HL’s First Grow

Flipped to flower Wednesday. Why is the front left one so sad…? Medium isn’t fully dried out yet, only a tad damp 3-4 inches down.

Edit: the one in the back looks a bit sad too. I watered those over a week ago and just been letting their mediums dry out. I’ve been able to maintain 70°/60% humidity in there for flower. Maybe too low of humidity? I also turned my lights up to full brightness from 65%, so I dialed it back to 75% after a day. Ajhdhfkgldkhbrngmc


I pushed about 1/2 gal into them each of just water and they perked right up. They are no longer upset with me.


Drama queen’s aren’t always a bad thing, especially when you’ve them backing one another up like that.


Right! I was like… thank you for clueing me in with your wilted leaves :joy:

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Today marks week 1 of flower. They are all female! I used a mangifying glass and spotted pistils at multiple budsites on each plant. Defoliated heavily last night.

I was really surprised the smaller one turned out to be a female! So excited!!


Good morning OG !!

As my girls approached their 3rd week of flower mark, I soon discovered the front two had hermed on me. After desperately searching for as many balls I could find, I ended up needing to chop the front left plant early this morning as it had self-pollinated (tips of the pistils browning but not the whole stalk, this was evident on all the budsites) and I broke open a few bracts and confirmed my suspicions: tiny seeds being produced…

I chopped the front left plant this morning and cut off a few stalks that were pollinated on the front right as a last ditch effort…

Ya live and ya learn. This wasn’t a fuck-it grow for nothing.


I’d really love to see the whole root system of the plant I chopped. Just concerned about pollen I guess. I ended up wiping my whole tent down with iso this morning …


Dang! Sorry to hear the grow turning out like this. If you are cleaning for pollen, consider the fan’s blades and covers.

I reviewed the thread the only thing that sort of sticks out is when you changed the water after smelling a problem.

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Honestly I’m at a bit of a loss. I think the other smaller plant got pollinated as well. Browning pistil stalks and I found more sacs below the lower buds on the smaller plant. I think I should cull this out of my tent before it pollinates my last one.

Okay! We’re down to one plant. I figured it wasn’t worth the risk of keeping that smaller herm in there. A little disheartened but relieved that I only need to stress over one plant now during the rest of flower for this run. :joy:

Hey, could you expand a bit further on how it sticks out? I’m just new to this so I havent connected the dots yet

Ok. Lets say that the water got corrupt and the plants suffered some root damage due to the water being bad. Maybe that was enough stress for them to herm and here you are.

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Ohh, makes sense… thank you. I should consider keeping a calendar beside my tent instead of in a notebook off in a drawer of my waterings and when I feed/flush

I can not tell how your fan is positioned in your tent. We can blow to much air on ours leaves.
When that happens, the leaf gives up moisture to quick. Then it has a limp appearance, some times leathery looking.
However the root mass may not need any more water/tea/solution, just then.
But we give them some.
Before we realize, we are in the weeds, no pun intended.
You fan, simply being up higher in the tent, same air, just not leaf beating.
More a boiling effect, to the whole environment if you will.
Green houses do this, up well above the plants, knowing the flow will follow the shape of the walls, and bath the plants in air, over blowing on them.
Just my $.02,
All the best!!


Thank you very much!!

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Wanted to give an update as I kinda forgot to keep up with this, Lol

As I said I scrapped the other two plants and I’ve got this one. She just passed into week 9 and I fed for the last time today. Looking to harvest sometime this month!


Looking :fire: man. Same thing happened to me with my first grow of bagseed (hermies.) I’m sure most bagseeds nowadays come from hermie plants, so I’m convinced it just comes down to the genetics. I bought some legit seeds that I’m running now, I hope I never see another hermie again, it’s the worst.


WOW she is a sweetie!!
We all go through the learning curve, many of us, (me) will always be in a learning curve.

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Got some trich pix!! Day 67F. Just unsure when to harvest… I’m thinking probably another week or so?

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