HeritageFarms strain availability and gen info

Heads up to all testers you will be getting two viles of seeds.
The vile marked either A or B are the testers
The vile marked PPF4 are my Platinum pineapple f4 included as a gift for your efforts :+1:
The reason some get a vile marked A vs B is that there were 2 different red leb females pollinated with the rpk.
Both were very similar in smell shape and taste but the resulting seeds are visibly different so I thought it would be good to keep them separate and see what went in which direction.
You don’t need to grow out all the testers if you don’t have space but. I figured some people may want to or need a few extra so there are 10 testers headed out to all of those who have supplied there address.
@monkeyman @Pug-love I still need to get your info if your still interested in running these, If not no worries just checking in.


Really digging the structure on this Mac 1
The side branches are almost catching up to the center with out being pinched or topped.


Once the mac gets big enough that it looses that weird leaf look it seems to start vegging at normal speed yours already looks to have hit that phase

I flowered my first one out untopped or trained in any way and I got a pretty perfect 5 foot Christmas tree no hanging branches no larf

What pot size would you suggest/prefer for the autos testers?


Hard for me to say what size pot it really depends on your over all space and growing methods. I’ve seen people on here doing amazing things in solo cups but I prefer 1 gallon pots indoors. I grew the parents outside in 3 gallon pots and they did great.


Great I’m a 1 or 2 gallon guy myself :slightly_smiling_face:


Thats awesome and thanks for the added gift on top of the gift of getting to test your creation.

I have 36 photoperiod plants finishing flowering in 1gal poly bags and another 12 i deceided to flower in 16oz solo cups , so i could free up a flower room to run all the autos,the autos i plan to run in 3gal square poly bags.

This is 2 auto N.L in 5gal fabric shopping bags i have flowering in my livingroom,trained and pruned from seedlings day 60 from seed soak in a 2x3 rack wrapped in tinfoil :grin: under 2 100w cheap led lights


Ghost og
the original cut not a s1
The one orgnkid gave to ghost1

A fast growing finicky sativa like plant , floppy , picky, mostly three leaved plant.very similar to sfv og , sfv is a s1 of this plant.
Sfv og

Much different growth then the 92 but similar smell and flavor.
The 92 is much more compact with standard looking five leaves untill she flowers
92 og

The stems are red on the sfv and ghost and have a purple on the 92 , here is a pic of my stinkberry in the same soil, same food and much smaller pot to show I’m not starving these to get this effect


Love it bro. Those are some awesome girls you have there.


A week later and one plants fan leaves has a eight inch span. Four weeks old.


Looking great @Tejas you got me excited to get these in my garden and growing as soon as the seeds get here.


What strain is that? They sure look strong.


@GMan thats hertigagefarms auto red lebanese x royal purple kush we are going to be test growing


I am SO excited to see these grow.


Those are some fat leaves :grin: There much larger then either of the parents.


Chubby children :baby:!


They look great , very curiouse to see the finished product compared to the pure red leb auto.
I have some Panama lime and Thai super autos to play with in the spring and I’m going to be crossing them to these.


They seem to be growing more laterally than vertical at the moment and extremely bushy. No sex yet, maybe by the fifth week I will see something.


These are the last of my sfv Ibl , 3/4 are up and alive, no hope for the fourth it rotted.
Really hoping for a male out of these so I can cross it back to the sfv again

When most people want fem seeds I’m over here hoping for three boys :joy:


Ive seen you say earlier this year that the SFV OG was tough to get the terps from the original clone to breed true thru subsequent generations. Have you been able to work those smells/tastes into your IBL?


So these aren’t my ibl but seeds a friend got from Cali connection when they first did the back cross. He grew them out for several years selecting the best male and female each time to make more and then gave some to me when he was moving on to other strains. For the most part the smell and flavor is there but some of them are alot fruity and some more peppery non are spot on identical but I have a sensitive :nose:Seen alot of qaulity plants come out of his work with these. My grape rebbelion is a male from these seeds crossed to a old skunk and it’s some top qaulity herb, I’m really hoping to re create that breeding while also crossing it to the sfv and a few other things I have around atm.