Herijuana regs indoor

As it sounds!
My last grow, I took a swing at making my own seeds with Herijuana.
Apparently it worked (not sure why I’m so surprised…)

So this grow is about testing these seeds - and getting some smoke of course!
Due to some changes on this side of the keyboard, the 4x8 came down following my last grow. For now, the seedlings are in a Vivosun 2x4 under a pair of Viparspectra V600s.

So far, 9 of 11 seeds germed, 8 are starting well and have their second set of true leaves coming in.
So far so good!

Question - since these seeds are Herijuana / Herijuana — is that a BX1? - I have NO idea… lol


I will be running herijuana this winter, so ill just lurk back there in the shadows


Depending on what the originals were. This is F1 if you started with f1 then they’re F2 ‘s and so on

Nice hall I haven’t grown herijuana in a while. When I did it was from sannies seeds who’s the original breeder of yours ?


Pulling up a chair brother. Going to be awesome.


Thanks! - It’s somewhere in my last journal - I’ll find it and post. I got the seeds from Buzzer777 at phenohunter - but IIRC they came to him from someone here! lol.

re: f1 or f2. Hopefully that resolves when I find out the above. But, if I still don’t know 100%, I would think that calling them f1 would be safer.
I get corn-fused easily here…
Breeding seeds exclusively from this new stock would be F2s (I think???)
Breeding new seeds with OLD stock would be a BX1?

Hoping to get my room set up soon, followed by my 4x4 in another room for breeding.
I have more strains I’d like to preserve, but also crosses like Herijuana / Malana
Can I name it Herimalanajuana? :laughing:


Great to have ya brother!


Nice to see you were successful in making seeds last round. If they are from the Heri seed run pedrobann did for the community then I have the same generation going as you. I always read heri didn’t have much of a smell or taste but mine had an amazing black pepper smell to it and numbs any pain before it makes me fall asleep. Did you find a pheno like that in your last run?


I have some herijuana crosses that plan on running next run


Hola Gang

Your Heri came originally from Meduser.ca
I F-it 2-3 time since Meduser then send it
to Pedro for a reproduction.




YES!!! Thank you!!

It seems so! :grinning:
Went and sniffed a grinder - peppery for sure, but I still can’t ID the “dark pit-fruit” scent - almost a bandaid/latex aroma…
All but one plant got that and yeah - numbing and sleepy. Old school “stone”.
The temple ball from that trim run was phenomenal - seemed to disappear too fast… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I should add too - there does not seem to be a “ceiling effect” - or a point where more doesn’t get me more stoned.
Instead, I can get stoned to the point of sleep - I woke up on the couch with a lighter still in my hand more than once…


That’s what’s going to keep this one under my lights.


Ha ha I shared some with a friend a while ago who works nights so his sleep schedule is messed up on the weekends. He has a ridiculous tolerance but he was ready for bed when he’s normally eating lunch. Its all he talks about since lol


A Back Cross is a little different. Usually the first cross involves a different strain, and often an elite cutting.

So say you had a cutting on Chem 91 that you wanted to do a BX. Say you cross it with your Herijuana. This first cross would be Chem 91 x Herijuana. Then from those seeds you pick a male that looks like it carries Chem 91 structure and smell. When you use ttis male to polinate the original mother cutting again that is BX1.

Chem 91 x (Chem 91 x Herijuana) = Chem 91 BX1

Then you take a male from these seeds, and cross it back to the mother cutting again, and it is BX2,


One of the few strains that I use moderation with. I can puff on my Kush - or almost anything in the dispo - all day long.
With Heri I share a bowl, maybe two, with my Wife. After three the couch-lock sets in firm…


Circular, but makes sense! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Thank you! :grinning:
Looking forward to additional breeding - is there any harm in keeping a generational line going - Heri - heri - heri - heri?
Or is that phenohunting since I’ll be selecting traits?


Yeah the idea with Backcrossing is to get closer and closer to the mother cutting you are trying to reproduce or preserve with each additional BX


What ever became of this grow? I would love to see the results!


@herojuana.tom - I had some personal issues come up and wrecked them a few weeks before my projected harvest date - they didn’t get watered for a week. :unamused:

I ended up harvesting a few weeks early - and only about a quarter pound of fried, golden brown buds.

I actually forgot that I had that QP until I set up the 4x8 for a new run (Herijuana & a Black Triangle/Kashmir cross) - my Wife & I tried a couple bowls - stony, and that unusual Herijuana aroma was there, but faint and overpowered by brown sugar leaves and pistils.YUCK :face_vomiting:

HOWEVER - I got some dry ice and ran the buds through a 90u & a 120u bag - got about 20 grams of some pretty good kief. It won’t roll into a temple ball; but the 90u makes a nice bowl topper - the 120u (about 11 grams) is going to be decarbed and mixed into a 1/2 pound of butter.

Here’s the link to the current grow - Herijuana is the taller, lanky half of the tent. I’m about 3 or 4 weeks into flowering - planning an update tonight.


Sorry to hear of your early pull but thank you for providing an update and the link to your current grow. It sounds like the grow wasn’t a total loss since now you have a good sized ball of kief so that is good to hear. Much appreciated @Johnny_utah!