Herijuana & Strawberry Kush - 4x8 flowering

Update 06/29 - The boys have had their way - well ---- if THEIR way meant banging them over a collection bin for a long “10 count”, banging them over every flower site, then applying a 1/4 tsp to make a pollen cap and powder trails on every single flower site. I even broke the main stalk on the king from bangin’ him too hard - which seemed to make him angry - he got huge and jizzed all over the tent for days! :nauseated_face: All this while my Wife was in the next room! :rofl:

The king’s main flower is HUGE, very cool to look at, VERY messy - clouds fly off of it every time the air is disturbed - I cleaned the CF sock today when I noticed the fan RPMs were down - the sock was clogged with pollen - this stuff gets on EVERYTHING.
It’s also got a really cool aroma - like a musky jasmine and weed.

It’s taken me by surprise even though I knew it would happen - the smaller boy is dead/dying. RIP.
The king is on his way out too - he sprouts new leaves, but they’re tiny and wilt fast. The flowers get dustier by the day.
I water / feed them the same as the girls, but it looks like their work here is done.

One of the girls is VERY seeded. This is my first seed run, so I didn’t want to miss the pollen-spill and put this girl in when she was just starting to show pistils. She’s a bit small, but new seeds keep showing!

The bigger girl was held in the flower tent 1.5 weeks longer to let her develop more. Hairs are turning a pretty copper shade and then receding; but so far there have been 3 waves of pistils receding / growing, every day I find new ones to pollenate - this one is going to be nuts!

I should collect pollen - but I have some house business that will have me collecting pollen on another run - there WILL be another run! :neutral_face:


06//26 - The girl tent - pic heavy

Strawberry Kush are flowering nicely - though now I’m pretty sure that I have two phenos…
Four plants are very small, producing a few branches and one thick main bud. These look like they’ll be finishing soon - a week or two.
The other SK have a few weeks more - still throwing pistils and not slowing down at all.
The berry scent is very noticeable now that I’ve been growing another strain - that smelled like crap until now…

The Heri have been easy to grow. The buds are making notably shorter pistils than the SK, but are stacking aggressively.
Considering they went into the flower tent 1.5 weeks later than the SK, they’re looking really good.
Aromas have been all over the map - ASSphalt - used fermented and torched diaper - Sandalwood and spice - now?
— I still get the sandalwood and some skunk, but tropical punch has been coming more often and strong - especially before lights out.

Environment notes - getting the 4x8 squared away took a minute. I now have two, 6" and one 4" passive intakes pulling from the window, and a 6" AC Infinity on setting 4 (lights on) or 2 (lights off)
Temps run low 65f / 50%rh to 85f / 69rh - pretty close to VPD.
There’s (always) more to be done, but I’m happy with how it’s coming along!


07/16 Sorry for the lack of updates - life got busy on this side of the keyboard.

Herijuana 4x8 – 7 weeks flowering
If taste and effects are anywhere close to how these smell and look - then I’ve found my first Keeper.
-Aroma - the off aromas are totally gone. No more used diapers! Now I’m getting a strong funk/skunk - it’s overwhelming my cf a bit. Smelling hands after working with the plants reveals aromas like tropical punch concentrate, plums, WEED, and some skunk trying to escape from the background. - Can’t wait to cure this one!
I’m having a slight problem with the largest two plants trying to fall over - they’re stacking aggressively. — more silica next grow.
One Heri has some rust colored pistils, all are still throwing short, white pistils daily - no sign of slowing down.

Strawberry Kush 4x8 – 8.5 weeks flowering
It’s become increasingly clear that I need to stay away from concentrates when I’m popping seeds - 5 of the 10 “Strawberry Kush” are almost certainly NOT.
The SK are still throwing long, thick white hairs and have a very noticeable berry scent - like Strawberry Jam. (This fades out altogether in curing, leaving a Kush aroma).
A few weeks - still. It’s looking like the Herijuana might harvest first, even though they were planted second!

!!! 4 of my plants are tiny - 12-18 inches tall, and very short branches. - 1 ounce each if I’m lucky… They’re also finishing - now. Fall colors came quickly and Trichs went cloudy, but not very amber before I was forced to harvest.
Gassy / rubbery scents dominate - even on one of the two plants I have hanging.

!!! 1 plant might be an SK pheno - she’s structurally the same as the other SK, but looks as though it’s going to black-out with a burgundy color before harvest.
The scent has a nice berry overtone that makes me wonder if she’s SK, or another berry of some sort.

Breeding Tent

  • The boys have done their work and both girls are growing seeds like crazy.
  • I knew they would die after dropping their pollen, but it was weird to watch the girls getting bigger and looking healthy while the boys just died while getting the same treatment.
  • Both girls are spectacular plants, but one is noticeably larger, more productive - and - it’s an absolute frost show! As such, their seeds will be kept separate in hopes I can pheno-hunt those traits. in future runs.
  • The scent is slightly different than the 4x8 virgins - somehow heavier and a little “darker” aromas.

I’ll get some pics at lights on.