Hittin' the highminwin road.. my first grow!

Tag found ya bud! Came over from Reddit


nice mofo! glad to have you here! i do interact with a small handful of redditors, so are you the hawaiian brother i just met? i see you list jack herer in your favorite strains, but i’m not sure and i don’t want to assume.

also be aware @Sodapop that because your account is new, you’ll have a few limitations. like i don’t think you can direct message people just yet and umm, one or two other things. maybe you can only post so many messages within a certain amount of time? but as you spend time on overgrow and read and participate, that will all clear up. so i hope you stay awhile and check things out.

let me know, actually let us all know a little bit about yourself and we’ll be more than happy to welcome you to the community.


I am the Hawaiian brother! I’ll be posting some stuff about me and my hopes for growing going into the future. Happy to be here.


man, this poll is really progressing in some interesting ways!

from early on, kilimanjaro had been in the lead, which would have been cool because it’s supposed to do well in adverse conditions and we’ve all got summer busting down our doors. so i figured it would be able to handle hot, heavy and humid, which it does get here from time to time. maybe not as bad as them arizona growers get it, but still…

then putang x thunder fuck mountain started getting a bit of play, which was interesting. i thought, yea, just like you gotdarn pervs to be voting for putang x tfm! but i’m down, so i was like, sure man lets get dirty! i mean, “super euphoric body buzz”… should i leave my socks on or what?

but then the satori lovers started coming on and pushed it out in the lead. which is totally cool! satori sounds like it could be a very cool, hippie type, transcendental experience hopefully? maybe i would vibrate with the spheres of the universe. that sounds pretty far out.

and now… well, we’re in the home stretch… so will it be satori or putang x tfm? i’m gonna give the poll until sometime monday. am i secretly hoping that putang x tfm will pull out in the lead? hmm, i’m not sure. but ultimately my fate is in your hands.

poor katanga sativa. i know @LivingBlackSoil loves them designer strains though. bodhi, doc d, and i suppose kingdom organic seeds too. if only i’d known! i might have to send you some seeds and have you grow them out since nobody else seems to give an eff about the katanga sativa. lolol!

oh, by the way, i hope y’all take a chance to hop into @Sodapop’s new thread where he talks about what he’s planning on breeding…

i met him on reddit recently and he came across as someone who would like it here at overgrow and fit in well. he hasn’t been growing for a hella long time, but certainly longer than i have. :stuck_out_tongue: and i’m always happy to help guide others to a treasure that i too possess! overgrow the world y’all.


alright, the poll is closed and our winner is satori by mandala seeds! yayyy! i’ve heard good things about satori, and even better things about mandala seeds, so i’m looking forward to it. i’ll be honest though, i might pop the putang x thunder fuck mountain seeds anyways. you guys have me totally interested in that now! it’s that OG effect taking hold of me or something. dammit @Maddawg! is there no cure?

however, for now i think it would be wise for me to wait two weeks to pop this set of seeds. i was thinking about it last night and i’ve got four females almost maxing out my 3x3 tent, my new second set of seeds sprouted (to which i just added two more viet black seeds), and then this planned third set of seeds. i love to overdo things, but i think i’d be shooting myself in the foot if i started my third set of seeds now. SOOO, i’m gonna put this on hold for two weeks.

esb, magic medicine, jack herer, and satori (and probably putang x thunder fuck mountain)… i’ll see you guys in two weeks!


meanwhile, let me catch you up on my second set of seeds, which once they’re sexed out i’ll be sending the females to my grower friend in san diego. down there, they will get plenty of tlc and outdoor sunlight. that’s why i want to have this third set of seeds ready to go, so that group can take over my main tent once my first grow is harvested and the second group is off to its foster home.

i documented my selection of seeds in AzSeainDooin420’s thread on Identifying Gender From Seed here…

just a quick recap of that thread, AzSea feels there are certain physical traits of a seed that can give clues to the gender of a seed. i’m photographing the seeds trying to document these features, hopefully selecting the seeds which read as female, and then i’ll grow them out and we’ll see whether they turn out to be female or not. if the hypothesis is even somewhat valid, that could save us all a few weeks of work and labor when we’re trying to grow females.

so for this second set of seeds (which are headed down to outdoors san diego), i wanted to go with strains from colorado sativas. he’s got such a huge selection of amazing sounding sativas and crosses, and his prices are honestly some of the best out there ($25 for 20 seeds). my san diego grower buddy prefers sativas, so i thought this would be a great opportunity. here are the strains i selected…

