HL’s First Grow

I’ve got the first generation ts1000. I can adjust the intensity but then I’d have to take off the balast and stuff. I run mine at 100%. I keep my light anout 2.5-3ft off the top of the cannopy I’m sure the intensity has gone down over time but it still works for veg. I think I’d try vegging at 50% for seedlings then 75% for veg then 100% for flower.


Welcome my friend @halo56 , you are off to a great start for sure.

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Looking good Halo . They look happy and healthy :+1:

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Nice job, invest in a pH pen to remove he guess work on what is happening with your plants. For soil shoot for 6.5 and be sure to add a cal/mag supplement. Good luck!


Just wiped out the bottom of the tent+sides, lots of condensation built up so it was concerning. I flat out removed the bottom fabric tray as condensation was collecting under there. I was emptying and drying off the drip trays when I noticed #1 and #4 have roots already growing out the bottom of the holes I drilled in the buckets…

Is this normal growth for being a month old? These are five gallons, will I need to transplant them again?

edit: Honestly, a bit creepy…

Lots of new growth, almost overnight. Insane how big they are getting. I switched the pots around so the photos are consecutively #4 - #3 - #1.


Some explosive growth these past few days


What the heck is eating this plant?

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Did a very light defoliation today, just letting medium dry out til I feed next, plants are 1mo+1 week old, will grab some photos soon.

Here they are today! Still unsure if any of them are male/female, I think I might be flipping sooner than later as #1 and #4 have practically doubled in size compared to a week ago.

Got some weird newer leaves on #1, came in all wrinkly, probably my humidity, I’ve gotta get another fan in there…

Should I defoliate a bit more?


They’ve gotten a whole lot bigger. Not sure if it’d be good to defoliate more. I’d love to feed and water them but their medium is still rather wet despite not being fed for over a week…


Just caught up. Out of likes of course. Lol.

They look great. I would personally remove some more of the large older fan leaves, but I don’t think you need to.


I think they look great ! :grin:

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Good afternoon OG!

Looking forward to flipping this coming week… I’ve got an oscillating fan coming in so hopefully that arrives before I flip. Been keeping the top of my big flap unzipped to vent a bit more and it’s helped with managing humidity.

Thinking I should throw a dehumidifier in there, just worried cuz if I keep the tent flap closed condensation builds on the floor by the corners… yippee!

Edit: I’ve not the best eye for preflowers so they’re all a little suspicious to me, but I think the two bigger ones are females. The smallest one, not so sure.

Edit 2: I took out the bamboo markers I had in there cuz they started to grow mold… so I just wrote the numbers of the plants right on the buckets, Lol


Hey small update!

Finally got one little pistil tendril peeking through on one of #4’s preflowers. Still suspicious of #3 in there, Lol.


Good morning OG!

Checked on these this morning a few times. Last night, I ended up pulling all of them out of the tent and wiping it down, as it began to smell a bit musty and collect condensation. I think I let one of their pans sit for too long with a half an inch of water, so I cleaned out that one, put em all back in and the smell was gone.

I also defoliated a bit of the smaller plant (#3’s) leaves. I have an untrained eye but I would not be surprised if this one turned out to be male come Wednesday. I’ve decided to flip a bit earlier at the 8 week mark as I just have a 2x2 tent and already am uncomfortable with how little space each of them have.

Right now, I have the two side bottom flaps open, as well as the top of my actual tent flap. This has let me keep an approximate 68°/[fluctuating]77% lights off to 75°/[fluctuating]81% lights on in the tent. I ordered three new hygrometers with my fan as well, just because I want to have a good approximation.

My biggest issue is humidity right now. The room I have them in gets the coldest in the winter months and the hottest in the spring/summer. However, I have a ceiling fan in the lung room that I keep on 24/7 with an opened window whenever I can. I wonder if I should consider getting a dehumidifier for my lung room, I am unsure. Lmao! That’s what this whole grow has been about, unsureness… :joy:

Anyways. I’ve noticed a few of #1’s newest growth stems are tinged with a burnt redness, same for some of the fan leaves a node below. This seemingly happened overnight, as I didn’t notice it at all last night when moving them around and looking them all over, studying all the preflowers. However, this doesn’t mean I didn’t miss it.

Yay! We figure out as we go.


Oh wow, what is that? That doesn’t look good.


Decimated, get rekt. Nope nope nope nope. Time for inspection.

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I flip to flower today! Sitting at exactly 8 weeks from seed. I’ve got two fans in there (one in the back corner) and three different hygrometers in there for approximate readings. I bought the fan from amazon thinking it was oscillating (as it was advertised!) but they forgot to mention it was only “manual” oscillation. Meaning you can turn it. Not oscillate on it’s own…

Anyway, I ended up calling amazon and they’re sending me a new one soon. But for now, I’m ok with just two fans in there. Humidity and temp is hanging around 70°/70%, hoping I can get my RH a bit lower in there once I defoliate again…