High Maintenance

Or deodorant.

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Deodorant is a tool of the liberal media. Designed to pack us happily into small spaces.

Or maybe that’s not true at all.


I was in Dollarama the other day and in 1 minute I said at the top of my voice: “WHY CAN I SMELL COLOGNE THROUGH MY MASK?! IT’S DISTURBING FOLKS!!!”

and to my joy from another isle out of eyeshot: "I AGREE!! IT IS DISTURBING!"

me talking loudly through the isles while the other customers looked increasingly more and more awkward: “BO over Chemical Fragrance this nasty any day of the week!”

the response: “A-MEN BROTHER!”.



You should try the elevator. Aqua Velva masking BO. You’re not fooling anyone, smelly.

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I don’t use deodorant.

I shower, maintain my hygiene and in a pinch if I find myself armpit “wiffy” out in public I immediately take care of that using hand sanitizer. :ok_hand:

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I have the same deodorant I’ve used for decades and at this point it’s more of a habit than a smell mask.

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Armpit sanitizer?

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HM and not friendly to maintenance staff according to Mrs Wizzles :flushed:

Good thing we love each other dearly or she woulda ran long ago.

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I try very hard to be nice to maintenance staff. It’s hard because they invade my space. I give them weed it makes me feel more personable.

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Also side note all those over the counter sleep aids are all Benadryl (diphenhydramine.)

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I try very hard too, I’m just very very bad at it.

The space invasion is exactly the trigger usually and space and time intertwine and the more I struggle with letting go of control the more she struggles to not invade exceedingly large space I think I need to control.

It’s a contemporary working point of mine, letting go of control, along with trusting the outside world, focusing on the positive things in life, taking the time and effort to care for myself and not fleeing from responsibilities that scare me.

All that and more makes me High Maintenance, and makes me Maintain my High.

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For me, I hate putting a shirt on for those guys.

I bet they think I’m very personable but it’s hard for me. But give them weed and they love you forever.

I’m told I’m good at it but I hate it.

I treat people the way I want to be treated. It usually catches them off guard but it’s been my way for decades and as a result ALL of my business relationships are beyond solid.

Yesterday I went to go collect 2K worth of EQ at Vistek, all “special order items”… well, my boss fucked up and didn’t send the payment… BUT my relationship built with the commercial department meant:

  1. They ORDERED the items for me without prepaying for the items… which is USUALLY mandatory but they bent company policy for me to get the back-ordered items in asap.
  2. Even though there was no payment, and it was a surprise to both parties, they STILL told me “We know you’re good for it”, and then let me walk out with the EQ.

I took care of the invoice via credit card by end of the day but still I’m grateful. Additionally this attitude also has me having net 30 with several suppliers without the paperwork to back it. :rofl:

How I still roll in 2023:


This is a valuable perk.

I got money, you got stuff, what’s the problem?

True to your word: what else is there?


This happens to people that ring our doorbell. IF you rang that bell, you are not our guest. We use the side door and the front is for packages only. If that bell rings, we show up BEHIND them asking “WHAT do you want?!”

They are trapped, and don’t like it… they never come back.

Though the mirror pissed me off so much (local neighbourhood newspaper that;s now 80% adverts) that the last one we got I impaled on a stake in my lawn and set on fire and LEFT IT THERE FOR WEEKS.

No mirror since. :ok_hand:


My door is closed off to everyone except politicos and I stare out at them through the peephole mocking their political aspirations.


It’s true you can start a fire with a mirror.


It’s not common anymore with many folks I deal with. I’ve lucked out with purchasing “dead inventory” from these outfits so often it’s scary. The inventory is “dead” because it was custom ordered on honor, and then ghosted. So I end up paying COST for those items because it means that while there’s no profit there’s now NO LOSS!

Win/win. I’m doing all this for a media-arts charity so folks LOVE helping me out knowing that I’m not a profiteer!

Nothing wrong with making fair money but that sounds like a good trust based racket.

I have no money… so trust was my collateral and I get REALLY MAD when people do shit that hurts my hard work in maintaining this rep. Learned all this from my ex-military officer Grandfather who owed and ran his own countertop manufacturing company.

Licks Homeburgers: gentleman’s agreement until the prototype diner counters were made. :+1: