it :metal::sunglasses:


I’ve never had success drying food in a dehydrator with plastic shelves. It always ends up tasting like plastic.

I have a Cannatrol and love it. I get some people’s hobbies are electronics, and environmental conditions control. Mine is not. I like to grow plants and smoke weed.

Tell ya what else I saw that’s trying to get my money


Spare room, set ac at 61 since thats as low as it goes, hang that shit everywhere and check daily. 5 to 9 days at the very most. Clip buds into bigass bowl and jar up.

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Totally agree. When I left for holidays this year I chopped 4 plants and just hung them in my tent. I was not going to miss my week at the lake, even it it ruined my plants. 10 days later I opened the tent expecting a bunch of over dried hay hanging there. Oddly for whatever reason, what I found was perfectly viable smoke that was not over dried. Spent the week trimming those plants so some where hanging up to 14 days. Trimmed bud went into freezer bags and then into grove bags a few days later. Stuff now smells and tastes great and is getting better as it cures. I got really lucky there and there is a noticeable difference.


Or those home made koolatron made from wine fridge and part taken out of dehumidifier. Adjustable Rh down to .5 increment.

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That appears to be under $500 currently :thinking:

It may need to happen …thanks!


Awesome thanks for this way more in my price range that other one you got is 3 times as much.

From what I’m aware of, that’s because it doesn’t handle drying (only curing). Please, let me know otherwise.

From the site…


My old company had the biggest Curidor they sold. It was almost 2k but a game changer for us. Theyre designed for long term storage, not drying. I used it for concentrates, but even after 18 months, the hash would test out the same cannabinoid and terp %. Most people use them by stuffing turkey bags of bud in there for extended periods.



This is why I’m interested in the reviews of this unit.

Paired with a small tent and circulating fans, can it make a dry room on a hobbyist budget and you can hang your branches? I’d like to find out.


I use my Cannatrol to store 90% of the time. I have to take everything out when I need to dry a plant.

I’m really considering. I’m trying to understand if I need a wine fridge, a humidor, something in-between?


Three days is all I need here. I’d like to go longer but don’t want the hassle that entails. I still get decent cures when my weed lasts long enough.

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As crazy that it sound, you can trust blindly the cigar industry for your cannabis ^^


My grandfather was into cigars. He rented space in the humidor at the local restaurant he loved. In addition to his multiple humidors of different sizes and what have you. It wasn’t my scene, but I learned a little, and it sounds like exactly the same thing I want to keep my weeds safe, secure and fresh.

Im going to let one of y’all pick it up and try it out and tell me how much you like it. Then I’ll pick one up, too.