High Maintenance

Well some people are not trustworthy and reveal themselves pretty fast.

Are they high maintenance or just jerks?

If you don’t put 50 pickles on there I’m walking out.

I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated and according to my close friends I succesfully do that too, but I know I can come across as a real asshole to people I don’t know because I get defensive very easily in situations that trigger me, and there are many of those. BUT, my wife is so close that she is my safe enough other to act out my frustrations too so that makes me very HM to her, and also I get defensive easily with her because she gets to come so close… And half the time it takes me a while to understand my own reactions.

I am overly friendly to postal people because it makes their day better and makes my packages safer.

My wife is high maintenance too though. She’s overly sensitive to just about anything so I am basically a master emotional parcours dodgeball runner, so to speak of course, in maintaining her emotional balance. And still she gets a healthy cry out every day. Wish I could do that :rofl:

Yeah that doesn’t sound good.

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I often let Mrs Foreigner take the lead in social situations I don’t want to be in.

No a healthy cry is good. I’m doing one now :joy:

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Fucking dog walkers now that I’m thinking about them I hate them. I’m just trying to make my dog shit I don’t care what breed and how old your dog is…

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I highly doubt we are the only high maintenance folks here. The rest are working up to it I bet.

@GREANDAL is high maintenance. Put one extra little blob of mustard on his hot dog and he throws a fit.

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I said 75 ml of mustard!


If you put ANY mustard on my hotdog GTFO. I like mayonnaise on mine and on my frites.

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Mayo + fries = correct
Hot dog sans mustard = incorrect.

Okay I might tolerate some kinda Dijon or scalding hot mustard but the yellow tempra sour paste is only good for paint.

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At ikea there are 2 hot dog condiment choices. Ketchup and mustard. So you claim to know more about hot dogs than ikea?!?!

I’d be liking on things if I had any left. Lol

“And the baby’s room is relish green.”

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Okay they’ve got the meatball game sewn up but liquid pig isn’t something Scandis are known for. Surströmming is more their speed. ~shudder~

Sorry I’m hard of herring.

And 75 cent hot dog loss leader to get you to buy particle board? Genius.

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As long as she’s helping maintain the man main maleness there’s no problem :joy:


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Meet your guest on your terms…. Just makes good sense…And it does surprise people…


If by this you mean naked, done.


I was reading about Joao Gilberto and he wouldn’t answer the door, ever, except for food deliveries.

And I thought I liked bossa nova before.

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