High Maintenance

“I’m just not going to shower for 6 months, nobody will know.”


I’m pretty low maintenance. Seems during covid being home so much now even more so where if we can make do with what is around the house no reason to go out.

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Maintaining a high is hard work. You are doing a great job except for a few whines.

I salute your efforts.


I just wish they were more predictable.

Keep it together…too far keep it together…too far.

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Big elephant to eat:
One bite at a time.

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:+1: I’m gonna need a bigger fridge.

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Soooo. Who’s high maintenance today, huh?

Mrs Wizzlez, that’s who!

Friggin 3 weeks ago I tell her that the cat litter isn’t supposed to go down the toilet. She shrugs and tells me she doesn’t know where else to put it. I tell her you’re supposed to put it in a black trash bag and whenever the regular trash bag is almost full you put the kitty litter bag in with the regular trash bag.

3 weeks and over 15 feet of clog later Mr Wizzlez is fuming tonight. Mrs Wizzlez is off visiting a friends’ mom who is dying so I gotta be mr nice about everything to spare her feelings, and after a couple days of more taking care of the kids than I can usually handle, this literal shit is a bit too much piss in my cereal.

As soon as Mrs Wizzlez gets home I’m off to the night shop to stock up on alcoholic beverages and a nicotine vape. I got a pinch of early harvest off an autoflower in her herb drier, sadly it’s not enough to get me lit like a kitty without some other influence so that’s where the alcohol will come in.

Not my best day today, and not my best moments tonight. I’m about to make the best of the mess regardless.

Wifey ain’t about to get laid though.


Every few weeks there’s a notice in the elevator that says “don’t flush your kitty litter dummies it leads to clog and floods.”

Must happen more than I’m aware of

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This is the reason you never see a female plumber :rofl:
The pussy they need to take care of isn’t a cat :roll_eyes:
Hey. If anything it stops you getting bored with her as she’s giving you something to do. :v:

Wanna know how I know it’s 15 feet of clog? I got a manhole where the sewage pipe comes through. It usually never really leaks anything, but now it’s spewing sewage out the top of the joint where I can see the pipe. That’s at 15 feet from the toilet. So the clog is further down, and judging by the backsludge action my plunger managed it’s quite possible it’s filled up that far.

Man I hate my wife right now.


There’s a female only contracting company around these parts. Not sure what they do or if they are skilled or whatever but I thought it was an interesting idea.

I’ve also considered starting a naked house cleaning business but that’s another story.


My MIL asked me to help her with a minor septic issue and I said no because I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t want to be responsible for filling your basement with shit.


It can’t be a proper company as I’ve ever yet to meet a woman that’s willing to go shoulder deep into shit like us men do or I’d have married her :rofl::v:


Bored with her? I’m not bored with her, I’m fed up with the amount of shit that comes from her choosing her comfort over listening to common sense and reason.

I’m the male version of the housewife over here and two of the reasons why is because we got 2 kids with one just having had his second day of kindergarten today, and the other is we bought a house that needs a lot of work done and I’m the one doing it.

It’s nice when you see the house moving on and when you see the kids smiling, but when you can’t smile even when the kids are having fun because you’re stuck with your hands elbow deep in shit while the kitchen faucet is also leaking more every day and you haven’t been able to get to doing that because your youngest living meatloaf is screaming for attention every damn minute of his waking life, it kinda takes the will to live out of me.


I know nothing about them except I’ve seen their pink trucks driving around. Women only clients not comfortable with weird men in their house?

I really don’t know, just thought it was neat.

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So you wanna get fisted? Or is the willingness to do that enough to get a ring around her finger?

I mean a ring around her elbow :wink:


I also carry most of these responsibilities and I’ve said it many times “I’m very happy to clean up after you but when you take a giant shit on the counter and just leave it there it really pisses me off.”


I’ve also been this guy.

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Oh she does half the cleaning too, but then I end up cleaning up after her cleaning too.

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“Half the cleaning” was meant in more than one way.

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