  • queen mother: (8-9 weeks flower) “This tall and elegant Sativa has always been our favorite plant, not for its intense flavor or for its amazing production of crystals that dazzle, but for the unique stimulating sensations it produces. A genuine “mystical experience.”
  • new caledonia: (13-14 weeks flower) "New exotic pure sativa from the remote Pacific island of New Caledonia that our team has recently reproduced and that has us completely mesmerized with the quality of its sweet and fruity terpenes and by its powerful euphoric, ‘good vibes’ and premium psychedelic sativa effects, to the point of being considered the best pure local sativa we’ve offered in many years.
  • nanan bouclou: (15 weeks flower) “Seriously acid trippy profoundness to the high with a sweet aromatic taste. The mother plant is a Haitian Sativa and its father is a Cape Tribulation Sativa (which is Papua New Guinea Gold). The high is profound and very trippy, is creepy in onset and rushes hard from there to a limitless ceiling.”

some interesting choices, especially considering the flowering time of the new caledonia and nanan bouclou (13 weeks plus!!). these plants are going outdoors though, so i intentionally picked two strains which would take a hella long time. ain’t no indoor grower got time for that!

he’s got one of my cindy mixes right now and i’ll hopefully have two queen mother females for him, both of which should be quick flowering strains (8-9 weeks). then the new caledonia and nanan bouclou will come in during the home stretch and we can enjoy that during the winter. at least that’s the plan!

lets see some pics!

started germination on 6/18 in moist towels placed inside zip lock bags and left on a heat mat. most sprouted tails two days later, with the exception of new caledonia 4 and nanan bouclou 1 (maybe you can see the beginnings of a tail on nb1?).

one very cool specimen is nanan bouclou 5, which showed two tails on sprouting. @G-paS commented that she saw twins in NB5, which totally turned out to be true! super exciting!

apparently they could be identical, and possibly even one male one female. i’ve separated them out into their own containers and will keep tabs on them as they grow. i wasn’t sure whether to separate them right away or wait for them to grow a little and be stronger. but on recommendations from overgrowers who said do it right away, lest the bigger one strangle the smaller one, i split them up. we’ll see what becomes of them over time.

oh, here is the ac infinity shipping box that was turned into a male isolation box and is now turned into a seedling germination area. man, that box has 1,001 uses! it’d be better if i could turn it on it’s side, so it’s more wide. i’ll have to think about rigging for the lights and whatnot. that would give me so much seedling space. i would just have to access it from the top, rather than like a cabinet with front facing panels which i sort of prefer. if i have to come from the top, i’d probably have to move the lights aside or figure out how to install some old led strip lights i have.


so a week after i started germination, and most of my seedlings are doing very well. which considering that they’re being powered by two $10 led desk lamps, i’m sort of impressed by. i do have the lights very close to the seedlings, probably 4 or 5 inches. in the picture from the previous comment, the lights are a bit higher than i normally have them. the seedlings are a little leggy, but not as bad as i’ve seen in other poorly lit setups. i’m either going to add another light soon, or move these guys to my 12/12 flowering tent.

we see the nanan bouclou 5 twins from before they were separated (that was a stressful operation by the way, but things seemed to turn out alright). but we don’t see any signs of new caledonia 4 or queen mother 2. i honestly probably should have investigated earlier, but i dunno, i was trying to give them time.

i went digging for nc4 and found the seed. you can see from 6/20, it hadn’t popped its tail back then, when i decided to just put it in the soil with the rest of its siblings (most of whom had shown tails). and on 6/26 when i dug it out of the soil, it still hadn’t popped its tail!

that’s too bad, i lost like a whole week waiting for it.

so i put it in a towel/zip bag and back into a warm spot until it shows a tail. at least that way i can visually see the tail before putting it back in soil.

but what was up with queen mother 6? it had shown a tail back on 6/20 from before i put it in the soil. but now six days later, and still no sign of leaves or the sprout. something was amiss.

i carefully went digging and found a puzzling sight. it looks like the seedling, but with no green color and something bad definitely happened to it. for whatever reason, it looks like the top had been chopped off or mutilated or decapitated. in the right photo above, i have removed the lopped top and brought it to the top of the soil. you can see the sad stem.

did i just do that when i was digging for it? what happened here? lets grab the macro lens and take a closer look.

that stem slice looks like it’s a little older, not fresh? and the seed helmet had been stuck to this seedling’s head. upon removing the seed helmet, which came off easily, i can see that the cotyledons look rotted. so what happened? how did the stem get sliced like that?

