Herijuana regs indoor

@herojuana.tom - I had some personal issues come up and wrecked them a few weeks before my projected harvest date - they didn’t get watered for a week. :unamused:

I ended up harvesting a few weeks early - and only about a quarter pound of fried, golden brown buds.

I actually forgot that I had that QP until I set up the 4x8 for a new run (Herijuana & a Black Triangle/Kashmir cross) - my Wife & I tried a couple bowls - stony, and that unusual Herijuana aroma was there, but faint and overpowered by brown sugar leaves and pistils.YUCK :face_vomiting:

HOWEVER - I got some dry ice and ran the buds through a 90u & a 120u bag - got about 20 grams of some pretty good kief. It won’t roll into a temple ball; but the 90u makes a nice bowl topper - the 120u (about 11 grams) is going to be decarbed and mixed into a 1/2 pound of butter.

Here’s the link to the current grow - Herijuana is the taller, lanky half of the tent. I’m about 3 or 4 weeks into flowering - planning an update tonight.