HLVd and other viruses goodies

But how does that apply to someone like a small personal grower who only takes less than a handful of cuts off a bonsai mom a year? I usually only grow a particular strain once, maybe twice a year due to limited space and wanting to grow out cuts from moms of different strains?? I got into the habit of replacing a mom every time I take cuts for a grow or at least once every 6 months or so.

Why wouldn’t you simply address the deficiency and see if the plant responds? Do you have stock in the Cannabis std testing racket?

The younger generation seems to be completely disinterested in growing healthy plants. Imagine if vineyards allowed workers to toss deficient rows on a whim that it might be caused by a terminal infection. Boron would have kept those ugly leaves happy and kept aphid farmers mites etc away. Selenium will keep aphids away. And Zinc will keep your viroids away.

I promise micro nutrients grow healthier weed than a negative covid test. Living things get sick when their defense DNA isn’t being activated by enzyme cofactors which happen to be all the seemingly pointless trace elements of the world.

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Depends if you’re adding new cuts or plant material to the equation. If you are keeping the same stock and rotating crops with virus free mothers you really don’t have much to worry about, assuming you your tools aren’t touching other plants, and your neighbor isn’t running a hemp farm.


lol @westcoastcroppers aka boron guy is back!

“There is no such thing as a problem only micronutrient deficiency”

I can’t tell if you really believe this stuff or if this is an artful trolling campaign.


Lol yeah joined five days ago


If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. It’s really that simple. If you’re not taking in clones from other than there is really only about a 6%-8% chance of hplvd coming in via seed.


I find that very hard to believe.


If an effective anti viral was found, at best it would allow the plant to produce some healthy growth to take cleaner cuts, keep treating and repeat to “clone out” the disease.

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It’s possible to do this in culture to improve success of having a viroid free meristem.

Treat the media with an antiviral compound like ribavirin first and let the culture grow out. Once there is good new fresh growth then dissect the meristem.


Big Agro Cannabis Times >>>


Do you have to be a licensed farm to get tests done on your plant material or can a home grower take advantage of these tests as well?

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Wow, I live in Colo, and those green counties are just north of me. And, my town does a lot of commercial grows, including outside more and more. I’ll read that link, thanks.

After last year, my antennae are up. I only have hunches but I’m beginning to read more about it. I wish I owned a nice microscope. I had some weird things in my garden outside last year. I’m worried if people aren’t educated on this, it could start being passed along through the seeds in some cases. I plan on getting more familiar with these pathogens.


Anyone can get tests done. I think the limiting factor is number of tests needed. I tell people its not really cost effective for a lab to test less than 10 samples at a time. Some places are doing 100’s or 1000’s at a time.


Love seeing another virkon user.


There is not enough of us yet…


A question. If an infected plant is in the ground outdoors will it infect the soil in that area?

Also if seeds are made from two infected plants does the chance of the infection go up in the seed.

Thank you

No soil infection but sucking bugs can spread it.
~8% chance of spreading in seed.


I recommend watching future cannabis project. I heard a guy say that an infected plant in a soil bed aka shared root zone infected healthy ones. Who’s to say they weren’t infected already?


The virus can be transmitted by fluids like most any other virus. Would assume any roots touching, cuts in an aero/bubble cloner, etc. would all cause it to spread to other plants.


Similar to what @grief stated you are talking about a shared root zone for a living plant. I thought the question was the direct infection of soil from an infected plant.

My professional recommendation is to treat each plant like an island. Always.

And, please remember that this is a viroid and not a virus. It is much smaller and harder to manage.