well, thinking about it, while digging in the soil (fox farm’s happy frog, no amendments) i did think to myself that it seemed to have some large-ish rocks and wood chips in it. perhaps one of those pieces had blocked the seedling from being able to break ground and reach the surface. i suppose that could explain why the seedling didn’t make it up and had the stuck seed helmet and rotted leaves, but i’m still not sure about the split stem. maybe it was all contorted and eventually broke from trying to lift itself out from whatever was pinning it down?

either way, poor qm6. i’ve got two other queen mothers which did successfully sprout, and the surprise nanan bouclou 5 twins, so i think i’ve got enough plants where i don’t need to pop a replacement for qm6.

besides, i also popped two viet black seeds to join @Tim in his vb grow!

so that’s eight new seedlings, with an additional ninth hopefully coming from the late new caledonia 4.

see, i’m telling ya i’ll have too many plants if i start my third set of seeds right now! in two weeks though…


I’ve encountered this same thing as you with the nc4 seed. A few times I just threw another seed in there with it and eventually I had two sprouts growing. Not sure why but some of these seeds take a few wet/dry cycles I guess but eventually they popped for me. Some do end up as complete duds but now I just set the pot aside if they don’t pop within at least 7-10 days and a few of them eventually broke ground with almost little to no water.

Popping seeds is just as addicting as buying/collecting new seeds as you’ve found out!


I agree.

Sounds like channeling Sam the Skunkman or Neville…… fully growing out seeds is long hard work. However, when you know the attributes you want and see them in any plant, you should try to keep that plant viable. Bonsai techniques are very helpful in keeping multiple “mothers” or “fathers” viable. It’s tough on the plants for sure but do-able. I’ve got 3 GDP clones that are in solo cups going on two years now
Great point anyways about finding and keeping the best plants if at all possible.
Haze on!!!


speaking of males and their entire life cycle, there’s been a little bit of action with durban 1 recently.

last we saw him was post-pollen harvest on 6/23, so a week ago. i had chopped off all his pollen sacs and placed him back in the flowering tent with my other ladies. i kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn’t pollinate any more, but that’d be hard for him considering he would have to regrow his sacs at this point.

a few days later and he was starting to show new pollen sacs. the biggest sacs on the plant i would remove individually, or in the case of the branch seen above in the right photo, i removed that entire top section which had all the pollen sacs. i left the smaller branches with very new pollen sacs alone, just to continue seeing how he developed.

then yesterday, i noticed this one branch…

it’s a very young branch which i was casually trimming off. i wasn’t paying much attention and i was getting ready to eat it, but as i was going to chomp down on it something flashed in my mind and i must have just noticed the white hairs or something. i took a closer look at it and it does seem like its developed female stigmas. it looked like it was just this one branch that showed the female parts.

so is my durban 1 male a hermie? are male hermies a bad thing? any pros to this, or is it all bad?


If it can F*ck Itself, it’s got to go in my garden. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Idk for real, you definitely stress tested it into producing the female parts though. I know many stress test their males…I will be curious as to the answer as well :nerd_face:

however I had to post because I just got an image of a guy casually chewing on a canna branch like we do out in the country with grass :rofl:


lol! i like eating my plants’ leaves. not all of them are tasty, some are pretty strong and bitter. but there are some that are lighter and sweeter in flavor, very yummy! when you see me picking my teeth with a weed branch, now fine, that’s when i’ll have gone full hippie dippy stoner farmer dude.

i wonder if AzSea chews on his weed branches… hmmm… :thinking:


I’ve been guilty to lick the droplet when plucking leaves, like u said some are sweeter than others. Did some fimming few days ago and found out a couple of my plants bleed red, most intense is the banana kush ibl, gonna have to taste it next time, gonna feel like I’m going vampire status on my plants :yum:


Sounds like a good banana Kush IBL you got there


Thing is a beast and thickest trunk of the 25 of em yet not the tallest


hahahaha ^^^^^^


see, i knew it! AzSea is a weirdo just like me! lol

but i really do like eating and tasting the leaves. sometimes it lets me experience the terpenes a little better, like the smell is clearer.

nice. so if you’re going vampire when you’re tasting your plants sap, and you’re all werewolf when you’re painting pollen onto your ladies under the full moon, does that mean you’re frankenstein when you’re smoking your babies? hit you with that lightning! hah!

although… i feel like i’m missing something, there’s something better… help me out guys. what classic monster does AzSea feel like when he’s smoking his forest of weed?


One of these? :upside_down_face:


I ate some stems from this PCK plant and it was like I ate a hot pepper it burned my tongue.