Home Grown VS. Dispensary

I am literally growing my own because I am so fed up with buying crappy weed from the dispos here in Colorado. Everyone says X place has the fire, I go there and can’t find anything that doesn’t smell like hay and cardboard. It actually used to be connoisseur quality when it was first legalized but the quality of flower has gone down pretty much every year since.

I will say it’s nice to be able to have such a selection of concentrates though. But this is why I don’t smoke flower anymore, which I miss. I would rather smoke flower because smoking dabs isn’t as convenient. But the flower around here is a waste of money so I go for the concentrates.

A little hash and some flower grown my me will do me just fine.


I did like a few. This was a minute ago. I think I got off topic a bit. The like button though you off. I wish we had them here. I would go. But l would still do my own.

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Hey I’ve had growing experience since before it was legal and I even had it growing when I was going through other unrelated to pot legal stuff. In fact the plant was growing in the closet when the cops took me in the first time lmao. The plant did pretty good til Neko snatched it and ate it when I was getting the soil ready in the planter I was gonna move it to lmao. Though I’m glad it’s legal now, getting to grow plants outside in plain sight when it’s not too cold is a great thing. Plants do better with natural light cycles, though grow lights do almost as well.

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That’s got to be one of the craziest things I’ve heard people do. Sad to say I’m not that surprised.

I went to a dispensary this past weekend and bought a few varieties. It’s only the second time I’ve visited one since my state went medical.

I was on vacation in an area that receives distribution from supposedly the best cultivator around. I was mainly interested because they offer Ecto Cooler (a cross of Gorilla Biscuit x Cali-O), a strain I happen to have seeds for but had never sampled. They were having some big sales so it felt more like “I’m paying too much but it’s nice to sample something new” rather than “Why am I bent over and why is my butt sore?”.

They look quite nice at a distance but I took some macro shots of the buds. The trichomes have not been treated kindly. I’m not sure if it’s from a machine trim or perhaps packaging and transport. It still got me high…

I’ll choose my own grown over theirs for quality. MMJ is still new in these parts so prices and availability will improve with time


I personally dont get that, the dispo so good the home grown not, never gotten a buzz from dispo stuff, its always so dry i can crush it to powder. The stuff the dispos sell here by the numbers is mostly hemp. dosent have any delta 9.


They machine trim, collect all the kief, sell us what’s left of the flower and sell the trim in pre rolls and kief as another product. Not to mention that they over dry everything because the producers are so scared of losing a crop to mold found on inspection. I’m in Canada and the dispo stuff is still not where black market or home grow is and we are approaching 3 years legal.


Hey @anon62804309 :wave: I’m in Oregon too. I’m heading to the hempfest on Saturday in Oakland. Are you anywhere near Eugene or Roseburg?


Exactly! It’s one of the few things in life I don’t feel like a complete failure on(so far) . That’s what I try telling people I’d that really getting started is the hardest part( buying gear, setup etc) but that first harvest, it’s just an amazing feeling and seeing that smile and hearing the excitement in their voice when they want you to try it with em or drop ya off a few nugs to try.


Reread that dude I said "starting OR GETTING BACK INTO " lol remember you were growing in the closet when we were squatting at the first apartment, the same closet that was my bedroom :joy: I know you’ve grown before

I wish I was able to go.


At least I’m getting back into it with more knowledge. I didn’t get much out of my 8 months in Colorado but I got hella hands on learning from my uncle the whole time I was there. I’m hoping now I’ll finally get to get my own plants from start to finish. I’m confident in my skills but definitely always can learn more.


I’m glad you are, gives you something positive to focus on

The funny thing I have always found about the decades old comment of " homegrown " is shit , is the fact that pre legalization a very large part of the market was being covered by “homegrown” . Yes there has always been large operations , but the best weed has always come from the smaller ones.
One of the main reasons I choose my homegrown , is because I have no idea wtf is in the dispensary shit and neither does anyone else. As for one being better then the other , IMHO that is homegrown and not the chemical laden , greenrush trash found at most dispensaries.

With a bit of experience and knowledge , combined with the right genetics , most homegrowers can put most dispensary weed to shame .


I’ve never smoked anything worth talking about from a dispensary. Dry, under count, harsh and over priced.


You right. When the dispensaries where buying from small craft growers I’m sure it was great. Once it gets bumped up to large scale operation something ends up missing. Love and care maybe? Who knows. I know there is so many protocols to that growers of dispensaries have abide by. Perhaps that’s it.


I’m pretty excited to attend. Will be a first for me for anything weed related. I’ve been to SO many wine festivals that I can’t even remember some of them.

It sounds fun. I haven’t been in a festival in years. I did go to a small one a while back. I seen a bunch of my old friends that are from like 25+ years ago. Some old heads that have rolled around this block. I couldn’t believe it.

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I know Virginia’s got one coming up. It’s got to have one. I will be at that one or another one on the East Coast. I wanted to go to the one in New Jersey. @MyrtleGrounds I hope you have fun. I’m sure they’ll be cool swag there. I like that kind of stuff. Some cool stickers. They don’t make good stickers like they used to.

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I did one once. Got drunk of the free wine. My head hurt forever.

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