Hi-Def Genetics

In the making…. “Monster Dank.”
Last night I pollinated my selected Dank Zappa with a Modified Gorilla male.


Dank Zappa by Bodhi Seeds

I am going to be documenting my reversal run of this lady that will begin in a couple weeks. Looking to have a solid set of pollen targets for a full seed run. I will try for S1s this attempt, but those may have to wait until i root another clone. I have two right now but need to mother one, and make another back up. But all my clone trays are full atm so we are just waiting for room to open up and then it’s go time. Stay tuned folks. :v:


damn those look incredibly tempting, hope you find some takers. i feel like a mohave chem cross needs to be named “kern river kush”

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Haha yeah no real takers yet but I plan to pop a bunch here real soon outdoors so I’ll be able to test them myself as well.

What is Kern River?

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The romulan cross caught my eye. I miss that bud. With all the old school cuts resurfacing and becoming available at dispensaries, romulan doesn’t make it to mine. I can get five different ogs on any given day but no romulan (at least anything that looks legit). No idea why.

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The Romulan surprised me honestly. Her smell is so good, and she is a looker! Easy to trim but a wild one to grow, branch structure is kind of weird.


(GMO x RB) X Chocolate Diesel
Hoping it’s a lady. I only found a few of these from pollen drift when I pollinated the AJ Sour.

Also, here is my Chupacabra Kush outdoors a couple days ago.

And one of the 3 Mohave Chems.

Also rooted all 6 plugs, of all 3 Mohave Chem phenos in 7 days. Also got 2 Modified Gorillas rooted as well. We will see what tomorrow brings.


Chem D S1 by CSI

Obama Kush x Chem91 by CSI

Mandelbrots Royal Kush clone outdoors as well.

And a Tropicanna Cherry x GG4RIL I made. She is really really impressing me at this point.

Also Modified Gorilla

Chupacabra Kush

And the Mohave Chem ladies 1-3


Looking good!!!

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Some great looking buds, very impressive!


Thank you!:pray:


Good to see you @Blackbeard ! Hope all is going well!

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Really nice garden my friend. Are you going to defoliate, and are they flowering yet. Keep up the good work :+1:

Things are going well. It’s been pretty hot here, just like most places this year. Out door grow is chugging along. Trying to keep my plants small this year. I have guests over but will post pictures after they leave.
I have been enjoying your outdoor grow this year. I’m sure it’s very hot in your neck of the woods.


Chem91 SKVA in flower


Modified Gorilla (GMO x GG4RIL)

Chupacabra Kush (Triangle Kush x GG4RIL)

Unnamed cross* (Tropicanna Cherry x GG4RIL)


Today I flip my 2x4 Dank Zappa reversal tent. Been spraying the Dank for a week now, and will continue to spray until male parts are showing. I have a good group of pollen targets to get pollinated this round. Also in the tent is AJ Sour D, Chem91, ChemD, Pine Valley, Permanent Marker, LA Pure Kush, MAC1, and maybe another one or two, will have to see what I decide on.

I’ll get a pic of the tent and the ladies this evening.

I will be documenting this run here.