High Maintenance

Haha you got the joke.
Nah a fisting is out the question. Although if she was pretty enough and had small hands who knows but if a woman went to work with us one day a year (take your wife to work day :v:) they’d understand what we have to do to keep them fed and not do these stupid things


I’m just going to answer that with a question.

How long do you think my wife will stand by my side while I am unplugging her shit?

I hear the door of her car slamming shut, bye guys, I’m off to get booze before I unplug shit.


Bro stop it :rofl: the ammunition your giving me :zipper_mouth_face:

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I read this and wondered how anyone could actually flush cat litter (I have a couple, wtf…?)

Then I read [quote=“Foreigner, post:88, topic:108774”]
Every few weeks there’s a notice in the elevator that says “don’t flush your kitty litter

This is a real thing?!?!


Don’t hold back on my account. Funny is funny.

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Yeah man. Bidets are not allowed either for similar reasons.

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Yeah this threads the best one I’ve seen in ages. It’s gonna end up in depravity soon I bet :rofl:

You’d think bidets would save on clogs?

And I’m afraid to ask what the similarities are that a bidet shares with flushing cat litter… :joy:

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Well…let’s keep the depravity 1% below shut down level :joy:

Flooding on lower floors.

We had a major flood a few years back. It wrecked 30 stories. Flood from burst pipe from the top down. Mostly it’s insurance problems.


Bowl overflow??

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Poor installation I dunno. Frankly the idea of using a bidet is horrifying to me.

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Man… you have to try it…


So there is such a thing as a female plumber then :roll_eyes:


The last time I had hoses near my rectum it didn’t work out well for me.


I’ve seen more than my fair share of dummy male contractors too. Like BIG dummies.


That’s inevitable though as most contractors are men.
I know it sounds wrong but if a woman came to I dunno plaster a few walls for me I’d likely give her my exes number to get her nails done then move onto the next contractor. I’m not saying a woman can’t do these jobs but you honestly don’t expect it.
Fuck sake that post looks misogynistic af. :rofl:

It does a bit.

When Mrs Foreigner and I were a new item I took her on a very challenging hiking trip and she kicked it’s ass. She’s better in the woods than most men I know.

But i guess it’s true, it’s not typically expected.


I’ve got a female friend that’s a brickie. I’ve heard her levels and brick bonds are perfect. I didn’t see them personally as I was to busy looking at her ass. If her brickwork had a crack like that I’d certainly not hire her :v:

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I have a male friend who is a brickie and I wouldn’t hire him for any reason ever :joy:

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