Herijuana & Strawberry Kush - 4x8 flowering

U trying to be sarcastic or for real :joy::joy:


No sarcasm at all, nobody uses black and white any more but it’s a classic look that I personally like.


Something’s wrong with the flash on my phone, so all my shots are with the Viparspectra lights on - they look white to human eyes, but camera sensors have a wider range and see the IR & UV frequencies.

So - I went with “Weed Noir”! :laughing:

I’m going to be a bit Wizard of Oz on this grow - switching to color when we move to the flowering tent.


Didn’t see your handle before I made mine. Ha. Whoops. My bad. Interested to watch these grow out. Best of luck!


As much as Point Break is a terrible representation of surf-culture, I thought it was funny and much of the movie was shot at a spot I’m a local at. (not 1st point)
Love the Avi!


Nice! For sure a super kookish movie surf wise, but I love it. Ha.


05/26 - Lights on shots - forgot to B&W them lol. Back to noir (or a new phone) next shoot.
Holy Heri Batman!!!
My original plan might be falling apart - The Heri have been vegging for 4 weeks and are taller / thicker / fuller than my Strawberry have ever been - OG too.
I might be flowering them in this tent - and soon - if they stretch as hard as they’ve grown so far…
I forgot to shoot a pic of him - but I found one plant with “legs” (I forget the name of them atm) that don’t cross - actually spread apart. “He” is one of the taller plants too. That tallest is my second guess, but that one was in the corner until this morning, so it may have been stretching for my (too high) lights.

Removed the bottom 3 nodes on each plant. I LOVE the extra watering / maintenance room! - did I lollipop? lol
Feeding GH Trio - Micro/Gro/Bloom @ 2,2,2 tsp / gallon each.
They drank 3 gallons this morning just before this pic - thirsty plants!
For comparison, the flowering tent is drinking the same with 6 more plants in it.
I accidentally left one SK in the tent - lower left in the pic. You can see how much larger and VIGOROUS the Heri are.
Edit - oops, forgot to attach pics - fresh Strawberry Kush has that effect…


05/28 FLIP TO FLOWER — plans have changed!

The Heri are growing FAST - they’re about 2 inches taller - an inch per day.
They’ve almost filled the 4x4.
These are the fastest, largest plants I’ve grown yet. I still need to set up the 2x4 for the males, but I’m getting concerned that they’re going faster than I can get ready for; so I’m working on contingencies.

  • I think I have room in the 4x8 to hold the girls while the boys jizz up the 4x4, we’ll see…
  • I have a local growmie who might let me use his space for breeding this round if I can’t get my act together here.

Started 36 hours of darkness today - why 36 hours? Because I’ll be able to sync the timers in both tents and tend both gardens easier - that’s why!

Pictures later, but I wanted to get a place holder down for the calendar.


Nice bud. Looking good.


06/02 - I tried to supercrop the Heri. They laughed at me - even the one I broke is still chuckling!

Are growing scary fast.
I tried supercropping the main stems with mixed success - had to support one (lower right in the overhead shot) that I really jacked up.
-This morning, all of them laughed off supercropping and went vertical before lights off. The exception being the one that I broke. However, it already supports itself, despite being a heavy top!
Last watering was the first full strength with the GH Trio / .5 Gal tap water - and I’m seeing a bit of tip burn on the lone Strawberry Kush (lower left) — I’m thinking of that as the Canary in the coal mine.
Watered last night with plain tap, .5 gal each. 1/4 strength and a soil top-off (FFOF only) next watering.
I haven’t really gone through them too much identifying sex yet. I’m planning to look at each plant closer tonight and flag any suspected boys.

Strawberry Kush
Decided I’m too stoned for two journals - so I’m splitting into two sections.
What a different strain from the Heri! They are one day younger (planting-wise), and went into the flower tent one week earlier - sort of according to plan.
Pistils are showing on most of the plants and they’re responding well to LST.

They way things are going - I think I got it backwards:
I should have flowered the Heri after 4-5 weeks and vegged the SK much longer.
I might be running a similar combo on my next run - so we’ll see.


Hay Johnny looking good :metal::metal:

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Quick note - I got a good whiff of the Heri last night while in the tent:

ASSphalt. — Acrid, wet road-tar is the most noticeable scent — hash-spices (way) underneath that — and something barfy (I checked and re-checked - checked again. Yep. Bile.)
It’s a bit unpleasant tbh - and I LOVE it!
I’m hoping it gets LOUD in here!


06/06 - We have a boy!


06/08 - Culled two males. Two remain for pollen collection.
Planning to place parchment paper underneath as many as possible to catch pollen.
Drinking 1/2 gal tap water each.
Lights on shots - sorry.

Meanwhile, in the 4x8 Sorority house,
Heri’s are popping pistils and seem to like the environment.
One plant looks like it has a slight cal/mag def. - I fed tonight, that might help. – GH Trio full strength bloom schedule.
Drinking 1/2 gallon of feed each
Planning to take the largest female, maybe two, back to the 4x4 when they’re bigger and apply pollen to every site. If I’m gonna seed a plant, might as well SEED a plant!
Aromas are pretty much the same - the wet asphalt is more pronounced, and (thankfully) the vomit aroma seems to be fading. Strong WEED smell after watering.

SK are chugging along - small, but stacking buds nicely! Trichomes showing already, but we have weeks to go.
Drinking 1/3 - 1/2 gallon of feed each.


06/16 update
No pics, see below.

4x8 - The Sorority house.
Strawberry Kush are doing their thing - pistils everywhere and starting to frost up.
I’ll post pics this evening at lights on.

The big news is in the Fraternity 4x4:
I took the biggest, healthiest, most pistilled up Herijuana girl and placed her between the boys - caused a pollen cloud making room for her; and then applied collected pollen to each branch.

WHY no pics — I have the ventilation off (lights out), but when the boys were disturbed, I could clearly TASTE and smell the pollen - earthy, dusty, kinda nice - but I was COVERED!!!

Put on a hoodie & sweats prepped for this to contain the pollen & jumped in the shower fully clothed.
I’ll get some pics this evening - I should have expected that cloud…


06/22 - Updates:
Herijuana and Strawberry Kush are VERY easy to tell apart.

The Heri are bigger plants, but have shorter pistils

4X4 - Everytime I think the boys are done, they go again.
Having issue with rh - mid-70’s
The girl’s pistils are receding into her buds - she’ll make seeds.
A sister will join her tomorrow morning.


That guy on the left is a STUD. You should save some pollen.



I tried with a mason jar, but it was too humid.
Thinking about a bowl of rice to help dry it, and after a week or two an air tight lid.

I use the vase tech…meaning I cut cola place on angle in vase/cup. Bent as so pollen falls on glass table. Scrap up, sift out plant matter, place on paper. Then put some place dry. I use the those Desiccant packets under paper in open tupperware container. After like 36 or so hrs its dry and ready to store.

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But in your case no need for vase since he is already open. Just bang him on the glass…wait that sounds wrong. :upside_down_face: