Homemade Strains Thread

So I got this pollen chuck going that I been trying to get off for a decade. My selection is kinda dismal as it was the last seeds from two packs.
TEOTWAWKI seed run from 2012. The sire was SSH from an old IC head. It was a fast selection that flowered in like 60’days. The girl is from Classic Seeds…super sweet. almost like chewing on sugar cane. Not really strong weed but Classics 50/50 was really good to have around. Sweet Oregon Gold crossed to a sativa he did not really id too much. This was in like 2006-08 or someting like that.
I made seed in 2012 and they been mothballed ever since. This spring, I dug them out and sprouted ten or so, got a good amount of males.
So here goes a low production f-2 run of these critters. It’s image called Sugar High. Sweet Oregon Gold x SSH Perifery cut.

Lets all pray for seed here. The Mommas are just babies lol no way are they mature girls but I’m betting they’re furtile. here we go…


The SD x SD is a subcool strawberry diesel x space dude…crossed with fem pollen from a reversed aficionado white cherry truffle. I did make the cross. Thank you for the kind words!


Some really interesting crosses in this thread! Nice work!


That’s sweet

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Hey so I have a question

Does this look like the ATF you had and or have
I just saw in another thread someone remarked about your thunder fuck stuff
I found this cut here in MI and so far everyone says this is the atf
ak bean brains told me it wasnt the real atf but then quickly asked for a cutting of it lol
smells like sickly sweet hot dumpster diapers


The ATF I grew is not the same as the Matanuska Thunder Fuck (bikers cut) real deal clone only strain I had…

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Did it look like that and smell like I described?
Pretty sure that’s the real atf
wasn’t even looking for it and stumbled upon it

Mi has a rich history keeping oldies around

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No, it didn’t bromigo

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it was hard to get it on camera but I’ve snever seen such beefy hairs on a bud before. idk how to explain it. buds were a olive hairs were a weird color too

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Matanuska Thunder Fuck (bikers cut) the real deal clone only strain…


I hear she’s a real speedy girl. How quick was she finishing indoors?


Afghani x (strawberry haze x banana og)
+6 month cure.

Was out of town for a week and brought a few grams of this with me…when I smoked and went back to the hotel room, I got hardcore paranoia…lol…like having a hoot at lunch and going back to school in grade 7…lol.



Was it pull the curtains shut crouch on the floor and peak out the window type shit? Or hide under the bed and not move? Lol hate when that happens !


I just filled Mrs Foreigner’s weed jar with some of your Blue Lights I grew that’s getting a little age and she said “ohh nice Lysol and lemons.”

Still good :+1:


Stardawg • early Iranian


That’s some good looking smoke brother.


I’ve been looking for some strong lemon plants! I grew a sour crack that smelled just like that and now I’m obsessed lol


That’s an awesome match up

What did the Iranian side look like?


Really fast indica, mostly single cola plants. Rock hard buds with an old school weed smell


It was a really great plant all around my only complaint is that she was a real heavy trim job.