Home Grown VS. Dispensary

I have no idea what people think. I have seen it in Colorado with a medical card on certain days they give away a discount stuff. People think if the weed is wet and smells like cat P they are getting something. When I go over to peoples house to smoke I’ll take my own. I don’t smoke anyone else’s.


I got a $100 QP once. Probably the worst Mexican brick anyone has ever seen. Most of the weight was probably in the seeds alone!


That’s the thing I can’t do that because if I do they’ll know what’s going on if they’re smart

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Since legalization up here you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone trying to sell weed.
I get offered everywhere and it’s usually a strain I’ve never heard of and looks like pure garbage but people would smoke their neighbors hog if it got them high and was cheap


Last time I lived in Colorado I could get good brick weed for $40 an ounce. But you got to remember that it ain’t always Mexican weed that stuff could be coming out of Tennessee and Kentucky

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And some states like Alabama and Georgia where they like to put you in jail for it but they don’t mine growing it themselves. I’m talking about the law enforcement agencies

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True, if it’s someone I know(or someone I trust voiches) I offer to help them get started(or back into like with @emoshaman ) most are shocked at how easy it can really be(not saying it’s not hard by any means but you know what I mean) with Michigan being legal for med and rec now I do keep some paranoia but I also pay attention to who I’m interacting with and am willing to help people with what I can especially when it comes to with medical related.


I use the term because people know what I mean. You are right. You never know the source. Unless you are the source.


Jon I have heard that before. And you know what we are old school. I noticed that right off the bat

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I’ll say this. I hope this doesn’t give me away. The look. The book of looks. You can read a person by the way they look and how they look at you. My wife tells me all the time that I am wrong sometimes but it always turns out I am right. Never judge a book by the cover I was always told you better read that cover.

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I got back into growing because my cousin was doing a terrible job. A 100 bucks could grow you a good bit of high quality grass. After that first harvest your saving so much money it’s not funny. You still have all your equipment. It’s hard to stop. I grow because I love the plant. I like to provide for friends and family. What I like even more is the reactions: DAMN! YOU GREW THIS!


8th grade we could get $50 Oz’s of bricky schwag from the 1 Mexican kid at our school. I think he got it from his uncle’s.


If people want to believe the dispo is exponentially better by this degree I think you can’t argue with them, enjoy your weed and extra money! :smiley::+1: :money_with_wings:


Exactly what I ment when I said it’s all in there head. They spent that much so it’s gotta be great! Smh.

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John I’m sorry I’m not trying to take over but I will say this. The price of weed is outrageous. When they started selling an ounce for $100 I am good with that. Then prices drop from there. You have people selling CBD weed mix with regular. I am not stupid. I’d rather grow mine. I have to I’m getting old my mom smokes I cannot let my mom get smoke from a crackhead weed dealer


Lol… wait $60lb…

How much was that dirt, nutes,light… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No. I know people that will give it away. I have had people beg me to load it up in my car in Oregon and bring it back home and send them what ever I can. It is the dirty south that makes the money and makes it impossible to get decent smoke. I have seen people put it in 55 gallon oil barrels to make it smell like diesel. No effing lie


I’m sure there’s plenty of good growers down south.
But as far as the price for product maybe

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I haven’t seen cheap prices around here in years. Matter fact where I live that there was only one person that even had top quality. He was like the candy shop. He was real dependable.
But now some of the stuff that they have going around I can’t smoke it. I know growers here. I’ve tried to help out also. I gave some seeds away the other day. I really hate it, not because I gave them away I would have felt better about clones.

I’ve seen people use a purple marker to colour pistils to make it a purple strain. Arts and crafts hucksterism. $$$

I can’t speak for all homegrown but I can speak for mine and I like that I know exactly what is and isn’t in it. Can’t say that for dispensaries.